Definitions Applications to Benzoid Hydrocarbons

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The graph can only be oriented if it is bipartite, so next

we reinterpret the augmenting path approach in terms of matchings.

Let M

be a


(1,4), (2,6), (7,11), (9,12) and (10,14) are matched arcs.

1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 14 are matched nodes.

A path P (or cycle C) is alternating (with respect to M) if

it alternates between matched and unmatched arcs. An alternating path is even or odd depending on how many arcs it contains (an alternating cycle must be even).

Examples: 8-12-9-13 is even; 10-14-11-7-3 is odd.

An augmenting path is an alternating path that starts and ends at an unmatched node.

Examples: 8-12-9-13 or 13-10-14-11-7-3.

  • Must augmenting paths be odd or even?

Redesignating arcs along an augmenting path increases the size of a matching:

This is conveniently described in terms of the symmetric difference,

S  T = (S \ T)  (T \ S).

Proposition: If M is a matching and P is an augmenting path, then M  P is a matching of cardinality |M|+1. All matched nodes in M remain matched in M  P.

Proposition: If M and M* are two matchings, then every component of the subgraph G* = (N, M  M*) has one of the following structures:

  1. isolated nodes,

  2. alternating paths, or

  3. alternating cycles.

Proof: Every node in G* has degree 0, 1 or 2. Thus G*

is composed of isolated nodes, paths and cycles, which must necessarily be alternating.


Theorem. If a node p is unmatched in a matching M,

and there is no augmenting path starting at p, then p is unmatched in some maximum matching.
Proof: Let M* be a maximum matching. If node p is un-matched in M* then there is nothing to show.
If p is matched in M*, consider M  M*. The fact that p is unmatched in M implies that p must be the endpoint of an alternating path in G*. The only two possibilities are:

The first identifies an augmenting path starting at p.

If P is a path of the second kind, then M' = M*  P is a maximum matching not containing p.




M :=  ;

for each unmatched node p  N do

if there is an augmenting path P starting at p

then augment M M  P

else delete p and its incident arcs from G;

Improvement: Instead of M :=  , start with a maximal matching, which can be found in O(m) time.

  • Is the algorithm correct?

  • How can we find an augmenting path?


Idea: Grow a tree T of alternating paths rooted at p. Label each node “odd” or “even” based on the type of alternating path.


  • How can we extend such a path?



  • Does the labelling procedure always find an augmenting path when there is one?

Unique label property. A graph G has the unique label property (with respect to a matching M and a node p) if the same labels (even or odd) are assigned, irrespective of the order in which the nodes are examined.


Note: Bipartite graphs have the unique label property.

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