Draft terrestrial resources biological assessment

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2.0 Project Description

The proposed Project occurs entirely within Jackson County, Oregon. Project extents range from the intersection of I-5 and OR 62 in Medford, to the intersection of OR 62 and West Dutton Road in White City. Figures 1-1 and 1-2 depict the project location and the direct extents of proposed project activities.

2.1 Description of Project Activities

The following section summarizes the proposed action, with an emphasis on project components bearing on aquatic habitats and fisheries resources. A complete description of the proposed action is included in the Highway 62 Corridor Solutions Project - Terrestrial Resources Technical Report (URS 2010a). The following discussion details the two Build Alternatives and three Design Options under consideration in the DEIS, as well as the construction phasing, which includes the Oregon Jobs and Transportation Act (JTA) phase, identified as the initial construction phase. As the JTA phase does not rely on federal dollars, this portion of the Project is anticipated to be the first portion constructed, regardless of which Build Alternative or Design Option is selected as the Preferred Alternative. Figure 1-2 depicts the two Build Alternatives under consideration.

2.1.1 Build Alternatives

In general terms, the two Build Alternatives vary in how they convey traffic from I-5 onto OR 62 and the proposed Bypass. The following sections discuss each Build Alternative in detail. Split Diamond Build Alternative

The Split Diamond (SD) alternative involves providing direct access to the Bypass via a new interchange with I-5. The Bypass would include four 12-foot travel lanes (two in each direction), a 10-foot center median and 8-foot shoulders. With the SD Alternative, the North Medford Interchange would be converted to a split diamond design, as depicted in Figure 2-1. The proposed Bypass would create a new interchange at I-5, approximately 1,400 feet north of the existing North Medford Interchange. The new interchange would require construction of two new, single-lane bridges over Bear Creek to carry the new I-5 northbound on-ramp and southbound off-ramps. The existing OR 62 ramp to southbound I-5 will be realigned. Once traffic leaves the interchange with I-5 and merges onto the alternatives proposed Bypass (at approximately Poplar Drive), the remainder of the SD Alternative is identical to the Directional Interchange (DI) Build Alternative through to its northern terminus in White City.
The SD Alternative and DI Alternative (discussed under Section below) would each impact approximately 3.8 acres of VPC habitat. Directional Interchange Build Alternative

The Directional Interchange (DI) Alternative is a limited-access Bypass located west of the existing OR 62. Unlike the SD Alternative, the DI Alternative would not intersect with I-5;



instead, its southern terminus would be a directional interchange with OR 62 between Delta Waters Road and Poplar Drive near the south end of the Airport (Figure 2-1). Beyond Poplar Drive, the DI Alternative would also extend north, past White City, and rejoin OR 62 in the vicinity of West Dutton Road, identical to the SD Alternative.

As with the SD alternative, the Bypass would include four 12-foot travel lanes (two in each direction), a 10-foot center median and 8-foot shoulders. Local roadways between I-5 and Delta Waters Road will be reconfigured to connect to local roadways. New roadways and upgraded local roads will include construction of bike lanes and sidewalks.
Impacts to terrestrial environments associated with construction of the DI Alternative are generally consistent with those discussed under the SD Alternative.

2.1.2 Common Design Features of the Build Alternatives (Commerce Drive to Dutton Road) Limited-Access Bypass

North of Poplar Drive, the two Build Alternatives are identical. They would both consist of a limited-access Bypass and would include some modifications to local streets. The Bypass would be comprised of four 12-foot travel lanes (two in each direction), a 10-foot center median, and 8-foot shoulders.
The Bypass would be located on the Medco Haul Road, approximately 2,400 feet west of and parallel to the existing OR 62. It would remain at-grade until just south of Vilas Road, where it would be elevated on fill and cross over the top of Vilas Road. A new, elevated Single Point Urban Interchange and crossing structure at Vilas Road would be built to provide connections between the Bypass and Vilas Road. North of Vilas Road, the Bypass would return to grade level.
Between Justice and Gregory Roads there are three Design Options (A, B, and C) under consideration. Each Design Option is common to both the SD and DI Build Alternatives, meaning that the selection of one alternative or the other will not influence which Design Option is preferred. The Design Options describe possible locations for a portion of the Bypass just north of Justice Road until it rejoins OR 62 near Corey Road. Figure 2-2 depicts the location of the three Design Options.
All three Design Options would include a directional interchange in the vicinity of the existing OR 62/Agate Road intersection, allowing traffic to reconnect with OR 62 or continue on the Bypass. An existing dip in Agate Road near the Denman Wildlife Management Area (WMA) will be filled to eliminate existing flooding conditions during high precipitation events and improve safety.




The Design Options under consideration produce trade-offs between environmental impacts, particularly to vernal pool habitats, and financial and land use impacts to developed areas. The DEIS will forward a Preferred Alternative, based on these (and other) trade-offs.

North of the Agate Road/OR 62 interchange, the Bypass would use the Agate Road ROW to avoid encroaching on the WMA. The Bypass would be elevated on fill and would cross over Antelope Road and Avenue G on bridge structures. North of Avenue G, the Bypass would be also located on a structure; after crossing over Avenue H, the Bypass would curve east, return to grade, and use the West Dutton Road ROW.
The Bypass would terminate in an interchange with the existing OR 62 in the vicinity of the existing intersection of OR 62 and West Dutton Road. The interchange would allow northbound Bypass traffic to continue north on OR 62 but not south on OR 62 (see Figure 2-1). Southbound OR 62 traffic could either curve west onto the Bypass (southbound) or take a ramp over the Bypass and continue south on the existing OR 62 through White City. Northbound traffic on the existing OR 62 could only continue north on OR 62.

2.1.3 Local Street Modifications

The two Build Alternatives would include modifications to the local street network. In addition to those modifications described above, there would be modifications common to both Build Alternatives. Rogue Valley International - Medford Airport Vicinity

The Airport currently has an internal circulation road around its perimeter. In places where the Bypass would use some of the ROW to the west, this road would be realigned, with the new alignment located as close to the original alignment as possible. The Bypass would necessitate the construction of surface street access to the cluster of buildings on the east side of the Airport – including the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) facility. At the southern terminus of Airway Drive, a new two-lane, east-west street, approximately 4,400 feet long, would be built, extending southeast from Airway Drive to connect to the INS facility and other buildings. The new road would follow existing property boundaries. Commerce Drive and Coker Butte Road would be converted to cul-de-sacs at the Bypass. Vilas Road Vicinity

Vilas Road would be widened from its current three-lane cross section (one lane in each direction, plus a center turn lane) to five lanes between the existing OR 62 and Table Rock Road. A number of local road improvements would be necessary to accommodate these changes, including the addition of bike lanes and sidewalks. Enterprise Drive would be extended to the east. A new street connecting Justice Road with Gregory Road would be built, and a cul-de-sac added at the Bypass. A new roadway connecting the east end of Helicopter Way to Vilas Road would be constructed. All local roadway improvements (new or rebuilt) would conform to local planning standards with the addition of bike lanes and sidewalks. White City Industrial Area

From the Agate Road interchange to a point just south of Avenue G, the Bypass would replace Agate Road. A number of local street improvements would be required to maintain freight mobility in this area. Dutton Road Area

West Dutton Road would be displaced by the proposed Bypass. A new frontage road that intersects with Avenue G would be built as a replacement. The new road would be located along the west and northwest edge of the VA SORCC property lines. Fill would be required for the New Dutton Road grade separation over the Bypass. Existing driveways would be moved and connected from the new local roadway to the existing East Dutton Road.

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