“How to Bring Reality Into the Advertising Classroom”, Advertising Age, August 8, 1977; pp. 37-40.
“Mr. Brand Manager: Are You Wasting Your Time on Ad Budgets?”, Advertising Age, August 1978; pp. 37-40
“But How Will Consumers React to a Pushbutton Marketplace?” National Forum, July, 1980.
“Rating Sales Promos Easy as 1,2,3”, Advertising Age; November 17, 1980; pp. 64-66.
“Consumer Poll Plugs into Cable”, Advertising Age; October 26, 1981; pp.S30+.
“Advertising Education: Where It Is, Where It’s Going”, Advertising Age Yearbook, 1982; (Chicago: Crain Books, 1982); pp. 37-50.
“The ‘Left-overs’ Theory of Sales Promotion is Passé”, Marketing & Media Decisions, July 1983, pp.206-207.
“Why Marketers Like the Sales Promotion Gambit?”, Advertising Age, November 7, 1983, pp. M52-54.
“Sales Promotion and the New Information-based Marketplace”, Sales Promotion Monitor, October 1983
“Technology’s Challenge to Marketers: Adapt and Change or Disappear” (with Robert Dewar), Business Marketing, March 1984, pp. 30-41.
“Managing the ‘New’ Sales Force” (with Robert Dewar), Business Marketing, March 1985.
“New Direction for 1992”, Marketing Communications, March 1989
“The Product Manager: An Idea Whose Time has Gone?” Marketing Communications, May 1989.
“Real World Results” (with Paul Wang), Marketing Tools Magazine, April/May 1994, pp. 40-46.
“Outside-In Instead of Inside-Out”, DIMA, Germany, 1995, pp. 54-57.
“Closed-Loop Database Validates Just-Right Marketing Spending,” Business Marketing, January 1996.
“Measuring the Return on Brand Communication,” The Advertiser, October 1997.
“Why the heat is on today’s marketing exec,” (with Jeffrey S. Walters), Advertising Age, October 20, 1997.
“Weighing the Ineffable,” (with Jeffrey S. Walters), Marketing Tools, June 1998.
“Mining the “after-aftermarket”,” Industry Week, July 20, 1998.
“Reinventing Marketing for the 21st Century,” Sales & Marketing Management, October 1998.
“Refining Brand Management,” (with Heidi F. Schultz), Advertising Age, November 30, 1998.
“Branding is the Name of the Game,” (with Heidi F. Schultz), AonWorld, Spring 1999.
“Measuring Returns on Marketing,” (with Dana W. Hayman), Strategy & Leadership Magazine, May/June 1999.
“Who Owns the Customer?,” 1-to-1 Marketer, February, 2000.
“Information Can Lead to Loyalty,” (with Scott Bailey), DM News, July 27, 2000.
“The Status of IMC: a 21st Century Perspective,” (with Philip J. Kitchen), Admap, September 20, 2000.
“Paying for Our Sins and Lack of Metrics,” BtoB , April 30,2001.
“Determining and Monitoring Hotel Brand Equity,” Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, Issue No. 8, September 2001.
“New Financial Requirements Call for New Leaders,” (with Chris Grindem), Admap, February 2002.
“New Tools for the 21st Century,” Research World, ESOMAR, Vol. 10, No. 2, February 2002.
“Measuring return on brand communication,” International Journal of Medical Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 4, September 2002.
“Completing the Model: Buy/Sell Branding,” (with Chris L. Grindem), Admap, January 2003.
“Moving Marketing Communication Measurement Inside,” (with Martin Block), Singapore Nanyang Business Review –WMA Edition, Vol. 2, No. 1, January – June 2003.
“Meeting and Beating the Enemy in ’03,” BtoB, January 13, 2003.
“You Don’t Own the Customer, the Customer Owns You,” 1to1 Magazine, April 2003.
“Brand Equity: Both Ends of the Spectrum,” and Guest Editor for Interactive Marketing, Special Issue: Brand Equity, July/Sept. 2003.
“Time to Kill off the Four Ps?,” (with Dev Chekitan), Market Leader, Issue 29, Summer 2005.
“Media Synergy: The Next Frontier in a Multimedia Marketplace,” Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol. 8, No. 1, July-September 2006.
