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Std. Deviation

1. Computer-aided design (CAD) software for
engineering simulation.



2. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) replaces lathes and other outmoded machinery for practical



3. Computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, etc.
training helps me to exercise my creativity.



4. I know all steps taken to diagnose electronic
vehicle fault.



5. I use scan tools to diagnose vehicle fault during
practical training.



6. I can identify all sensors, actuators, and other new
technologies in vehicle.



7. Training materials and equipment for skills training
are digitally based.



8. lecturers use emerging technologies such as
artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), base technology for training.



9. The materials and equipment that we use during practical’s are a true reflection of what we are
taught during theory lessons.



10. Materials and equipment used during practical’s
are a true reflection of what we are taught during industry attachment.



11. I was trained in emerging digital technologies for
the industry.



12. The technology for educational training reflects the
practices taking place during industrial attachment.






Source: Field Data (2023)
The findings outlined in Table 4.16 suggest that students enrolled in mechanical engineering programmes at technical universities in Ghana hold a moderate level of agreement regarding the accessibility and utility of computer- aided design (CAD) software for engineering simulation, the substitution of outdated machinery with computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) for practical training, and the beneficial impact of computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, and similar training on their creative abilities. The results indicate that the participants possess a certain degree of acquaintance with the workshop equipment and technologies. However, the average ratings for these factors are comparatively low, ranging from 2.75 to 2.94, and the standard deviations range from 1.208 to 1.419.
The findings is in line with prior research that has emphasised the capacity of computer-based technologies to augment engineering education and training, as demonstrated by (J. Fu, 2022; P. Wang et al., 2018). The integration of CAD, CAM, CNC, and robotics in mechanical engineering education has the potential to augment students' technical proficiencies and equip them with the necessary competencies to meet the exigencies of the engineering sector. The students' moderate level of agreement regarding the usefulness and accessibility of said technologies implies that there is potential for enhancing the integration and utilisation of these technologies in the workshop.

Furthermore, it is evident that students enrolled in technical universities in Ghana exhibit a moderate degree of concurrence with respect to their contentment and efficacy of workshop equipment for instructional purposes (WDE). Although the respondents exhibit self-assurance in utilising computer-aided design (CAD) software for engineering simulation, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) for practical training, and computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, among other applications, their inclination towards exercising creativity through training is moderately agreeable. Likewise, the students express a moderate level of concurrence with respect to the accessibility and efficacy of contemporary apparatus for hands-on instruction, such as lathes and other outdated machinery substitutes.

The findings indicate that despite having prior exposure to WDE, students' proficiency and expertise in utilising contemporary engineering tools and software can be further enhanced. It is noteworthy that the responses of students could be impacted by various factors, including but not limited to, access to resources, training, and personal experiences. Therefore, it is recommended that further research be conducted to explore these factors and devise effective approaches to enhance students' proficiency in utilising WDE.
Also, the findings support prior scholarly inquiry that underscores the significance of applied instruction and experiential learning in the realm of engineering pedagogy (Hwang et al., 2012; Kapilan et al., 2021) The findings suggest that there is a moderate level of consensus among students regarding the efficacy and accessibility of WDE. This underscores the importance of ongoing investment in workshop infrastructure and equipment, as well as frequent opportunities for students and faculty to engage in training and skill-building activities. A moderate degree of consensus among students regarding their contentment and the efficacy of workshop equipment for mechanical engineering education in technical universities in Ghana was revealed. The students have recognised their adeptness in utilising contemporary engineering tools and software for diverse engineering assignments. However, there exists a significant degree of inconsistency in their viewpoints, which suggests a requirement for supplementary guidance or instruction to optimally leverage these resources.

The findings presented are in line with prior studies that emphasise the significance of laboratory and workshop equipment, as well as contemporary technologies, in augmenting the calibre of engineering education and equipping students with the necessary skills for the engineering sector (e.g., Börner et al., 2018; Loyalka et al., 2021). The presence of divergent viewpoints among students highlights the necessity for a thorough and methodical strategy for incorporating workshop equipment and contemporary technologies into engineering instruction, in order to guarantee equitable access and proficiency for all students.

The findings indicate that students enrolled in mechanical engineering programmes at technical universities in Ghana possess a moderate level of consensus regarding their proficiency in diagnosing electronic vehicle malfunctions, utilising scan tools during hands-on instruction, and recognising sensors and actuators in automobiles. Furthermore, the respondents express a moderate level of agreement regarding the utilisation of digital-based training materials and equipment for skills training, the incorporation of emerging technologies such as AI and AR by instructors for training purposes, and the congruence between the materials and equipment utilised during practical sessions and the theoretical lessons and industry attachments.
The results further suggested that students enrolled in mechanical engineering programmes at technical universities in Ghana possess a certain degree of proficiency in contemporary technologies and digital resources that are pertinent to their area of study. Nonetheless, the moderate level of consensus implies that there exists an opportunity for enhancement in the incorporation and application of these technologies within the educational setting. The development and implementation of training programmes that sufficiently equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively utilise these technologies is imperative.
The findings align with prior studies that have underscored the significance of applied instruction and experiential learning in the realm of engineering pedagogy (e.g., Downey & Lucena, 2005; Kolb et al., 2014; Van den Beemt et al., 2020). The integration of nascent technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR), into educational programmes can augment the

technical proficiencies of learners and equip them with the requisite competencies to meet the exigencies of the engineering sector. Consequently, it is imperative to allocate resources towards the enhancement of training and skill acquisition for both students and faculty members, in order to ensure their adeptness in utilising these technological tools.

