Contents background and Summary of Discussions in Fifth Dean’s Committee meetings New Initiatives

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Introduction to Apiculture 1+1

Theory: History and development of Bee-keeping. How, when and where to start bee-keeping. Species of honeybees, their colony structure; morphology and anatomy, glandular system in relation to behaviour. Bee biology, caste determination, swarming and its prevention; robbing and its prevention. Age related activities of workers. Communication in honeybees. Queen rearing and multiplication of colony. Queenless colonies and their rectification. Seasonal management practices. Study of bees as pollinators, bee flora and pollination management. Pests and diseases of bees. Hive products and their uses. Poisoning of bees and its prevention. Economics of bee keeping.

Practical: Identification of honeybee species, their castes, comb structure and stages. Handling of bee colony and colony inspection. Study of beehives and bee keeping equipments. Dissection of worker bees to study different morphological and anatomical characteristics. Hiving of colony, management practices like feeding, dividing, uniting, prevention of swarming, robbing and absconding. Fixing comb foundation sheet, providing of super chamber; extraction, processing and testing of honey and other products. Study of bees as pollinators. Identification of bee flora. Identification of bee pests and diseases. Visit to important apiaries and bee keeping societies around the region.

  1. Pests of Crops and stored Products and Management 2+1

Theory: Distribution, biology, nature and symptoms of damage and management stratergies of insect and non-insect pests of rice, sorghum, maize, ragi, wheat, sugarcane, cotton, mesta, sunhemp, pulses, groundnut, castor, sesamum, safflower, sunflower, mustard, brinjal, bhendi, tomato, cruciferous and cucurbutaceous vegetables, potato, sweet potato, colacasia, moringa, amaranthus, chillies, mango, citrus, grapevine, cashew, banana, pomegranate, guava, sapota, ber, apple, coconut, arecanut, tobacco, coffee, tea, turmeric, betelvine, onion, coriander, garlic, curry leaf, pepper, ginger and ornamental plants. Stored grain pests-coleopteran and lepidopteran pests, their biology and damage, preventive and curative methods.

Practicals: Identification of pests of rice, sorghum, maize, wheat, sugarcane, cotton, pulses, Solanacceous and Malvaceous vegetables, Cruciferous and Cucurbitaceous vegetables, chilli, mango, citrus and sapota, their damage symptoms and management.

  1. Pests of Host Plants of Silkworms and their Management 1+1

Theory: Concepts and principles of crop pest management, status of a pest. Biotic potential and environmental resistance. Insect and non-insect pests of Host Plants of mulberry and non-mulberry silkworms (Host plants of tasar, eri and muga silkworms namely Terminalia spp. Sal, Oak, Castor etc.) sequence of their appearance, duration, intensity, nature and symptoms of attack. Bioecology of pests, Management practices, measures of control. Pesticides residue problems, safety periods to be observed.

Practicals: Study of various pests of host plants, their diagnostic characters, symptoms of damage and management measures to be adopted. Visit to crop fields to record the incidence of pests noticed and control measures, management practices suggested in each case, in addition to recording nature and symptoms of damage and estimation of losses. Collection of pests and affected samples of host plants of Silkworms.

