
Embracing Emerging Digital Technologies for Training: Personal Experiences

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Embracing Emerging Digital Technologies for Training: Personal Experiences

The findings from the focus group discussions of mechanical engineering professors at technical universities disclose a variety of perspectives and experiences regarding the implementation of emergent digital technologies for instructional purposes. The participants have identified several key concerns, namely obstacles in the effective implementation of technology, a sluggish rate of digital transformation, and inadequate infrastructure with regards to power supply and internet connectivity. LCCTU1, LHTU5, and LTTU1 have identified that the effective utilisation of digital technologies such as personal computers and projectors is impeded by challenges related to data and electricity. The participants assert that the obstacles presented by technological difficulties are deemed unacceptable in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.
The gradual pace of digital transformation is a matter of apprehension for stakeholders, including LCCTU2, LCCTU4, and LTTU2. The slow pace of change poses a challenge for educators to embrace new technologies, thereby hindering their ability to depart from conventional teaching methods. Certain participants have cited particular obstacles pertaining to their area of specialisation. LCCTU3 and LTTU3 highlight the difficulties associated with CNC machine training, emphasising that self-directed learning represents a significant challenge in the adoption of these technologies.
In contrast, LHTU1 expresses a favourable encounter with disruptive technology, acknowledging the convenience of instructing through the utilisation

of computer-aided design software and three-dimensional printing devices. Nevertheless, LHTU2 and LHTU4 have reported unfavourable encounters with projectors as a result of connectivity and electrical predicaments, prompting them to favour conventional techniques such as utilising a marker board.

Finally, it is expressed by LHTU3 and LTTU5 a preference for technologically advanced classrooms that are digitally designed and equipped with features such as expansive digital screens, projectors, and internet connectivity to enhance the training process. The aforementioned showcases a disposition to embrace and incorporate technology in pedagogical methodologies, contingent upon the availability of requisite infrastructure.
To summarise, the participants of the focus group exhibit a variety of viewpoints and encounters pertaining to the implementation of nascent digital technologies for instructional purposes. The primary hindrances to the acceptance and implementation of a particular technology or system are attributed to technological complexities, gradual progression towards digitization, and inadequate infrastructure. Nevertheless, there exists a conspicuous inclination towards adopting technology provided that these obstacles can be surmounted.
The present study's results are consistent with prior scholarly works that have identified comparable obstacles to the integration of digital technologies in engineering education. These hindrances include technological difficulties (Sitzmann et al., 2010), a sluggish pace of digital transformation (Hongxiong & Huiming, 2022), and insufficient infrastructure (Hennessy & Davies, 2019). Overcoming these obstacles is imperative in effectively incorporating digital technologies into mechanical engineering education and enhancing students' readiness for the swiftly changing requirements of the field.

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