Computing Point-of-View: Modeling and Simulating Judgments of Taste

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5 Timeline

I plan to finish refactoring technical implementations and complete all evaluations by early February 2006, and the thesis and defence by the end of the spring term 2006.

6 Resources

No additional resources are required, beyond typical access to Media Lab resources, and opportunities to travel to meet with non-local readers.


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Candidate Biography

Hugo Liu is America On-Line Fellow and a dissertation-year Ph.D. candidate in the Media Arts & Sciences program of the MIT School of Architecture and Planning. Liu is developing a research programme around the computation of point-of-view and aesthetic experience, to culminate in the AAAI-2006 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Beauty and Happiness, which he will co-chair. Inspired by literary theory and informed by artificial intelligence computation, Liu's investigations span the computational modelling of, inter alia, emotion, aesthetics, culture, common sense, gustation, identity, and more recently, he has published on the semantics of happiness and time perception. Liu has published over two dozen articles and spoken extensively around these thematics— his work is recognized with two best paper prizes and has been covered by media such as Slashdot, Technology Review, and New York Times Magazine. He is author of the ConceptNet common sense reasoning research package and the popular MontyLingua natural language understanding package. Liu’s scholarly activities have included service on programme committees of international conferences, reviewerships for major journals and magazines, and keynotes and invited panel presentations. Liu holds bachelors' and masters' degrees in Computer Science from MIT.

1 Jung means his key words ‘think’, ‘feel’, ‘intuit’, and ‘sensing’ differently from their common sense.

2 One critic asks how this is consistent with my theoretical framework which prescribes that there be a cultural space which contains all possible materials within it. My reply is that the cultural space of possibilities can indeed be generated as a tensor of all possible symbols and linguistic ‘sentences’, and for each symbol and sentence, there is the 4D Jungian tensor of interpretations of that symbol. Hence, the cultural space of aesthetic perception becomes a space of spaces.

3 There is a fine point to be made on designating interests as semes rather than as classemes. A classeme is not well defined—it is merely a dominant or intratextual seme. Clearly a single interest can constitute a global thematic for a person, as some have structured their tastes around “Star Trek” or “Elvis.” Operationally, interest-semes and subculture-classemes are implemented similarly, but the promotion of subculture to classeme, above interests, is simply meant to illuminate that subcultures generally play a greater role as semantic mediator.

4 All numbers given herein were accurate as of summer, 2004

5 a qualifying clique edge is defined here as an edge whose strength is in the 80th percentile, or greater, of all edges

6 by discounting a random 50% subset of the clique’s edges by a Gaussian

factor (0.5 mu, 0.2 sigma).

7 I do not mean to indicate that these five viewpoint realms offer a complete or canonical account of an individual’s point-of-view. Rather, they are examples of some viewpoint realms which might be considered by common sense to be significant.

8 Due to the smaller scope of the planned study and the anticipated strength of bias introduced by age (younger folks might naturally be more reflexively exuberant), the subject pool will not be bifurcated, but rather, all subjects will see both control and actual mirrors.

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