  1. Fundamentals of Rural Sociology, Educational Psychology and Constitution of India 0+2

Practicals: Sociology and Rural Sociology: Meaning, Definition, Scope, Importance of Rural Sociology in Agricultural Extension: Indian Rural Society: Important characteristics, Differences between Rural and Urban communities; Social Groups: Meaning, Definition, Classification, Factors considered in formation of groups; Social Stratification- Meaning, Definition, Bases for stratification, Forms of Social stratification- Characteristics and Differences between Class and Caste Systems; Cultural concepts: Culture, Customs, Folkways, Mores, Taboos and Rituals: Meaning and Definition; Social Values: Meaning, Definition and Types; Social Institutions: Meaning, Definition, Major institutions- Family, Village Panchayat and Co-operatives- their Functions and Role in Agricultural Extension; Social Organizations- Meaning, Definition and their types; social control- Meaning, Definition, Need of social control and means of social control; social change-meaning, definition, Nature of Social change, Dimensions of social change and factors of social change; Leadership-Meaning, Definition, Classification and Role of leaders in Agricultural Extension. Psychology and Educational Psychology: Meaning, Definition, Scope and Importance of Educational Psychology in Agricultural Extension. Experiment: Introduction to experimental psychology. Intelligence: Meaning, Definition, Types, Factors affecting intelligence and Importance of intelligence in Agricultural Extension. Experiment: 1 Non-verbal test (RPM). 2. Verbal test (GMAT). Personality: Meaning, Definition, Types, Factors influencing Personality and its Role in Agricultural Extension. Experiment:1.Eysenk personality inventory; 2.Edward’s personality inventory. Teaching- Learning process: Meaning and Definition of Teaching, Learning, Learning experience and Learning situation, Elements of learning situation and its characteristics; Principles of learning and their implication for Teaching. Experiment: 1. Associative learning; 2. Trial and error learning. Attitudes: Meaning, Definition, Factors influencing and their Role in Agricultural Extension; Experiment: Attitude measurement. Meaning, Preamble and Characteristics of Constitution of India; Fundamental Rights and Duties; Directive Principles of State Policy; Constitutional provisions for welfare of SCs and STs, Minorities, Women and Children; Union Executive: President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers- Powers and Functions; Parliament and Supreme Court of India-Powers and Functions; State Executive: Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers; Legislature and Judiciary: Powers and Functions; Electoral Process; Human Rights Commission-Structure, Powers and Functions.

  1. Fundamentals of Extension and Rural Development 1+1

Theory: Education – Meaning, Definition, Types – Formal, Informal and Non-formal education and their Characteristics. Extension Education and Agricultural Extension – Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Objectives and Principles. Rural development – Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Objectives, Importance and Problems in rural development. Developmental programmes of pre-independence era – Sriniketan, Marthandam, Gurgaon experiment and Gandhian constructive proprogramme. Development programmes of Post independence era, Firka Development, Etawah – Pilot project and Nilokheri Experiment. Community Development Programme – Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Philosophy, Principles, Objectives, Differences between Community Development and Extension Education, National Extension service. Panchayat Raj system – Meaning of Democratic – Decentralization and Panchayat Raj, Three tiers of Panchayat Raj system, Powers, Functions and Organizational setup. Agricultural Development Programmes with reference to year of start, objectives & salient features – Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP), High Yielding Varieties Programme (HYVP), Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP), Watershed Development Programme (WDP), National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), ATMA, ATIC. Social Justice and Poverty alleviation programmes – Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Swarna Jayanthi Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY), Prime Minister Employment Yojana (PMEY). New trends in extension, privatization. Women Development programmes – Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA), SHG/ Stree Shakt Yojana; Reorganized extension system (T&V System) – Salient features, Fortnight Meetings, Monthly workshops, Linkages, Merits and Demerits, Emergence of Broad Based Extension (BBE). Raitha Samparka Kendras (RSK’s). Entrepreneurship Development: Assessing overall business environment in the Indian Economy. Over view of Indian Social, Political and Economic Systems and their implications for decision making by individual entrepreneurs. Globalization and emerging business / entrepreneurial environment concept of Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial, managerial characteristics; managing an enterprise: motivation and Entrepreneurship Development: Importance of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and follow up; managing competition; Entrepreneurship Development Programme: SWOT analysis, generation, incubation and commercialization of ideas and innovations. Government schemes and incentives for promotion of entrepreneurship. Government policy on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) / SSIs. Export and Import policies relevant to Agriculture Sector. Venture capital. Contract farming and joint ventures, Public – Private partnership. Overview of Agri-inputs industry. Characteristics of Indian Agricultural Processing and Export Industry. Social Responsibility of business. ICAR TOT programs - National demonstrations, ORPs, Lab-to-Land programme, KVK’s. Recent Advances in Rural Development Programmes-MGNAREGA, Krishi Bhagya

Practicals : Visits to a village and kissan mandal to study the ongoing development programmes. Visits to Panchayat Raj Institutions to study the functioning of Gram Panchayat (GP) & Zilla Praja Parishad (ZPP). Visit and study the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). Participation in Bimonthly workshops of Training and Visit (T & V) System. Visit to Watershed Development Project area. Visit to a village to study the Self Help Groups (SHGs) of DWCRA. Visit to a voluntary organization to study the developmental activities. Organizing PRA techniques in a village to identify the agricultural problems. Review of selected case studies. SWOT Analysis of Selected Entrepreneurs / Enterprises.

