LNN/IMD: Learning and Holographic Image Archive: -
LNN01: Khan Javed. I. & D. Yun, Characteristics of Holographic Associative Memory in Retrieval with Localizable Attention, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol-9, Issue-7, May '98, p.389-406. (GS(6))[IEEE] [PDF]
IMD02: Khan Javed. I. & D. Yun, Holographic Image Archive, Intl. Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Special Issue on Medical Image Databases, Pergamon Elsvier Science, U.K., Vol 20 no 4, July-Aug 1996, pp243-257. (OS((1)). [PDF]
IMD03: Khan Javed. I., Intermediate Annotationless Content-Based Query and Retrieval in Massive Image Archives with Holographic Information Representation , Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Special Issue on Indexing, Storage, Retrieval and Browsing of Image and Video, Vol 7, no 4, 1997, pp378-393. (OS(2)). [PDF]
LNN04: Khan Javed I & D. Yun, A Parallel Distributed and Associative Approach for Searching into Image Pattern with Complex Dynamics, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Special Issue on Visual Information Systems, Vol 8, no 2, June 1997, pp303-331. OS((1)). [PDF]
WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid S. Shaikh, A Phenotype Reputation Estimation Function and its Study of Resilience to Social Attacks, Journal of Network and Computer Application, Elsevier, (April 2009, accepted Dec 2008, 1084-8045, Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2008.12.003).
WIC: Javed I. Khan, Kailas Bobade and Manas Hardas, Personalized Negotiation Based on Individualization: Incorporating Personalization into Peer to Peer System, 5th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, ITNG 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 7-9, 2008, Pages 615-621. [KhBH08]
P2P: Javed I. Khan & Adam Wierzbicki, Guest editors’ introduction Foundations of peer-to-peer systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 2, 5 February 2008, pp187-189. [DOI] [PDF]
P2P: Javed I. Khan & Adam Wierzbicki, Guest editors’ introduction: Disruptive networking with peer-to-peer systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 3, 25 February 2008, pp419-422. [DOI] [PDF]
P2P: Javed I. Khan, Asrar U. Haque, Computing with Data Non-Determinism: Wait Time Management for Peer-to-peer Systems, Special Issue on Disruptive Networking with Peer-to-Peer Systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier Volume 31, Issue 3, 25 February 2008, pp.629-642. Elsevier science direct http://www.sciencedirect.com/ ] [DOI] [PDF]
WIC: Javed I. Khan, Kailas Bobade and Manas Hardas, Negotiation Based on Individualization: Incorporating Personalization into Federation, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, 2007, IEEE Press, December 2007, Cairo, Egypt, pp 309 -314. [KhBH07]
WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid Shaikh, A Multi-scenario Reputation Estimation Framework and its Resilience Study against Various forms of Attacks, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'07), Silicon Valley, Nov 2007, pp 676-682, [IEEEE07] [KhSh07b]
WIC: Javed I. Khan, Kailash Bobade, and Manas Hardas, Intra-Federation Credential Negotiation based on Individualized Release Strategy, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, CIIT 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June, 2007, pp575-122. [KhBH07]
WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid S. Shaikh, Computing in Social Networks with Relationship Algebra. Journal of Network and Computer Application, Elsevier, 2007, (accepted May 2007). Volume 31, Issue 4, November 2008, Pages 862-878. [DOI] [KhSh07a]
WIC: Javed I. Khan & Sajid Shaikh, Relationship Algebra for Computing in Social Networks and Social Network Based Applications, Proceedings of the he 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'06), Hong Kong, December 2006, pp. 113-116. [KhSh06]
WIC: Javed I. Khan and Kamesh Palanisamy, Stream Assignment for Grid Network with Joint Communication and Computation Constraints, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Communications Society/Create-Net International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, BROADNET05, Boston, USA, October 2005, ISBN: 0-7803-9277-9, pp.550-558. [KhPa05]
WIC: Javed I. Khan, Emerging Era of Cooperative Empowerment: Grid, Peer-to-Peer, and Community Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, ICICT 2005, Karachi, Pakistan, IEEE Press, ISBN 0-7803-9421-6, August 2005, pp.45-51, [Khan05]
WIC: Javed I. Khan, Guest Editor’s Introduction, Interactive Converging Technologies for Internet based Active and Programmable Systems, Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier, 2005, 28 (2005), pp589-590. [DOI] [Khan05]
WIC: Javed I. Khan and Asrar U. Haque, Maximizing Lifetime of Power Limited Network with Active Minimum Spanning Tree Aggregation, Proceedings of the 17th Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, PDCS 2004, MIT, Cambridge, USA, ACTA Press, ISBN: 0-88986-421-7, November 9-11, 2004, v.439-055. [ACTAPRESS] [KhHa04]
WIC: Seung S. Yang and Javed I. Khan, Open Standard based Visualization of Internet Computing Systems, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, Penang, Malaysia, 26-29 July 2004, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg LNCS , ISBN 983-861-289-8, p319-327, [ [SPRINGERLINK] [YaKh04]
WIC: Javed I. Khan & Seung S. Yang, Delay and Jitter Minimization in High Performance Internet Computing, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on High Performance Computing, HiPC2003, Hyderabad, India, December 2003, pp.311-322. [KhYa03]
WIC: S. S. Yang & Javed I. Khan, Delay and Jitter Minimization in Active Diffusion Computing, The 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, Orlando, SAINT 2003, Florida, January 2003, pp.292-300, [YaKh03] ((GS(1)).
WIC: Javed I. Khan and Asrar Haque, An Active Programmable Communication Harness for Measurement of Composite Network States, IEEE International Conference on Networking, ICN’ 2001, pp628-638. [KhHa01]
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