URL: http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/shwdyx/ruq/ruq-index-en.htm
Host/Originating Country: XIE Yan, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences / China
Language: Chinese, English
Description: Contains information and images of IAS in China as well as published articles and information on control strategies, mechanisms of introduction, human dimensions and IUCN Guidelines.
38.China Invasive Species Network
URL: http://www.bioinvasion.org.cn:9090/xu716/index.jsp
Host/Originating Country: College of Biological Science, Beijing Normal University
Institute of Animal and Plant Quarantine, General Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) / China.
Language: Chinese, English
Description: Includes a database, species alerts, related literature, control methods, and regulations.
39.Exotic Plants Information System of China
URL: http://weeds.njau.edu.cn/exowort/exoweeds.htm
Host/Originating Country: Nanjing Agricultural University / China
Language: Chinese
Description: Information on invasive flora in China including investigations of invasions, regulations, and species lists.
40.Asia-Pacific Alien Species Database (APASD)
URL: http://apasd-niaes.dc.affrc.go.jp/
Host/Originating Country: APASD Secretariat / Japan
Language: English
Description: Information on various invasive alien species (IAS) in Asia-Pacific countries and regions - searchable by organism group, country or region, year of invasion or detection. Database includes IAS groupings of plants, insects, nematodes, mammals, other animals, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and others. IAS information for 37 countries and regions currently listed. Data includes taxonomic name, English common name, year of invasion or detection, native region, situation of establishment, expansion of distribution area, environmental impact, economic damage, reproduction, growth, countermeasures, and writer's details. Users can retrieve information on similar species, host species, reference, habitat; and photos of IAS, similar species, and damage caused by IAS. Information can be compared among countries and regions.
41.Invasive Plants Database (Japan)
URL: http://invasive.m-fuukei.jp/
Host/Originating Country: YOSHIOKA Toshiya, Greenery Technology and Landscape Planning / Japan
Language: English
Description: This list is assembled landscaping plants that are mentioned escaping from nurseries, farms, flower beds, etc. or invading into natural/semi-natural area as secondary forests, natural forests.
42.Rod Randall’s Big Weed List (Australia)
URL: http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/biglist.html
Host/Originating Host/Originating Country: The Nature Conservancy / USA.
Language: English
Description: A compilation of records relating to plants as weeds anywhere in the world. The list can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format, or browsed online alphabetically by scientific name.
43.Weeds Australia database
URL: http://search.weeds.org.au/
Host/Originating Country: National Weeds Strategy Executive Committee / Australia
Language: English
Description: Search engine provides searchable access to weed-related web addresses, weed people, products, resources, current issues, weed management, training and materials, weed identification and a noxious weeds list. Assists in finding web based weed related information that is on Australian government and major community organization web sites. Information about weed species includes scientific name, other scientific names and declarations, preferred common name, other common names and a categorical description for its status in each Australian State where it is known to occur.
44.Exotic Species Database (Australia)
URL: http://www.weeds.crc.org.au/projects/project_1_2_1.html
Host/Originating Country: Cooperative Research Center for Weed Management / Australia.
Language: English
Description: Documents all introduced plants in Australia plus those potentially invasive species found in neighboring countries, allowing the calculation of the probability of certain plant species or groups becoming weeds. The aim of this project is to record all exotic species present in Australia and nearby countries, and use this information to calculate the probability of certain plant species or groups becoming weeds.
45.Weed Watcher (Australia)
URL: http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/pls/portal30/docs/FOLDER/IKMP/PW/WEED/WEEDWATCHER.HTM
Host/Originating Country: Department of Agriculture / Australia.
Language: English
Description: A web-based interface for finding or reporting weed infestations from a map displayed on your computer screen. Currently over 50 environmentally and agriculturally significant weeds can be mapped across the SW of the state of Western Australia.
46.PlantNET (New South Wales, Australia)
URL: http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/
Host/Originating Country: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney / Australia.
Language: English
Description: Search for information on New South Wales plant names, their distribution and their conservation status, accessing the following databases:- Freshwater Algae, Casuarinaceae nomenclature and distribution, the Type Specimen Catalogue of the National Herbarium of New South Wales, the NSWplants (by NSW coastal region) system, a WeedAlert (by NSW coastal region) system (not public), a Plants@Risk (by NSW coastal region) system, and WattleWeb (searchable database of Wattles of New South Wales).
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