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1. Various partnerships exist between TVET Technical universities and industries at regional and international



2. Lecturers regularly visit the industry to upgrade their
experience with digital technologies.



3. Curriculum development is in collaboration with



4. Partnerships with the industry support us with computers and digital equipment for engineering



5. These partnerships influence the successful labour market outcomes such as ensuring quick absorption of
graduates into the workplace.



6. Partnerships influence the successful labour market
outcomes such as upgrading machinery and equipment.



7. Partnerships influence the successful labour market
outcomes such as improving supply of middle-level skill.



8. Partnerships influence the successful labour market outcomes such as reducing skill shortages and






Source: Field Data (2023)
Table 4.9 of the research on the utilisation of disruptive technologies to address the digital skills gap in engineering education within technical universities in Ghana provides an overview of various viewpoints regarding the efficacy and influence of the partnership between technical universities and industries (TUIP). According to the data collected, it can be inferred that the participants hold the belief that there are diverse collaborations established between technical universities that offer vocational education and training (TVET) and industries, both at the regional and international levels. The mean score obtained was 3.69, with a standard deviation of 0.678. The aforementioned statement suggests a noteworthy degree of collaboration between the industrial sector and technical institutions of higher education in Ghana. Furthermore, participants indicate that educators frequently engage in industry visits to enhance their proficiency in digital technologies (M = 3.57; SD = 0.700). The aforementioned observation underscores a favourable tendency towards fostering cooperation between the industrial and academic sectors, a crucial factor in addressing the deficiency of digital competencies in engineering instruction.
The degree to which the development of the curriculum is carried out in conjunction with the industry is perceived to be moderate, with a mean score of
3.22 and a standard deviation of 0.832. The outcome of this study indicates that there exists a potential for enhancing the engagement of industry partners in the process of developing curricula. The alignment of technical university curricula with the latest technological advancements in the engineering field is crucial, and thus, necessitates a close collaboration between technical universities in Ghana and industry. Close collaboration with industry partners can facilitate the acquisition of

necessary skills and competencies by graduates to excel in the industry. Industry partners can provide valuable feedback and guidance in this regard.

The results pertaining to TUIP align with prior studies that underscore the significance of collaborations between academia and industry in fostering innovation and enhancing educational standards (Gadzhimuradov & Agalarov, 2020 ; Z. Chen et al., 2020). The findings of the study emphasise the necessity for technical universities in Ghana to establish more intimate partnerships with industry stakeholders. This is to address the digital skills deficit and guarantee that their graduates possess the requisite competencies to meet the demands of the engineering sector. The findings pertaining to TUIP indicate unforeseen results, whereby the degree of collaboration in the development of the curriculum is perceived to be moderate. A plausible rationale for this unforeseen outcome may be attributed to the constrained resources at the disposal of technical universities in Ghana. The involvement of industry partners in curriculum development processes may pose a challenge due to the considerable investment required in terms of time, personnel, and funding.
To tackle this challenge, it may be necessary for technical universities in Ghana to explore alternative means of financing and assistance to foster more intimate partnerships with industry counterparts. Possible academic rewrite: One strategy to address the digital skills gap in engineering education is to secure funding from various sources, such as government agencies, non-profit organisations, and industry partners. Such funding can be used to support the development of curricula and other initiatives aimed at bridging the gap.
The findings suggest that there are partnerships between technical universities and industries in Ghana that operate at different levels. However, these partnerships are not deemed highly efficacious in facilitating computer-based engineering education and training. The aforementioned partnerships have been observed to yield favourable effects on diverse labour market indicators, including but not limited to the prompt integration of recent graduates into the workforce, enhancement of machinery and equipment, amelioration of the availability of intermediate-level competencies, and mitigation of deficiencies and incongruities in skills. The results presented in this study align with previous research that

emphasises the advantages of collaborations between industry and academia in tackling discrepancies in skills and enhancing outcomes in the labour market (Guzmán et al., 2020; Sivathanu & Pillai, 2018)

