Dinner impossible seasons 3 8 season 3 – 11 X half hour hours / 1 X one hour

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IE0710 Double Jeopardy

Robert is facing double trouble when his next mission takes him to Twinsburg, Ohio, home of Twins Days - the largest annual gathering of twins.  Robert's mission is to create a meal for 250 twins in just 8 hours.  The catch?  In keeping with the Twins Days theme, for every dish Robert creates, he must make its twin.  That means that Robert will have take the main ingredients from one dish and create a totally different second dish using those same main ingredients.

His first task will be to figure out who's who in the kitchen.  His helpers have Robert seeing double as he’s working with two sets of identical twins!

Robert and his team have to work twice as hard to come up with a twins menu. But once their menu is made, Robert and twins, Katie and Kristy, head out for a shopping trip Robert will never forget.  Katie and Kristy keep switching places and Robert can’t keep track of who he’s sent to get what!  Just when he thinks things can’t get any stranger,  a wrestling match breaks out between Robert and the twins.  Robert is definitely going to have his hand full with this coupled crew!

Back in the kitchen, inexperienced sous chefs means Robert has to shoulder double the work – putting him further and further behind.  To make matters worse, his twin mission givers arrive with another assignment.  In honor of the fraternal twins at the festival, Robert must create one set of “fraternal twin dishes”. Each dish still has to use the same main ingredients, but this time one dish has to be an entree and the other has to be a dessert.  
As the day goes on, a downpour threatens to wash out the whole event, spilled ingredients threaten to wipe out entire dishes, and lack of refrigerator and oven space threaten to wipe out Robert’s last ounce of patience!   

Can Robert salvage his twin challenge? Or will this be Dinner Impossible?

 IE0711 WWE: A Mission on the Mat.

Robert is taken to the mat as he joins up with some of World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars at Summer Slam, WWE’s biggest summertime event. Stephanie McMahon gives Robert his mission to feed 300 WWE VIPs a “Superstar” meal in just nine hours, this means every dish he creates must be based on some of WWE’s Superstars’ signature moves such as Frog Splash, Clawhold, and Knife Edge Chop. Stephanie is center ring joined by her seven foot tall,  400 pound “enforcer”, Big Show, who’s there to make sure Robert knows that failure is not an option!    

Joining Robert in the kitchen is WWE superstar “The Miz “and famous WWE announcer, Jim Ross. They tag team tod build a superstar menu with dishes ranging from frog legs to chocolate bombs.  Then they race to the grocery store but Robert quickly finds out that one of his sous chefs is more of a joker than a helper.  He finds the Miz goofing off and too having fun to help with the shopping list.
Back in the kitchen Robert’s guest sous chefs inexperience is obvious – when Robert asks The Miz to breakdown a chicken he tears it apart with his bare hands!  The Miz might be unbeatable in wrestling ring, but his rough and tumble techniques were a not very effective in the kitchen.  Losing time and patience, Robert was about to lose something else, his sous chef JR.  But JR’s replacement, superstar Santino Morella, came to the kitchen with nothing but trouble. Santino brought a whole new meaning to the concept of “cracking eggs.” Santino also went looking for trouble as he and The Miz were soon entangled in a food fight. For once it was Robert’s role in the kitchen to act as referee and cool down the temperature in the kitchen.
To make matters worse, Robert also was hit – with a surprise announcement from the Event Planner. A number of the VIP guests will be arriving an hour earlier than planned!   Will Robert be able to pull through and body slam this mission, or will this be Dinner Impossible?

IE0712 NEWSEUM  - Museum Mayhem

The Newseum is Washington DC’s newest museum that chronicles history through the eyes of journalists, photographers and news media.  Robert receives his mission via 40 foot LED screen at the Newseum by the noted newsman David Gregory.  For this mission Robert has to prepare a news worthy meal in eight hours for 300 people based on four major food events in American history: early Thanksgiving, WWI food shortages, the invention of TV dinners, and the 1961 publication of Julia Child’s ‘Mastering the Art of French Cooking’.  Along with food historian Francine Segan, and the Newseums’ Emily Nicholson, Robert must create a historical menu spanning all of those diverse eras.  

In addition to dealing with the regular pressures of Dinner Impossible, such as no time and little space, Robert also has to unravel some puzzling challenges in food history.  How does one make a cake without eggs, butter and flour?  Or how do you create a posh TV dinner for 300 guests?  Robert must face all of these challenges with a food historian watching over his every move.  It’s going to be bad news unless Robert keeps every dish authentic, historically accurate and delicious.   

