Compendium admissions 2023-25

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PI Prep Kit 2023
1. Introduce yourself (This is a golden chance the interviewer provides for the candidate to drive the interview in the desired direction. The candidate should be prepared for every subsequent question from the initial introduction. It is best to be honest and not makeup things. Why MBA (Should have a clear answer to this question. Candidate should be prepared for subsequent questions. Why SJMSOM? (Tell them why this institute in particular)

50 4. Tell me about one thing that is unique or remarkable about you. What are your career goals, and how do you plan to achieve that (Have an answer for both short- term and long-term goals. Did you face any situation of ethical dilemmas. What are your strengths and weaknesses (Know about your weaknesses, strengths, and your achievements. If not taken into this college, what will your plans be. According to you, what is the quality of a good leader, and if given a chance to select a team, what will you look for in the team members. What is the difference between a leader and a manager. How do you think an MBA degree will add value Can you elaborate on the reasons behind changing your career path (Give concise and exact reasons. What is your single most significant achievement so far Why do you consider it to be your most significant achievement (Try to give relevant instances, preferably related to leadership skills. What are your hobbies and interests (You are expected to have general knowledge about the hobbies and interests you mention. For example, if your hobby is reading books, you might be asked questions about famous books, their authors, and other relevant things. What three changes would you like to implement in your past institute/workplace? How would they solve the problems faced by you (Make sure not to portray your previous institute in a negative light. What do you consider your biggest failure, and what are the learnings you got from it
16. What motivates you to put forth your best effort?

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