  1. Communication and Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Technology 2+1

Theory: Communication –Meaning, Definition, Models, Elements and their characteristics, types and barriers in communication. Extension Programme, Planning- Meaning, Definitions of Planning, Programme, Project, Importance, Principles and Steps in Programme Development Process, Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension Programmes. Extension teaching methods-meaning, Definition, Functions and Classifications. Individual Contact Methods – Farm and Home visit, Result Demonstration, Field Trials-Meaning, Objectives, Steps, Merits and Demerits. Group Contact Methods-Group Discussion, Method Demonstration, Field Trips – Meaning, Objectives, Steps, Merits and Demerits. Small Group Discussion Techniques – Lecture, Symposium, Panel, Debate, Forum, Buzz Group, Work Shop, Brain Storming, Seminar and Conference. Mass Contact Methods- Campaign, Exhibition, Kissan Mela, Radio and Television-Meaning, Importance, Steps, Merits and Demerits. Factors influencing the selection of Extension Teaching Methods and Combination (Media Mix) of teaching methods. Innovative Information Sources – Internet, Cyber Cafes, Video and Tele Conferences, Kissan Call Centres, Consultancy Clinics. Agricultural Journalism – Meaning, Scope and Importance, Sources of News, Types, Merits and Limitations. Innovation – Decision Process- Elements, Adopter Categories and their characteristics, Factors influencing Adoption Process. Capacity building of Extension Personnel and Farmers- Meaning, Definition, Types of Training, Training of Farmers, Farmwomen and Rural Youth - FTC and KVK.

Communications Skills: Structural and Functional Grammar: Meaning and Process of Communication, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication; listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab. Record; indexing, foot note and bibliographic procedure. Reading and Comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking; Group Discussion, Organizing Seminars and Conferences.

Practicals: Stimulated exercises on communication. Identifying the problems, Fixing the priorities and selecting the most important problem for preparation of a project. Developing a project based on identified the problem in a selected village. Organisation of Group Discussion and method demonstration. Visit to KVK/FTC. Planning and writing of scripts for Radio and Television. Audio-visual Aids - meaning, importance and classification. Selection, planning, preparation, evaluation and presentation of visual aids. Planning and preparation of Visual Aids-Charts, Posters, Flip chart, Flash cards, Flannel graphs, over head projector (OHP) transparencies, power point slides, Planning and preparation of Agricultural Information materials – leaflets, folder, pamphlet, News stories, success stories. Handling of public address equipment (PAE) system. Still camera, video camera and liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projector. Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills: field diary and lab record: indexing, foot note and bibliographic procedures. Reading and Comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing; individual and group presentations.

  1. Agricultural Microbiology 1+1

Theory: History of microbiology: Spontaneous generation theory, Germ theory of disease, Protection against infections, Metabolism in bacteria: ATP generation, chemoautotrophy, photo autotrophy, respiration, fermentation, Bacteriophages: structure and properties of Bacterial viruses – Lytic and Lysogenic cycles: viroids, prions. Bacterial genetics; Gene Expression; Genetic recombination: transformation, conjugation and transduction, genetic engineering, Plasmids, episomes, genetically modified organisms. Soil Microbiology: Microbial groups in soil, microbial transformations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, Biological nitrogen fixation. Microflora of Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere microflora, microbes in composting.