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“DONMAR: A Computer Simulated Media Buying Game” (with Martin Block), 1976 National Conference, American Academy of Advertising, University of Maryland, 1976
“DONMAR II: A Computer Simulated Media Buying Game” (with Martin Block), 1976 National Conference, American Academy of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin, 1976.
“Bringing Reality to the Advertising Classroom” (with Martin Block), 1977 Conference, American Academy of Advertising, University of Minnesota, April 1977.
“Teaching the Advertising Campaigns Course for Fun and Profit,” 1977 National Conference, Association for Education in Journalism, University of Wisconsin at Madison, August 1977.
“DONMAR III: A Computer Simulated Media Buying Game” (with Martin Block), 1978 National Conference, American Academy of Advertising, University of South Carolina, April 1978.
“What Media Research Do Advertisers and Agencies Really Want?” 1978 National Conference, American Academy of Advertising, University of South Carolina, April 1978.
“Toward the Development of a Hierarchy of Creative Strategy” (with Sharon D. Zinser), 1978 National Conference, American Academy of Advertising, University of South Carolina, April 1978.
“An Explanatory Study of Pretesting Sales Promotion Executions Using Individual Difference Scaling and Preference Mapping” (with Martin Block and Tamara Brezen), American Academy of Advertising, Charleston, SC, 1985.
“Consumer’s Perceptions of Direct Marketing Techniques” (with Martin Block and Tamara Brezen), Direct Marketing Professors’ Symposium, Kansas City, 1985.
“The Power of Electronic Marketing: Moving From Re-Active Food Retailing to Pro-Active Retail Food Marketing,” Food Marketing Institute, 1989.
“The Practice of Integrated Marketing Communications in the US,” Advertising Research Foundation Week of Workshops, New York, NY, October 26, 1998.
“Budgeting for Brand Outcomes,” ESOMAR Congress 1998.
“Connecting the Dots: From ROI to ROBI to ROCI Measuring Returns on Marketing and Communication Investments,” (with Dana W. Hayman), Advertising Research Foundation Conference, 1999.
“The Internet and the Effects of E-commerce on the Brand,” (with Heidi F. Schultz), ESOMAR Congress 2000, Vienna, Austria, 2000.
“A New Communication Process Model for Building Holistic Relationship Communication Programs In An Interactive Marketplace,” (with Kirsti Lindberg-Repo), ESOMAR Conference, Barcelona, September 2002
“How IMC Can Save CRM,” (with Tom Duncan and Peggy Cunningham), 2002
“Re-thinking Marketing’s 4Ps: A New Marketing Mix for the Twenty-first Century,” (with Chekitan S. Dev), 2003
“The Death and Potential Resurrection of Marcom,” (with Ilchul Kim), 2003
“Customer Brand Dialogue- understanding how value is efficiently transformed in an interactive marketplace,” (with Kirsti Lindberg-Repo), 2003
“Will Agencies Ever ‘Get’ (or Understand) IMC?” (with Philip J. Kitchen, Ilchul Kim, Donsub Han and Tao Li), 2003
“Developing the Foundation for A New Approach to Understanding How Media Advertising Works,” (with Joseph J. Pilotta), ESOMAR Conference, Geneva, June 2004
“Organizing for Brand Success,” 8th International Research Seminar In Service Management, La Londe Les Maures, June 2004
“A Roadmap for Developing An Integrated, Audience-Focused, Market Research-Driven Organization,” (with Heidi F. Schultz and David Haigh), ESOMAR Conference, Lisbon, September 2004
“Implementing A Media Consumption Model,” (with Martin Block and Joseph Pilotta), ESOMAR Conference, Montreal, June 2005.
“Media Consumption and Consumer Purchasing: Connecting the Dots… Finally,” (with Martin Block and Joseph Pilotta), ESOMAR Conference, Shanghai, June 2006.
Kellogg RALLY Cereal, Intercollegiate Case Clearing House, Boston. Case #9-579-618.
Wyler Unsweetened Soft Drink Mixes, Intercollegiate Case clearing House, Boston. Case #9-579-624.
Meijin PDA, 2002.
Konka Electronics, 2002.
BottleBots, Inc. v Anheuser-Busch Inc., May 2003.
