Step 2, 3 and 4or task, is a form of laziness.
Now we now know
WHAT to inventory. Next,
we need to decide WHO does the writing.
For guidance on this subject,
let’s look
to our New York City cofounder, Bill W.
2-52 Photo Bill and Ebby:On page 13, Bill describes the inventory process he went through in one day. Starting with the fifth
line in the second paragraph, Bill states:
2-53 (page 13, para. 2, lines 5-7)“. . . I ruthlessly faced my sins and became willing to have my
newfound Friend take them away, root and branch.”
A.A., p. 13, para. 2, lines Bill doesn’t say, I ruthlessly wrote down my sins All he does is acknowledge that he has some shortcomings.
In the third paragraph on page 13, Bill discusses his shortcomings with his sharing partner:
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