Practicals: General instructions- Familiarization with instruments, materials, glassware etc. in a microbiology laboratory. Practice of aseptic methods- Evaluation of aseptic technique with Nutrient both tubes- Evaluation of aseptic technique with a Nutrient agar plate. Methods of sterilization and preparation of media, preparation of nutrient broth, nutrient agar plates, nutrient agar, slants and nutrient agar stabling- Sterilization of glassware by Dry heating- Sterilization of nutrient broth by Filtration. Planting methods for Isolation and Purification of bacteria- Isolation of bacteria by Enrichment using Streak plate method- Checking of purity of a bacteria by staining methods and Biochemical tests- Morphological examination of bacteria by simple and Differential staining- Different biochemical tests for identification of bacterial culture. Enumeration of bacteria- Enumeration of bacteria by Stain slide method- Enumeration of bacteria by Most Probable Number method- Enumeration of bacteria by Pour plate method and Spread plate method. Experiments in soil Microbiology- Study of rhizosphere and phyllosphere microflora- Isolation of Nitrogen fixing bacteria from soil – Isolation of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms. Isolation and characterization of microorganisms in composts.

  1. Applied Microbiology 1+1

Theory: Applied areas of Microbiology. Role of microbes in fermentation and Industry. Microbiology of Water: Microorganisms in fresh and marine water. Potability of water and waste water treatment processes. Microbiology of food: microbioal spoilage and principles of food preservation. Beneficial microorganisms in Agriculture: Biofertilizer (Bacterial Cyanobacterial and Fungal), microbial insecticides, Microbial agents for control of Plant diseases. Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Biogas production, Biodegradable plastics, Plant-Microbe interactions. Biology and cultivation of Mushroom: Introduction to mushroom, fungi, Morphology and classification, edible and poisonous mushrooms, cultivation of different types of mushrooms.

Practicals: Determination of microbiological quality of water- MPN method of water analysis- Potability of water- Examination of water for coli form bacteria; Spoilage microorganisms in food-Isolation and examination of spoilage causing microorganisms in fruits and vegetables-Role of microorganisms in vegetable fermentation- Yeast fermentation of fruits for preparation of wine; Study of beneficial microorganisms in agriculture- Mass production of biofertilizers- Study of antagonistic activity of microorganisms against plant pathogens-Isolation of Bacillus thuringiensis and its activity on insects- Study of symbiotic interactions in plants; Study of biodegradation of organic matter- Isolation of lignocellulose microorganisms- Preparation of microbial enriched composts- Experiment on Biogas production; Experiments on mushroom cultivation- Different types of edible and non – edible mushrooms and their identification- Preparation of spawn- Cultivation of Pleurotus and Agaricus mushrooms.

  1. Livestock and Fish Production Management 2+1

Theory: Place of livestock in the national economy, different livestock development programmes of Govt. of India. Important exotic and Indian breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine. Measures and factors affecting fertility in livestock, reproductive behaviour like oestrus, parturition, farrowing etc. Milk secretion, milking of animals and factors affecting milk yield and composition. Selection and breeding of livestock for higher milk and meat production. Feeding and management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals and other classes and types of animals, housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock. Disease control measures , sanitation and care, breeding, feeding and production records. Breed characteristics of poultry, their methods of rearing, breeding, feeding and management, incubation, hatching and brooding, vaccination and prevention of diseases, preservation and marketing of eggs, its economics and keeping quality. Cost of production of milk, economical units of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine. Fisheries resources of India, commercial important fishes and their production.

Practicals: Identification, handing and restraining of animals; Judging and culling; Feeding and ration formulation; Hatching, housing and management of poultry; Visit to livestock farms and Economics of livestock production. Field visit to fresh water fish farm to study fish production technology.

  1. Plant Biotechnology 1+1

Theory: Concepts of Plant Biotechnology- History of Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Genetic Engineering; Scope and importance in Crop Improvement- Totipotency and Morphogenesis, Nutritional requirements of in-vitro cultures; Techniques of In-vitro cultures, Micro propagation, Anther culture, Pollen culture, Ovule culture, Embryo culture, Test tube fertilization, Endosperm culture, applications. Somaclonal variation: Types, Reasons: Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production technology; Protoplast isolation, culture, manipulation and fusion; products of somatic hybrids and cybrids. Applications in crop improvement. Genetic engineering; Restriction enzymes; Vectors for gene transfer- gene cloning-direct and indirect method of gene transfer- transgenic plants and their applications. Blotting techniques- DNA finger printing – DNA based markers- RFLP, AFLP, RAPD, SSR and DNA Probes.

