4.5 (C) steps taken for contributing in the educational sector: Historically, people of the surrounded villages are attracted to migration to different parts of the globe. The giant energy company is playing role for improving every aspects of the life of the local people. Not all the activities directed by Chevron are negligible. It has played a significant role in the educational sector of the surrounding areas. They have designed scholarship scheme Under the Quality Education Support initiative for the meritorious underprivileged students. Their scheme covers almost all institutions of Inatganj and Dighalbak Union and selected institutions from various Unions of Nabiganj Upazila. There are two ways of selecting the recipients for the scholarship scheme. The first kind of scholarship is provided those who has achieved a remarkable results in any public exams, like, PSC, JSC/JDC, SSC/SDC and HSC or Alim exam. In addition, the scholarship awards those students who positioned between 1 and 3 roll in the class. Another criterion for selecting students for awarding is the financial condition. Students from lower strata of the society, who cannot manage their cost of education, are being selected as the recipients of the scholarship. Furthermore, this scholarship also rewards those students who have admitted to any public universities of Bangladesh. There was an inclusive approach for selecting institutions. Weather school or madrasa, there was no discrimination in case of type of the institutions. This scholarship scheme has started its journey in 2001. Only in 2018, Chevron has provided scholarship to 824 students from 24 institutions.
picture: Chevron’ scholarship distribution (https://bangladesh.chevron.com/community/education-and-training)
Another project namely “SHIKHON” has been directed with the joint endeavor of Chevron and Save the Children. The aim of this project is to provide 3 years of accelerated education to 1800 drop-out students from 46 villages. In June 2018, another agreement was signed to include the most marginalized students, aged from 5 to 7, for equipping students’ capacity equivalent to grade 1 and 2 via 60 early primary education center. This project not only considers the students but also involves the participation of guardians of each student. Along with guardians, the projects also connected 660 local community members. Beside, providing stipend, other forms of assistance are distributed among the students. For more illustration, pen bag and sometimes uniform is distributed to the students in order to encourage them towards education. What is more, Chevron is providing financial support for infrastructural development of the institutions of the local area. Sanitation, playground and furniture, computer and other essential equipments also provided by Chevron to the institutions. Moreover, provided assistance is not confined to the materials, Chevron already has built guestroom and complementary infrastructural setup.
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