1.2 The Safety Case Guidelines These Safety Case Guidelines (the Guidelines) have been prepared and published by the CER pursuant to section L of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999, as amended inter alia by the Petroleum (Exploration and Extraction) Safety Act 2010 (the Act. The Act requires all petroleum undertakings that carry on designated petroleum activities to submit a safety case to the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) 6 with respect to that designated petroleum activity. The Act prescribes certain things that have to be included in a safety case and the minimum conditions that must be satisfied in order for the CER to approve it All safety cases submitted to the CER under the Act are required to be prepared in accordance with these Guidelines In respect of a designated petroleum activity or activities, each safety case must at least contain the particulars specified in these Guidelines that relate to that activity. 10 1 As defined in section A) of the Act. 2 As defined in the Designated Petroleum Activities Regulations. 3 As defined in section A) of the Act. 4 As defined in section A) of the Act. 5 As defined in the Designated Petroleum Activities Regulations. 6 Section M of the Act. 7 Section M) of the Act. 8 Section P) of the Act. 9 Section M of the Act. 10 Section M) of the Act.