Additional Activities
Seminar Leader, Creative Strategy Seminars, Diriventas, Cali, Medillin and Bogota, Columbia (Professional Advertising and Marketing Organization of Columbia), 1979.
Seminar of Communications Educators, sponsored by Marsteller Foundation, Sterling Forest, New York, 1979.
Seminar on Developing Creative Strategies, Michigan State University, Executive Development Program, 1980.
Featured Speaker, American Marketing Association, Honolulu Chapter, Sales Promotion Seminar, Honolulu, 1980.
Seminar on Sales Promotion Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Continuing Education Division, 1981.
Seminar, Business/Professional Advertising Association, Northwestern University, 1981, 1982.
Marketing Seminars Nestle Technical Assistance Co., Vevey, Switzerland, 1981, 1982.
Seminar on Development of Strategic Advertising Campaigns, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Continuing Education Division, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988.
Introduction to Business/Professional Advertising, Continuing Education Division, Northwestern University, 1982, 1983.
Advertising Seminar Leader, Dart & Kraft, Inc., Northbrook, IL, 1983.
Featured Speaker, Visconti, Jacobs & Visconti, Inc., Annual Marketing Conference, Cleveland, 1983.
Visiting Advertising Professor, Humphrey Browning McDougall, Inc., Boston, 1983.
Featured Speaker, Future Trends Pan-Caribbean Marketing Conference, San Juan, P.R., 1983.
Featured Speaker, Chicago Chapter, Business/Professional Advertising Association, 1983.
Judge, Promotion Marketing Association of America, “Reggie” Awards, New York, 1984.
Judge, Cleveland “Gold Tower” Advertising Awards, 1984.
Seminar Leader, International Advertising Association/Northwestern University, Advanced Seminar in International Marketing, Evanston, 1984.
Seminar Coordinator, International Sales Promotion Planning Conference, S.C. Johnson & Son, Racine, 1984.
Seminar Leader, Writing for Sales Promotion, Hewlett-Packard, Corvallis, 1984.
Featured Speaker, Donnelley Marketing Sales Promotion FORUM V, Pinehurst, 1984.
Session Leader, Consumer Marketing Seminar, Evanston, 1985.
Featured Speaker, Super Value Stores Advertising Seminar, Minneapolis, 1985.
Featured Speaker, International Advertising Association Advertising Educators’ Conference, Brussels, 1985.
Featured Speaker, Washington Certified Grocers Annual Advertising and Marketing Meeting, Seattle, 1985.
Featured Speaker, Royal Crown Cola Bottlers Association Marketing Meeting, La Costa, 1985.
Featured Speaker Leader, Quaker Oats Company Promotion Seminar, Lake Geneva, 1985.
Marketing Section Leader, Institute for Journalism Education, Management Seminar, Evanston, 1985.
Featured Speaker, Direct Marketing Day in Chicago, Chicago, 1985.
Seminar Leader, IGA Annual Marketing and Advertising Seminar, St. Louis, 1985
Seminar Leader, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Associations National Advertising Seminar, Chicago, 1985.
Advertising Session Leader, Industrial Marketing Management Seminar, Evanston, 1985.
Featured Speaker, Smith-Klein & French International Advertising Seminar, Philadelphia, 1985.
Seminar Leader, U.S. Gypsum Company Management Program, Evanston, 1985.
Seminar Leader, National Pasta Association Marketing/Advertising Seminar, Boca Raton, 1985.
Featured Speaker, AT&T Communications Southern Region Management Seminar, Atlanta, 1985.
Seminar Leader, TIME, Inc., New York, 1985.
Seminar Leader, Dart & Kraft Executive Promotion Seminar, Northbrook, 1986.
Featured Speaker, Council of Sales Promotion Agencies, 1985, 1986.
Session Leader, FORTUNE Magazine, Corporate Communications Seminar, Tucson, 1986.
Seminar Leader, Eastern Region Advertising Seminar, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Washington, 1986.
Featured Speaker, Direct Marketing Days, Chicago Association of Direct Marketing, Chicago, 1986.
Featured Speaker, Wisconsin League of Financial Institutions Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, 1986.
Featured Speaker, National Sales Promotion Executives Promotion Workshop, Chicago, 1986.
Director, Executive Seminar, Southland Corporation, 1987.
Featured Speaker, International Advertising Association, Amsterdam, 1988.