Practicals: Requirements for Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory; Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture; Media components and preparations; Sterilization techniques and Inoculation of various explants; Aseptic manipulation of various explants ;Callus induction and Plant Regeneration; Micro propagation of important crops; Anther, Embryo and Endosperm culture; Hardening/ Acclimatization of regenerated plants; Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production; Isolation of protoplast; Demonstration of Culturing of protoplast; Demonstration of Isolation of DNA; Demonstration of Gene transfer techniques-direct methods; Demonstration of Gene transfer techniques-indirect methods; Demonstration of Confirmation of Genetic transformation; Demonstration of gel-electrophoresis techniques. Restriction enzymes for digestion of DNA.

  1. Crop Physiology 2+1

Theory: Introduction, importance in Agriculture. Growth and development- Definition-determinate and indeterminate growth, Monocarpic and polycarpic species with examples. Measurement of growth, Growth analysis, Growth characteristics, Definitions and mathematical formulae. Crop water Relations: Physiological importance of water to plants, water potential and its components, measurement of water status in plants. Transpiration, significance, Transpiration in relation to crop productivity, Water use efficiency, WUE in C3 C4 and CAM plants. Factors affecting WUE. Photosynthesis: Energy synthesis, Significance of C3 , C4 and CAM Pathway, Relation of photosynthesis and crop productivity, Translocation of assimilates, Phloem loading, apoplastic and symplastic transport of assimilates, source and sink concept, photorespiration, Factors affecting photosynthesis and productivity, Methods of measuring photosynthesis, Dry matter partitioning, Harvest index of crops. Respiration and its significance: Brief account of growth, respiration and maintenance respiration. Alternate respiration- measurement of respiration Nutriophysiology: Definition-Mengel’s classification of plant nutrients-Physiology of nutrient uptake – Functions of plant nutrients-Deficiency and toxicity symptoms of plant nutrients-Foliar nutrition-Hydroponics. Plant growth regulators- occurrence-Biosynthesis-Mode of action of auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinis, ABA, Ethylene. Novel plant growth regulators, Commercial application of plant growth regulators in agriculture. Photoperiodism and Vernalization in relation to crop productivity: Senescence and abscission- Definition – Climateric and non-climacteric fruits-Hormonal regulation of fruit ripening. Post harvest physiology- Seed dormancy-Definition-types of seed dormancy- Advantages and disadvantages of seed dormancy-causes and remedial measures for breaking seed dormancy.

Practicals: Preparation of solutions; Growth analysis: Calculation of growth parameters; Methods of measuring water status in plant tissue; Measurement of water potential by Chardakov’s method; Measurement of absorption spectrum of chloroplastic pigments and fluorescence ; Measurement of leaf area by various methods; Stomatal frequency and index-Measurement of respiration rate; Leaf anatomy of C3 and C4 Plants. Transpiration measurement; imbibitions of seed; Breaking seed dormancy; (a) Chemical method (b) Mechanical method; Seed viability and vigour tests; Effect of ethylene on ripening, Influence of Auxin on rooting.

  1. Introduction to Forestry 1+1

Theory: Definition of Forest and Forestry, importance, History, Forestry Education and Research in India, various branches in forestry. National Forest Policy of 1894, 1952, 1988: Indian Forest Act-1927: Karnataka Tree Preservation Act: Forest Conservation Act-1980: The Environment (Protection) Act-1986: Indian Wildlife Preservation Act-1972: Amendments to Environment (Protection) Act-1999. Forest wealth in India: Forest productivity. Deforestation: Various causes and implications, desertification, afforestation, reforestation. Indian wildlife and management. National parks and sanctuaries, endangered species; Forest ecosystem, natural forests and their formation, succession and zonation, limiting factors: climax vegetation, types of natural forests and their distribution. Food chain, natural forests, V/s man-made forest. Social forestry and its branches: Extension forestry, urban forestry, recreation forestry. Farm-forestry: Agro-forestry methods, woodlot system etc., and their management, windbreaks and shelterbelts: different types of waste lands and their reclamation through afforestation and joint forest management.

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