To create a new project database select: Project >Database > Create New
This will open the File Dialog Box:
Browse to the Folder where you want to save the Project and following apply a name to the Project database. The standard extension .MDB should not be changed. Click Save. If the filename already exists, you will be asked if you want to open the existing Project database. If you select No, you will be asked if you want to overwrite the existing Project database.
The program will now create the new project database, which is empty except for some default settings. The new project database will automatically become the current opened one, so you do not have to open it before importing files.
In the Windows Title Bar you will see the name of your database:
Create, Open and Import
You are now ready to import LWD data files. To open a project database select: Project
Database > Open
This will open the file dialog box:
When you browse you will see a list of *.MDB files (the standard extension for Access databases). Select the appropriate project database by clicking the filename, and click Open.
Notice: If you select an Access database that is not created with LWDmod the program might crash.
The database is now the current project and the name of the database is displayed in the Windows Title Bar. You are now ready to open a file, or to import new files.
6.2To import LWD raw data files
To import LWD raw data files select: Project
Datafile > Import
LWD Raw Data (kdb). You have also the possibility to import raw data from Excel files, in case they are generated by the earlier Keros Toolbox program. (See Raw Data Files)
You will get the file open dialog box:
Browse to the folder, where you have the raw data files with LWD data, and select the appropriate file. You will then have the opportunity to change the name under which the data are stored in the project database:
Click OK and the import will begin. If a file with the specified name already exists in the Project database, you will be asked if the existing file should be overwritten. The imported file will be the current file as you will see in the Windows Title Bar.
To make another file from the current database the current file select:
Datafile > Open from database file
You will then be presented for a list of all imported files in the current project database:
Click the desired file, and it will open.
To make a copy of a datafile from the database to a new name, you will first open the appropriate file, and then select Project > Datafile > Save file as
6.4To Compact a database
To Compact a database select Project > Database > Compact.
This is only possible when a project database is open. When a project database has been used for a while, with lots of imports and analysis, it grows bigger than necessary. Using this option will reduce the physical size of the database.
6.5Delete Options
Selecting Project >Delete Options gives access to remove results or files from the project database or the complete project database with all files.
To delete a file, the file must be current. Deleting results will delete all results in terms of back calculated moduli and overlay thicknesses from the current file.
7Edit Data
When a file is opened, you have the option of selecting Edit Data from the Main Window for viewing and editing the raw data.
Editing data will only affect the imported data in the project database. The raw data from the imported files can be re-imported to generate the original data.
All cells with white background can be edited by clicking the cell and entering a new value. A complete point with all drops can be removed by using + a Point No. A single drop can be removed by selecting + a Drop No.
In the Notes block you can add notes on file level. Point related notes can be added in the Analysis window
Click Save when all changes are done or Cancel to regret.
Facilities for deleting drops are also available from Plots - Deflections. It is usually more convenient to pinpoint the bad drops from this graphical interface, where also deflections normalized to a specific stress level can be shown.
An example of a typical mistake is, if a wrong radius has been recorded in the field. This should be corrected by changing the Radius for the appropriate drops. Making changes to Radius or Load will automatically recalculate and update the Stress value.
8Analysis of Data 8.1Analysis
Selecting Point File Settings Structure and Seed Values Graphical View Calculation of Elastic Moduli Calculation of Required Overlay Thickness
Selecting Analysis from the Main menu gives access to E – moduli calculations and design calculations, statistics a.o. In unlicensed mode the facility is only available for the Demo database. The menu item is enabled when a data file is open.
Before doing analysis, ensure that the data to be used are of the best possible quality (see: Preparing Data for Analysis)
To do analysis you start selecting a single point from the file, and use the facilities in File Settings to control number of drops to be included and other settings. You can then enter pavement structure and seed values and following do the analysis. When you are satisfied with the analysis for this point, you can select to calculate all points, based on the same input values and settings.
If you later, after evaluating the results, wish to change some input values for specific points, you can go back to the analysis windows, and handle these points individually, only saving the results for the single point.
Please follow the links at the top for specific details of each step in the procedures.
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