Just as Robert starts making headway, he gets a news flash from another notable newsman, George Stephanopoulos.  George comes by to give Robert an update on his mission. Instead of covering four food news events, Robert will have to cover a fifth; the microwave oven.  In the mid 1970’s, microwaves outsold conventional ovens for home. With that in mind, Robert must create several dishes cooked only in the microwave.   

The pressure continues to mount from this brain teaser of a menu, and a kitchen that’s laid out like a labyrinth.  This mission has Robert racing from decade to decade, century to century ,and dish to dish in a frantic rush to serve the Newseum’s VIP guests.
Robert makes a mad dash to get each dish out the door. But his mission isn’t complete until a third newsperson luminary, Greta Van Susteren, tastes the food and gives the final report.  Will the headlines be ‘Chef Succeeds!’ or will this be Dinner Impossible?

IE0713 Robert and Guy’s Holiday Havoc

Dinner Impossible Guy Fieri is surprising Robert with an extreme Holiday mission.  Robert and Guy will be joining forces with Share our Strength to give members of the Santa Rosa Boys and Girls Club a day they’ll never forget.  Robert will have to create a meal for 300 guests of the Boys and Girls club in just 10 hours. That’s a challenge in itself but since it’s the Holidays, Robert and Guy need to make more than just a meal, they need to put this event completely over the top for this special group of kids.

Robert’s first challenge?  The Boys and Girls Club kitchen is the size of a closet and all of its equipment is failing.  Guy has a solution – he’s commandeered a space just a few minutes down the road where they can cook and serve.  But when Robert and Guy arrive at the sight, all Robert sees is an empty field!  No kitchen, no food and definitely no fun. They’ve got a lot of work to do!
Luckily they’ll have help from four great kids from the local Boys and Girls club. Their first job is to help Robert and Guy come up with the perfect kid friendly holiday menu.  They plan over 15 dishes – everything from Glazed Holiday Ham to Banana French Toast. But that’s just the first part of the mission. The group must brainstorm to come up with ideas that will give the kids from the Boys and Girls Club a day they’ll never forget.  The kids suggest carnival rides, bouncy houses, and even snow!  Robert and Guy hit the phones and the web to try to build a kitchen and a mini DI Theme Park – all in one afternoon!
Robert and Guy head to the grocery store where they run around like mad men to find all of the ingredients they need to feed all 300 people.  Robert and Guy literally get a truck load of groceries!  But no worries about budget because as Robert is about to pay the bill, the manager of the Raley’s store announces they are donating all of the food!  Even with that great generosity, Robert is still missing a few key seafood ingredients. That’s when Guy’s local connections come into play – he calls a buddy for fresh seafood ASAP!
When they return to the kitchen, it’s all out pandemonium. Robert and Guy have to manage kids for sous chefs, a mountain of ingredients, and a kitchen that can’t keep up with Robert’s grand menu plans.  Ovens are cold, Guy and Robert are fighting for fryer time, and in the middle of all the mayhem Robert has to leave the kitchen to help set up the Dinner Impossible mini theme park. The Ferris wheel, giant slide, obstacle course, miniature train and even a snow hill for sledding are just part of the surprise for the Boys and Girls Club. With the help of Share Our Strength, the club receives a generous gift that will continue helping the kids for years to come. Robert had one last surprise when a truck arrives with something for each boy and girl. When it comes to the holidays and helping kids, Robert and Guy proved almost anything is possible on Dinner Impossible.

