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While waiting for the Seven Years' War to come to an end, British military government
was _______________________ in the colony, between 1760 and 1763, to facilitate its administration and to maintain order. British military rule did not interfere with the laws, religion and language.
The seigneurial system and the captains of the ______________ were retained.

Cloze Activity

surrendered religion militia language

stayed lay peace military


Word Sort: Sort the words under the following categories.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives
Define the Articles of Capitulation.

Assessment Sheet


Quiz 1

Quiz 2





North America in the 1740s

History Review

Use the Smartboard presentation to review the concepts for the final test. You can administer the game how you want as rules, teams, etc. If you don’t have access to a Smartboard, use an overhead project and the questions and answer sheet that is attached.

History Review Jeopardy Questions

War and Conflict




Fur Trade


This is where James Wolfe and General Montcalm fought an important battle.

The Acadians spoke this language.

He was the King’s representative in New France.

An Intendant in New France who was responsible for increasing the population to New France

The animal that provided many of the furs to the hats in France.

This native group lived in the Eastern part of Canada near the Appalachians.

This native group were bitter enemies of the French because Samuel de Champlain befriended the Hurons.

The Acadians were asked to swear this so they would not fight against the British.

He was head of the Catholic Church in New France and was on the Sovereign Council.

The father of New France. Was the first to establish a permanent settlement in New France.

The person who carried the furs to the trading posts. Were trained by native people.

The Iroquois lived in this type of shelter.

This treaty was signed at the end of the Seven Years War.

Acadia covered parts of these two present day provinces.

Had the most power and influence in the government in New France.

She was a nun in New France who played an important role by developing a language dictionary.

This native group was befriended by the French to help them in the fur trade.

Another name for a medicine man who was thought to have control over evil spirits and forces of nature.

The British took control of this French fort on Cape Breton Island which allowed them access to the St. Lawrence River.

At the end of this war Acadia became a British colony.

The number of clerks who part of the Sovereign Council.

The King of France who was responsible for the exploration and development of New France.

This group was granted exclusive rights to the fur trading in the Hudson Bay area.

The name of the parish that Christian missionaries first built among the Hurons.

This was presented to General Amherst after New France came under British control on behalf of the French.

When Acadia became a British colony.

The Sovereign Council’s name was changed to this in 1703.

A person who is not a full time soldier.

Another name for the courier de bois.

The type of society where the women plays an important role and men become part of their clan.

History of New France

Quiz #1 Name: ___________________

Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition. (9 marks)

a. wigwam b. shaman c. matriarchal

d. census e. patriarchal f. colonization

g. monopolies h. courier de bois i. pemmican

___ A religious figure who could communicate with spirits.

___ This was a dwelling lived in by Algonquin Indians prior to European contact.

___ A person who took part in the fur trade; assisted native people and European with the fur trade.

___ The women owned all the property and determined kinship in this kind of society.

___ The men owned all the property and determined kinship in this kind of society.

___ A collection of data on a given population.

___ A food used by courier de bois and North American Indians.

___ The process of gaining colonies to provide markets for the mother country.

___ When one company owns all the rights to selling a product or good in a market.

Part B: True and False (6 marks)

1. ___ Jean Talon was the first indendant of New France.

2. ___ The Iroquois lived in longhouses.

3. ___ The Plains Indians were sedentary and not nomadic.

4. ___ The Iroquois were a matriarchal society.

5. ___ There were very few women in New France because of the fur trade.

6. ___ The site of the l’habitation in 1608 was present day Montreal.

Part C: Multiple Choice (7 marks)

1. He was considered the father of New France.

a) Jean Talon

b) Samuel de Champlain

c) King Louis XIV
2. On what city site did Champlain found L’habitation?
a) Ottawa

b) Quebec City

c) Montreal

d) Port Royal

3. What Indian tribe did Champlain befriend and become allies with?
a) Iroquois

b) Métis

c) Hurons

d) Plains

4. What was l’habitation?

a) first permanent settlement in North America

b) a military fort

c) a British trading post for the fur trade

5. What most affected the way Aboriginals lived?
a) snow

b) religion

c) environment
6. This was France’s largest rival in North American colonization?
a) Spain

b) Germany

c) Britain
7. Which native group lived in clans?
a) Iroquois

b) Algonquin

c) Plains Indians
Part D: Define and state the significance of 2 of the following. Samuel de Champlain, Iroquois, Jean Talon, King’s Daughters, courier de bois. (8 marks)

____/ 30 marks
History of New France

Quiz #2 Name: ___________________

Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition. (8 marks)

a. habitant b. corvee c. Jesuits

d. seigneur e. absolute monarchy f. Sovereign Council

g. Governor General h. Seigneuries

___ These people were responsible for the spreading of religion in New France.

___ The King’s representative in the government in New France.

___ This was the person who worked the land and paid tax to the seigneur.

___ The habitant was required to pay this to the Seigneur three days a year. This required the habitant to work for the Seigneur building roads or buildings.

