Undoing and Redoing Actions
Word provides an easy way to undo, or reverse, actions you have performed while entering and editing text or formatting a document.
The Undo command reverses the last action that was performed
The Redo option is used to revert the last undo action.
Undoing Actions
Redoing Actions
Select the Edit à Undo command.
Click the Undo () button on the Standard toolbar
Hold down the Ctrl key and press the Z key
You can undo several actions at one time by clicking the down arrow next to the Undo button to display a list of the actions you have recently performed
The Redo option is used to revert the last undo action
Select the Edit à Redo command.
Click the Redo () button on the Standard toolbar.
Hold down the Ctrl key and press the Y key.
Modifying/Formatting a Document
You can modify a document by using various formatting tools that help customize and enhance the appearance of text. Enhancing a document with character formatting enables you to draw attention to parts of the document and improve its readability. For example, you can apply different font styles and font sizes to text, or you can underline and italicize text.
Task: Identify the part of the document that needs to be modified in appearance and then change the appearance of the text
Formatting Text
Formatting text allows you to:
Draw attention to different parts of the document
Improve readability
Formatting of text includes:
Modifying font
Highlighting text
Changing case
Alignment of the text
Indentation of the text
To modify text quickly
Highlight the text that you want to format by dragging your mouse over while holding down the left mouse button
Change the text to your desire
Modifying font
You can change the appearance of text by modifying the different characteristics of fonts
Definition of Font
A font is a formatting characteristic that defines the way in which text appears in a document. It is the pattern applied to the characters in the document. Different fonts contain different collection of characters and symbols. You can change the fonts by using the Font dialog box, or by selecting required buttons from the Format toolbar
Select the text to be changed.
Select Format à Font command (Font dialog box displayed)
Select the required text formats -font style, size, color & effects
Click the OK button to apply changes to the selected text
Font Type
Font type is the preformatted design for the letters in the font. E.g., the most commonly used font types are Times New Roman and Arial