Session Leader, Spiegel Seminars, 1986-1989.
Session Leader, Carlson Promotion Group, 1988.
Featured Speaker, Creative Seminar XIII, Tampa, 1987.
Featured Speaker, PMAA Update, Chicago, 1988.
Session Leader, Arthur Anderson Consulting Group, Chicago, 1988.
Session Leader, RTE, Milwaukee, 1988.
Session Leader, American Association of Advertising Agencies, Seattle, 1988.
Session Leader, Japanese Association of Advertising Agencies, Chicago, 1988.
Featured Speaker, DMA Financial Services Conference, New York, 1988.
Speaker, American Marketing Association Sales Promotion Conference, Chicago, 1987, 1988.
Featured Speaker, Flexible Packaging Association, Chicago, 1998.
PMAA Leadership Conference, Hilton Head, 1987; Napa Valley, 1988.
Ford Europe, Marketing Conference, Geneva, 1988.
Featured Speaker, Ford Motor, Global Marketing Strategy Conference, Boston, 1988.
Media Management Instructor, AEJMC, Portland, 1988.
Carlson Promotion Group International Client Seminar, Minneapolis, 1988.
Seminar on Sales Promotion, Kimberly-Clark, Neenah, 1988.
Designed and taught first Marketing Seminar for Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, 1988-1989.
Seminar Leader, Ketchum Communications, Philadelphia, 1989.
Developed and taught Sales Promotion Seminar, American Association of Advertising Agencies, Chicago & Philadelphia, 1988-1989.
Developed and taught Marketing Management Seminar, Abbott Labs, Deerfield, 1989.
Keynote Speaker, Europe 1993, Management Centre Europe, Brussels, 1989.
Time/Life Books Seminar on Direct Marketing, Alexandria, VA, 1989.
Session Leader, Advertising Age, West coast Workshop, Los Angeles, 1989.
Seminar Leader, Sales Promotion, Unilever, New York, 1989.
Keynote Speaker, Flexible Packaging Association National Conference Naples, FL, 1989.
Session Leader, PMAA Update ’89, New York, 1989.
Keynote Speaker, Food Marketing Institute Advertising/Marketing Conference, Charleston, 1989.
Seminar Leader, IBM Asia/Pacific Marketing Communications Managers, Hong Kong, 1989.
Featured Speaker, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., Marketing Communications Conference, Tokyo, 1989.
Strategic Marketing Planning Seminar Leader, Dairy Industry Strategic Marketing Association, Chicago, 1989.
Seminar Leader, International Marketing Communications Training Program, BBDO Europe, Amsterdam, 1989.
Seminar Leader, The Clorox Company, Media Management Conference, Los Angeles, 1989.
Featured Speaker, Suburban Newspaper Publishers Association, Winter Publishers’ Conference, Hawaii, 1990.
Newspaper Management Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, Seminar Sections, 1990-Present.
Scott-Fetzer, Seminar Leader, Hilton Head, SC, 1990
Inland Press Association, Seminar Leader, Nordic Hills, IL, 1990
Association of National Advertisers, Speaker, Phoenix and Naples, FL, 1990
H.E.B. Stores, Consultant, Frequent Shopper Program, San Antonio, 1990-1992
Point-of-Purchase Advertising Institute, Seminar Leader, Chicago, 1990
House of Seagrams, Seminar Leader, Leesville, VA, 1990
Advertising Age conference, Speaker, Moscow, Russia, 1990
Direct Marketing Association, Speaker, Annual Conference, San Francisco, 1990
Helene Curtis, Management Conference, Seminar Leader, Chicago, 1990
Future of Retailing Conference, University of Texas at Austin, Direct Selling Education Foundation, Austin, TX, 1990
Advertising Research Foundation, Speaker, Annual Conference, New York, 1991
Direct Marketing Association, Spring Conference, Speaker, Miami Beach, FL, 1991
Abbott Laboratories, Seminar Leader, North Chicago, IL, 1991
Lintas Advertising, Speaker, IMC Conference, Detroit, 1991
Promotion Marketing Association of America, Update 1991, Featured Speaker,
Chicago, 1991
Electrical Manufacturers Association, Seminar Leader, Chicago, 1991
National Association of Broadcasters, Annual Meeting, Speaker, Las Vegas, 1991
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