The following are common indicators and just a small example to help think about the indicators that must be controlled.
User Agents – User-Agent strings can be a dead giveaway for tools
For example, the SQL injection tool SQLMAP has a default User-Agent string that includes the word sqlmap sqlmap/1.0-dev-xxxxxxx ( This is very common.
Binaries may have signatures
that can be detected●
Modification and recompiling maybe necessary to change the signature
The likelihood of Antivirus detection maybe decreased by removing comments and other
user output before compilingFocus PointThe end state of threat planning is an ability to portray the threat as closely as possible to enable the ability to advise the target of implications to the target environment.
Engagement ConceptsRed Team engagements can move through several complex and detailed steps during execution but using three simple phases helps keep the focus on goals. Although Red
Teaming is offensively focused, it is ultimately used as a tool to improve security. Red Teaming is executed in three phases directly related to areas of defense than can be tested and measured against a threat. It is common for security operations to focus a tremendous amount of time and energy on preventive controls to "keep the threat out" Prevention is important however, 100% prevention is not feasible. An organization should understand potential impacts if a threat is successful.
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