SEASON 8 – 13 x one hours
IE0801 Destroyer Disaster
Robert boards the Navy’s newest destroyer, the USS Wayne E. Meyer, to receive a mission unlike any other. For the first time on Dinner Impossible, Robert will receive orders to complete two missions in just one day. The brand new destroyer is celebrating its commission week, and the pressure is on Robert to deliver two missions with flying colors.
On deck, the ship’s captain gives Robert his orders for his first mission: feed all 250 sailors onboard a meal based on five of the sailors’ home states. The captain gives Robert seven hours and no room for failure to complete this mission. Afraid that this mission could be more than Robert can handle, the captain won’t reveal the second mission until he’s confident that Robert will succeed in his first.
Robert’s confidence puts him in a bind when he decides to double the captain’s orders from five state meals to ten state meals. However, there was a reason for the captain’s orders – the ship is only equipped to handle five. But making half the dishes would constitute a failure on Robert’s part. His only option is to figure out a way to combine ten dishes into five.
All of this takes time and creates chaos in the kitchen. While Robert desperately wants to learn about his second mission as soon as possible, the captain holds off until he sees his first order carried out successfully.
Robert narrowly completes his first mission, but there is no time to celebrate. The captain now delivers his order for the next mission. Mission #2 - Robert must prepare hors d’oeuvres for 100 of the Navy’s top brass in just 2 ½ hours. To honor the ship’s commissioning, all of the hors d’oeuvres have to be a patriotic red, white or blue.
With no time to shop, Robert realizes he can’t make a four star menu from the ship’s surplus ingredients. His only hope is a local contact who is called for an emergency VIP food delivery. But when the ingredients arrive, Robert’s grand plans are in full retreat. The lobster is frozen, caviar is missing, and several other items are far below VIP standards. Will Robert be able to rescue his mission and deliver top-notch food to the Navy’s top tier? Or will this be Dinner: Impossible?

IE0802 Boxed In: Terminal Trouble
On this mission, Chef Robert Irvine is faced with a shipping terminal full of food and an empty parking lot in which to cook it. Robert lands at the Packer Avenue Marine terminal, one of the busiest importing ports in the country. Spread out over a hundred acres are thousands of tractor-trailer size containers, each one packed with goods imported from all over the world. From these containers Robert must gather his ingredients and prepare a hearty lunch for 150 hungry longshoremen in just seven hours.
At the crack of dawn, Robert is given his mission. By the time he cracks open the first container he gathers just how “impossible” this mission will be. Inside the containers Robert finds exotic foods from Asia, South America and Africa. He pulls out fish he’s never heard of, proteins he’s never cooked and vegetables he can’t identify. Finding ways to make peacock, pacu and seaweed palatable to a meat-and-potato crowd is just the beginning of Robert’s hurdles.
While the longshoremen are well equipped to unload tons of exotic ingredients, they have practically zero equipment in which to cook it. Robert’s kitchen is a parking lot with a few gas burners and a charcoal grill. No ovens, no stoves, no tables. Since “no lunch” is not an option, Robert has to scavenge the terminal, searching through scraps of castoff materials, trying to find anything that could be jury-rigged into kitchen equipment. Trash cans become ovens, old bricks become fire pits and wooden pallets are pounded into prep tables. On this mission, Robert is truly making it up as he goes along.
Making the mission even more challenging are the surprise ingredients unloaded from the ship and delivered directly to Robert. On the fly, Robert has to figure out how to make jellyfish delectable and rattlesnake irresistible. Will these surprise ingredients be the exotic straw that breaks the make-shift-kitchen’s back? Or will Robert break through his boxed lunch and make a Dinner Impossible?
IE0803: Dorm Food Doom

On his next mission, Robert is off to college on a mission to transform student dorm food into gourmet fare.  Robert must prepare a meal for 100 University of North Carolina students in just 6 hours, using only the food he can find in student housing.  No grocery stores, no raiding the cafeteria, and definitely no cheating!  

Robert enlists the help of UNC students and alumni to raid dorm rooms. Since Robert and his team have no idea what they’ll find on their dorm raid, it’s impossible to plan a menu. Instead, the team takes off running, knocking on dorm room doors, asking startled students to a hand over their food in return for a dinner invitation. Robert gets a real taste of college life (quote “It stinks in here!”) after barging in on a room shared by four young men. What he doesn’t get is anything approaching enough food for 100 people.  
In room after room Robert finds variations on junk foods, Ramen noodles, potato chips, tuna fish, candy and canned soups. The most “gourmet” item available is microwaveable macaroni and cheese. After cleaning out one dorm, Robert is alarmed to learn he is sorely lacking in proteins and definitely devoid of vegetables.  He has higher hopes to find a wider variety in the apartment style dorms. Trouble is, those rooms are halfway across campus and he’s already low on time.
Robert soldiers on – dragging a huge laundry cart across the street and through the campus to the next set of student housing. These dorm facilities have small kitchens so Robert fairs slightly better, finding some chicken and beef and even things that look suspiciously like a vegetable.