The findings suggest that students pursuing mechanical engineering education in technical universities in Ghana exhibit a moderate level of concurrence in terms of their familiarity and utilisation of novel digital technologies and equipment. The aforementioned results indicate that pupils are presented with a variety of technological tools and apparatuses that have the potential to augment their technical proficiencies and equip them for the requisites of the engineering sector. The moderate level of agreement implies the possibility of requiring additional training and support to ensure the proficiency of students in utilising said resources. The outcomes resonate with prior studies that emphasise the significance of experiential learning and applied instruction in the realm of engineering pedagogy (Kolb et al., 2014; Van den Beemt et al., 2020) The results indicate that pupils are being introduced to a variety of nascent technologies and apparatus, which have the potential to augment their technical expertise and comprehension. Nevertheless, additional research is required to examine the efficacy of these technologies and equipment in equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge for the exigencies of the engineering sector.
Based on the findings, it is advisable for academic institutions to maintain their commitment towards enhancing laboratory infrastructure and equipment, thereby facilitating students' access to and proficiency in utilising cutting-edge digital technologies and equipment. Furthermore, it is imperative to offer consistent instruction and opportunities for proficiency enhancement to both learners and educators to guarantee their proficiency in the latest technologies and apparatus. Subsequent studies may delve into the determinants of the moderate degree of consensus among students and devise tactics to facilitate the efficient utilisation of nascent digital technologies and apparatus in mechanical engineering instruction within technical universities in Ghana. The findings of this study have the potential to provide valuable insights for the formulation of policies and interventions aimed

at improving the integration and utilisation of emerging digital technologies and equipment in engineering education. Additionally, this research can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the efficacy of these technologies in enhancing engineering education.

It was realised that students enrolled in mechanical engineering programmes at technical universities in Ghana exhibit a moderate level of concurrence with respect to their contentment and proficiency in utilising workshop equipment for educational purposes. The utilisation of digital technologies, including CAD, CAM, CNC, and robotics, for practical training is acknowledged by students who recognise their advantages. Additionally, they acknowledge the congruence between theoretical and practical training materials and industry practises. Notwithstanding, there exists an opportunity for enhancement regarding the proficiency and expertise of students in utilising these nascent technologies. Moreover, the heterogeneity in their viewpoints underscores the necessity for supplementary instruction or assistance to optimally leverage these resources. The results align with earlier studies that underscore the significance of experiential learning and applied instruction in engineering pedagogy, as well as the capacity of digital technologies to augment engineering education (Kolb et al., 2014; C. S. W. Ng et al., 2021) The findings indicate that a persistent investment in workshop infrastructure and equipment, along with consistent training and skill enhancement for both students and faculty, is necessary.
According to the composite mean score of 2.86, it can be inferred that the respondents hold a moderate level of satisfaction or perception with regards to the workshop equipment used for training. Nonetheless, respondents hold a perception of relatively lower integration in certain domains, particularly in the adoption of nascent technologies. The aforementioned results underscore prospective domains for enhancement and the necessity for additional investigation into the assimilation of nascent technologies into workshop instruction to augment the educational encounter and more effectively conform to industry standards.
In conclusion, the results from Tables 4.10 to 4.15 provide an overview of students’ opinions on various aspects of digital infrastructure, technology, and equipment in their education. Overall, students moderately agree on the availability

of digital infrastructure in education (ADIE) and the use of technology for classroom training (TCT), as well as their abilities to apply computer technology applications (CTA) and use laboratory equipment for teaching (LET). They also express generally positive attitudes towards technology (ATT) and moderate satisfaction with workshop equipment for training (WDE).

In terms of digital infrastructure and classroom training, students acknowledge the benefits of fast internet speeds, network infrastructure, and mobile telecommunications. They also appreciate the use of virtual learning environments, internet-connected giant screens, and projectors for teaching. Students express confidence in using computers, smartphones, and other devices for e-learning and acknowledge the value of online educational resources. They also recognize their abilities to use CAD, CAM, cloud computing, and modern engineering tools, as well as their positive attitudes towards computer technology applications for learning, skill development, and teamwork.
Despite the generally positive outlook, there is considerable variability in students’ opinions across all aspects, as indicated by the standard deviations. This variability may stem from differences in personal experiences, access to resources, or expectations among the students. Some students may feel more confident and proficient in using digital infrastructure, technology, and equipment, while others may require additional training or support to fully utilize these resources. Overall, these results provide valuable insights into the current state of digital infrastructure, technology, and equipment in education, and they can be used to inform improvements and future developments in this area.

Table 4.17 Summary of Table

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