
Grand theories Technological Determinism Theory

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Grand theories

  1. Technological Determinism Theory

Over the years, many academics have advanced the theory of technological determinism. Jacques Ellul is one of the prominent scholars who contributed to the development of this theory. Ellul, a French philosopher and sociologist, argued that technology is a self-sustaining system that influences all facets of society (Ellul et al., 1964). He argued that technological advancement is inevitable and that society must adapt to its demands, rather than vice versa.
In the context of bridging the digital skills gap with disruptive technologies in engineering education, technological determinism can help describe the effect of disruptive technologies on the learning environment, teaching strategies, and engineering industry as a whole. By understanding how technology influences society and its development, we can better comprehend the challenges and opportunities disruptive technologies present in engineering education.
Similar studies, such as the impact of technology on education and society, have been examined using technological determinism in prior research (Firrisa, 2021; Oliver, 2011; Postman et al., 1993). Postman et al., (1993), argued that technology has become an autonomous force that influences our values and beliefs, resulting in a decline in critical thinking skills and intellectual curiosity. EP Winner
- J. Pat. Off. Soc’y, (1980), argued that technology has a significant influence on society, affecting not only our material culture but also our political, social, and economic structures.

In addition, technological determinism can inform our comprehension of other underlying theories, such as the Theory of the Diffusion of Innovations and the Social Learning Theory. These theories acknowledge the significance of social factors for the adoption and spread of new technologies. Technological determinism, on the other hand, asserts that technology is the primary engine of social change, which can provide valuable insight into how social factors interact with technology to influence society and its development. This study seeks to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the adoption and effective use of disruptive technologies in engineering education, as well as their implications for addressing the industry's digital skills deficit, by combining these theories.

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