With time pressing, Robert has to suspend his search. He hauls a laundry cart of dorm food back to his outdoor courtyard kitchen, where he takes stock of his bounty. Much to Robert’s dismay, he has to figure out how to take dorms food such as cheese puffs, marshmallow fluff and sugary cereals and turn them into a high-class meal. 

Robert gives this mission the old college try, but will he get a passing grade? Or will this be Dinner Impossible?

IE0804 IRONMAN Obstacles

For this episode of Dinner Impossible, Robert races to the Ironman Arizona to compete in his own culinary version of an Ironman competition. Just as the Ironman has three grueling components in one race: 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a full marathon; Robert will have three tough challenges in one mission.

Robert’s goal is to feed 300 people in just eight hours, but he has to do it in true Ironman style. That means Robert must run three separate kitchens that represent the three stages of the triathlon. In the “swimming kitchen” Robert will have to cook with only water, in the “bicycling kitchen” everything has to be cooked twice, and in the “marathon kitchen” he’ll be cooking with what every athlete needs to complete the race – legs. To make this mission as tough as an Ironman, each of Robert’s three kitchens must produce a full menu, from appetizers to dessert.

Robert and his team need to get off to a fast start to build three menus for three different kitchens.  Robert starts off in the “running kitchen” where he builds a menu with every kind of leg…from duck to lamb to pork. Robert hits a roadblock when he realizes he’ll have to make a dessert “leg” dish.  Kitchen number two, the “bicycling kitchen,” presents it’s own problems: how to cook everything twice without making it too tough to eat. However it’s kitchen number three and the “swimming menu” that really makes him hit the wall. Cooking everything in water seems like a wash. Robert waives off the menu making process and hopes for inspiration at the store.

Over the long run, this mission proves more difficult than Robert imagined. Just as an athlete can’t ride a bike during the marathon, Robert is restricted to preparing each menu in its specific kitchen. No running dishes can be cooked in the bicycling kitchen, and only water dishes can be made in the swimming kitchen. For a multi-tasking maniac such as Robert, trying to split himself into three different kitchens really cramps his style. When the oven stops working in the “running kitchen” things go from bad to worse.

Will Robert be able to endure this triple mission and cross the finish line in time? Or will the Ironman mission turn out to be Dinner Impossible?