___ A kind of government where the King has supreme control over decisions and the running of a country.

___ This was the part of the government in New France responsible for making decisions in New France.

___ A plot of land given to the Seigneur.

___ The person in charge of the habitants in New France and were required to collect taxes for the King.

True and False: Mark T for true and F false. (6 marks)

1. ___ The King of France was the head of the government in New France.

2. ___ People in New France could vote for people in the government.

3. ___ Women in New France could own and run seigneuries in New France.

4. ___ All the seigneuries in New France were run by nobles in New France.

5. ___ The seigneurial system was the same in New France as it was in France.

6. ___ Marie Guyart helped write some of the Jesuit Relations.

Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer. (8 marks)

1. This Sovereign Council was renamed this in 1703.

a) Superior Council

b) Supreme Court

c) Great Council
2. This person was the head of the Catholic Church in New France and was on the Sovereign Council.
a) Ursuline Nun

b) Jesuit Priest

c) Bishop
3. Who was not on the Sovereign Council in New France?
a) King

b) Governor General

c) Intendant
4. This was the British fort built by the British in response to the building of Louisbourg.
a) Annapolis

b) Port Royal

c) Halifax
5. The French built Louisbourg so it could control;
a) the Great Lakes

b) St. Lawrence River

c) Lake Champlain
6. This was the system of government in New France.
a) absolute monarchy

b) representative government

c) democracy
7. This person handled legal matters in New France.
a) Governor General

b) Intendant

c) Attorney General
8. What did the nuns not do in New France?
a) cared for the elderly

b) education

c) spread Roman Catholic religion

d) helped with the fur trade

Part D: Define and state the significance. Mary Guyart de L’Incarnation, Louisbourg, Seigeurial System, Jesuits (8 marks)

____/30 marks

History of New France

Quiz #3 Name: ___________________

Vocabulary: Match the word with the correct definition. (8 marks)

a. deportation b. Treaty of Utrecht c. Treaty of Paris

d. capitulation e. Militia f. Oath of Allegiance

g. treaty h. Dominate

___ To surrender in war under specific conditions.

___ A formal agreement signed between two countries to end a conflict or disagreement.

___ To send a person or group out of a country.

___ There are untrained, non-professional, volunteer soldiers.

___ Swearing loyalty to a particular government or king.

___ To have rule or control over an area, colony, or country.

___ A treaty signed at the end of the Seven Years War.

___ A treaty signed at the end of the War of Spanish Succession.

True and False: Mark t for true and f for false. (5 marks)

1. ___ General Montcalm was the leader of the British forces that attacked at the Battle of Plains of Abraham.

2. ___ The Treaty of Utrecht was signed at the end of the Seven Years War.

3. ___ All Acadians living in the colony of Nova Scotia were deported.

4. ___ Acadians living in the colony of Nova Scotia were deported to the Thirteen Colonies, Carribean, and Louisiana.

5. ___ At the battle of Plains of Abraham, the armies were numerically equal between the British and French.

Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer. (7 marks)

1. Why did the General of the British forces choose the Plains of Abraham as a site for an attack?

a) it was an easy place to attack.

b) It would surprise the French if they attacked there, upstream rather than downstream.

c) it was a large open area that they could use ships to fire canons on.
2. The Acadians were;
a) of French descent

b) of British descent

c) French and British descent
3. The Acadians were forced to take an oath of allegiance because;
a) they were threatening the British in the colony by attacking them each day and the British were growing tired of fighting them in the colony.

b) they were French living in a British colony, and the French wanted to know if they went to war with the French that they would remain loyal to the British throne.

4. The Articles of Capitulation;
a) outlined the terms under which the French and the Canadiens would surrender to the British at the end of the Seven Years War.

b) outlined that the British would take over the colony and enforce British laws, religion and language.

c) outlined that all French would be deported from the colonies in British North America.
5. In the Articles of Capitulation the French were forced;

a) to lay down their arms and give up their religion and language.

b) to lay down their arms, swear an oath of allegiance, and deported immediately if they did not take the oath.

c) to lay down their arms, but kept their religion, language and the seigneurial system.

6. At the end of the War of Spanish Succession one effect was;
a) the French gave up claims to Acadia and Newfoundland.

b) the French gave up control of all possessions in British North America.

c) this ended all British and French hostilities and fighting.
7. The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was a battle part of this conflict;
a) The War of Spanish Succession

b) The Seven Years War

c) King William’s War
Short Answer: Answer in complete sentences. (3 marks)

1. Identify 3 reasons why the French lost the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.

Define and state the significance of two of the following. Battle of the Plains of Abraham, Deportation of the Acadians, Articles of Capitulation. (8 marks)

____/30 marks

Bain, Colin. Canadian History 7. (Don Mills, Ontario: Pearson, 2008).

Clark, Arnold, McKay, and Soetaert. Canada Revisisted 7. (Edmonton, Alberta: Arnold Publishing Ltd, 1999).
New France – Canada in the Making.
Jean Talon Role Play.

Maps and Photos

Pictures, maps, and other images used in the production of this material were in the public domain or no longer under copyright.

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