The perceived ineffectiveness of partnerships in supporting computer-based engineering education may be attributed to various factors. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon could be attributed to the insufficiency of resources or technical proficiency on the part of the industry collaborators to furnish the requisite digital apparatus and instruction. Insufficient collaboration between the academic institutions and the industry in the creation and execution of technology-integrated educational programmes may also contribute to the issue. The aforementioned justifications are in line with previous studies that have emphasised the difficulties encountered in collaborations between industry and academia, including but not limited to issues of trust, misaligned incentives, and inadequate funding (Dorado- Vicente et al., 2020; Q. Yang et al., 2022).
One possible explanation for the moderate perception of collaborative curriculum development with industry partners is the potential lack of industry involvement in the creation of digital technology-based courses required for engineering education. On the contrary, it is possible that they have participated in academic programmes that prioritise the cultivation of practical competencies. The aforementioned underscores the necessity for additional investigation to scrutinise the degree of the industry's involvement in the development of curricula and to determine if there exist variations in collaboration among diverse course categories.
The potential benefits of industry-academia partnerships in addressing the digital skills gap in the engineering field in Ghana are highlighted by their positive impact on labour market outcomes, including the improvement of middle-level skill supply and the reduction of skill shortages and mismatches. The results presented herein are in line with previous studies that have underscored the significance of cooperation between the industrial and academic sectors in order to cultivate pertinent competencies and expertise for the labour force (Anner et al., 2019; T. Rahman et al., 2019). The findings pertaining to the collaborations between technical universities and industries, commonly referred to as Technical Universities and Industries Partnerships (TUIP), indicate a favourable perception

of their efficacy and influence, albeit with potential areas for enhancement. The statistical measures of composite mean and standard deviation underscore the necessity for persistent endeavours to fortify these partnerships, augment cooperation, and furnish more focused assistance in domains where the influence is presently perceived as restricted.

The variability in perceptions of TUIP may be attributed to the varying degrees of engagement and support extended by industry partners. Subsequent investigations may delve into the determinants that impact the efficacy of TUIP, encompassing the particular sectors implicated, the characteristics of the collaborations, and the assistance extended by both the academic institution and corporate counterparts. The results suggest that technical universities in Ghana should persist in their efforts to establish collaborations with industries in order to amplify the influence of digital technologies on educational outcomes. It is advised that this approach be maintained. It is recommended that endeavours be undertaken to fortify these partnerships and furnish more specialised assistance in domains such as furnishing digital equipment for engineering education and guaranteeing prompt integration of graduates into the workforce.
The findings of the analysis indicate a favourable perception regarding the efficacy and influence of partnerships between technical universities and industries (TUIP). However, there exists an opportunity for enhancement, specifically in the provision of digital equipment for engineering education and the prompt integration of graduates into the workforce. The diversity in participants' viewpoints and encounters concerning various facets of these partnerships underscores the necessity for sustained endeavours to enhance cooperation and furnish more focused assistance. The findings suggest that there exists potential for enhancing staff development, teaching methodologies, disruptive technologies in classrooms, and digital equipment used in workshops. The fortification of collaborations between technical universities and industries has the potential to mitigate certain obstacles and augment the efficacy of digital technologies in relation to educational outcomes.
With a composite mean score of 2.94, the respondents' average perception of the availability of digital infrastructure in education (TUDI) is comparatively

moderate. The standard deviation of 1.233 indicates that the responses exhibit a considerable amount of variability. The statement regarding the regular use of laptops, desktops, and smartphones for Mechanical Engineering training-related online research using a variety of online sources received the greatest mean score of 3.22. This suggests that the majority of respondents believe that these devices are available and utilised adequately for research purposes. In contrast, the lowest mean score is 2.84, which relates to the statement that rapid internet speeds at the university improve information accessibility. This indicates that respondents have a relatively negative perception of the availability of high-speed Internet for information access at their university.

4.10 Summary of Table


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