IE0805: PiratePerils
For this mission Chef Robert Irvine heads to colorful Key West, Florida to take on a boatload of pirates. At part of theannual Pirates in Paradise Festival, Robert i has 9 hours to feed 150 pirates. The folks at Pirate Fest immerse themselves in total pirate lore and expect Robert to do the same. Robert is met by a peg-legged, parrot-toting, Captain Stitch, and is given orders to cook in true pirate fashion. Like any cook on the high seas, Robert has to concoct authentic pirate fare including bone soup, hardtack, sea turtle, pickled preserves and dishes to ward off scurvy.
Robert’s kitchen setting is as colorful as his pirate helpers. Camp is made at waters edge, on a beautiful sandy beach.Robert’s crew consists of a half dozen pirates who alternately help and hinder his attempt to turn 17th century grub into a modern menu.Unfortunately for Robert, these buccaneers end up providing more chaos than they do assistance and Robert finds himself struggling to keep his team focused.
But that’s not his only distraction; Captain Stitch makes repeated visits and each time he presents Robert with a treasure map leading to hidden ingredients. Robert is forced to abandon his kitchen in order to hunt down these missing components and include them in the meal. Will Robert find his buried treasure and pull off this pirate feast or will this be Dinner Impossible?
IE0806 Balloon Blowup
Robert lands in Gallop, New Mexico for the annual Red Rock Balloon rally. Just like the hot air balloons, Robert’s mission is literally up in the air. Robert will have seven hours to cook for 200 people, but the details of this mission are launched in five hot air balloons. The only hint Robert is given is that each element of his mission will in some way relate to hot air balloons.
Each balloon is assigned a “chaser” to keep track of the balloon’s path. Once it lands, the chaser retrieves the special DI mission package and races back to Robert’s outdoor kitchen. Problem is, the balloons travel with the wind and no one knows how long they will stay aloft,nor how far away they will land.Therefore, Robert has to make his best guess at a balloon themed menu and head out shopping before he truly knows the full nature of his mission. Robert races around the grocery store, grabbing anything and everything that might possibly be related to a hot air balloon theme. It is only when he is almost back to the campground that he hears the news… the first balloon has landed and the first part of his mission is on its way.
When Robert arrives back at the kitchen, he realizes that not knowing his mission isn’t the only challenge he will face throughout the day. Sub-zero temperatures combinedwith high winds lead to equipment failures, dust balls, issues with fire and smoke, and an all-round miserable outdoor cooking experience.
One by one the balloons land and his helpers deliver the challenges to the kitchen. Robert scavenges his groceries to come up with a menu that fits the challenge - hot and cold versions of the same dish, dishes that can be made with a blow torch, foods that rise, dishes made with champagne. But as time ticks away there is still no word from the last balloon. Finally, the last part of the mission is delivered - Robert must make one flambé dish. The problem is that he has nothing left in his artillery of ingredients with which to make it. He leaves the kitchen to scour the adjoining campground in the hopes that SOMEONE can help him out.
The kitchen is in various stages of chaos and Robert must reign everyone in for the final push. Will Robert make a meal that soars to new heights? Or will this be Dinner Impossible?
IE0810 Mission:LOST
Chef Robert Irvine is lost in Hawaii, on a mission to feed the cast and crew of the hit TV show, LOST. Just like the characters on the show, Robert is “stranded” on a deserted beach and must use all his creative powers to complete his mission.
Actor, Nestor Carbonell, who plays the mysterious Richard Alpert, greets Roberton a beautiful, but deserted, stretch of beach. Nestor explains this is the same beach where the Lost survivors set up their camp and where Robert must prepare dinner for 90 members of the cast and crew. This mission seems like a mystery to Robert because there is no kitchen in sight – no pots, no pans, no ovens, no grills, no tables, nothing but sand. Nestor tells Robert that he’ll have to play the role of a plane crash survivor and use his own ingenuity to create a kitchen from spare parts.
The LOST survivors created their camp using hardware they scavenged from a plane crash. But since there are no more spare parts from the plane, Robert gets to scavenge his hardware from a hardware store. For food, Robert will only be supplied with food that appeared on the show or is native to the island.With only seven hours to raid a store, create a kitchen and make a feast, Robert and his sous chefs are off the beach and on to the nearest hardware store.
At a small island hardware store, Robert shops in a whole new way. Zipping up and down the aisles, Robert has to figure out how to configure tools and building materials into cooking devices. They grab chainsaws, car jacks, plant sprayers, roofing torches, drills, wire mesh, wheelbarrows, piles of wood and almost any thing else they can carry.
Back on the beach, it’s time to turn these spare parts into a working kitchen. Car jacks are jury-rigged to make a rotisserie, paint cans are converted into cooking pots, and burlap sacks become liners for underground ovens.Whether these contraptions actually work as planned remains to be seen. Time, sand, wind, periodic rain showers, and a few Lost surprises, make it even more difficult for Robert to complete his mission.
Will Robert find a way to deliver a memorable Lost meal?Or will this be Dinner Impossible?

Robert is heading to Disney World to play the role of Prince Charming for this episode of Dinner Impossible. It’s Celebrate Family Volunteers Day at Disney World and Robert’s mission is to feed 400 volunteers from across the US. He’ll have nine hours to prepare a meal that will make the volunteers feel like royalty. Who better to give Robert ingredients fit for royalty than Disney Princesses?
Robert is also warned that his mission, just like any trip to Disney, will be full of surprises, therefore he should expect the unexpected.
Before Robert is able to meet the Princesses and find out his secret ingredients, he finds out surprise number one. Next door to Robert’s kitchen, Disney has constructed a record breaking mural made completely out of cans. Disney will be donating all of the canned goods to local food banks, Robert is told to take inspiration from the mural and create one dish using canned goods. After receiving this bit of his mission he’s joined by a team of Disney volunteers to help collect ingredients he receives from the Princesses.
Robert races around Epcot’s World Showcase and meets Snow White, Tiana and Belle. Each princess bestows Robert with a basketful of ingredients, taken directly from their storybook pages. From these fairytale items, Robert must base his menu for 400 very real people. At each stop, Robert enlists cast members from the princess’ castles to help him transport the baskets of goodies. Eventually, Robert ends up leading a parade of helpers back to his outdoor kitchen.
Robert barely has a chance to fire up his grill when the Mad Hatter arrives with a mad challenge. Robert must make one dessert for 2500 VIP Disney guests. Robert decides he madder than a hatter and vows to create not one, but three desserts.
Will this fairytale challenge turn into a royal flop or will Robert make dreams come true on this episode of Dinner: Impossible?

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