B. Complete the following words and word combinations.
Most disabled students are integrated into the m________ educational system.
Joining a chat channel, c____ r_____ on chat forum is like arriving at a party.
The government is m________ the situation closely.
It is important to look at the political and c_______ c_______ in which the novel was written.
Olivetti o_______ in all the major computer markets in the world.
Many people are unable to a_______ the unhappiness they feel.
Your attitudes about sex are affected by your religious and moral v_______.
The demand for phone numbers has increased since the a_______ of mobile phones.
We live in an e____ of instant communication.
Suburban schools gleam with modern g_______, while inner-city schools lack basic text books.
The new rate would be about 1 megabit per second, enough to t_______ a small novel in a blink.
The m_______ is attractively displayed and the assistants are friendly and helpful.
What they get from i_______ is simplification in administration, collection and sales.
The particles themselves remain separate and d_______ when it comes to being passed on to the next generation.
Some newspapers feel they have to p_______ to the prejudices of their readers.
I don't agree with the v_______ that longer prison sentences stop people from committing crime.
I'm not sure that this film will appeal to British a_______.
Despite an o_______, the university refused to change its admission policies.
The program is due to a___ next month.
Guess who I ran into on the street at the height of my a_______?
The violence was blamed on thugs e_______ the situation.
We must continue to s____ f___ greater efficiency.
The fight ended only with the t______ arrival of the police.
They promise i_______ action to help the unemployed.
She c________ the cause of religious freedom.
These hotels still offer the sort of service which was the h_______ of the grand days of travel.
He was finding it difficult to s_______ a b_______ b_______ his family and his work.
C. Give the derivatives of the following words.
VI. Translation
A. Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Обычные газеты; дискуссионная комната в сети Интернет; контролировать стремительные изменения; культурная среда; функционировать; определять собственные устои; пришествие наглядных и электронных средств коммуникации; приборы для осуществления коммуникации; передавать по всему миру; продукция; рекламные ролики; обособленные сегменты; потворствовать самым низким желаниям, предрассудкам и стереотипам; недоверие, с которым многие люди относятся к известным общественным институтам; аудитории; общественный протест; основные общественные горести; в угоду коммерческим интересам и зрелищности; выходить в эфир; стремиться к достижению современного идеала; своевременное и безотлагательное освещение событий; печатные формы первых страниц; ставить во главу угла; отличительная особенность; выбор взвешенной позиции между критикой и терпимостью.
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