Dynatest 3031 lwd light Weight Deflectometer

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4Main Menu

Some of the menu items may be disabled, if they have no relevance at the current stage, e.g. you can not edit or analyze a data file before you have opened one.
In the example you see all menus are enabled, due to a file with analysis results is open. In the title bar you can view information about project name and file name.
Following is a short description of each menu item:

  • Clicking Project brings up this submenu:

Select Database to create a new database (project) or to open an existing one.
Select Datafile to open a data file from the current project or to import new LWD data files.
Delete Options gives access to remove results or files from the project database.
At the bottom of the submenu there are shortcuts to access previously opened files.
See: 6.3 Project

  • Clicking Edit Data gives access to view and edit information from an opened data file.

See: 7 Edit Data

  • Select Analysis when a data file is open and ready to be analyzed. The analysis feature gives possibility to calculate layer properties, and to perform overlay design based on specifications to surface deflection modulus.

See: 8 Analysis of Data

  • In Plot you can view graphical presentations of test data and results generated from the analysis. You have facilities to delete single points or drops from the data, to study detailed drop information, and to export data tables, results and graphics.

See: 10 Plot

See: 5.2 Settings

  • Report: This facility is used for generating data export to Excel sheets or Word document.

See: 9 Report

  • From the Help menu you have following submenu:

Help opens the contents page of the Help file.
Registration opens the window for applying the license file to LWDmod. See: Registration.
The About menu displays information about the provider and version of software.


5.1Default Analysis Settings

The settings are defaults applied to new files imported to the project database. The values can later be changed locally for a single file, using the menu File Settings from the Analysis window.
For Design Parameters you can enter default values for both SI units and US units by selecting the appropriate option button.
For more detailed information please see: File Settings.


When selecting Settings from the Main menu, some global setup parameters can be changed. These settings are defaults, which will be used when new projects are created and new data files are imported.
Do not confuse this option with File Settings accessible from the Analysis window for defining parameters for the specific opened data file.


Selecting a language will change all texts in the user interface to the language selected in the drop down list box. Not all listed language options are available, as they have not yet been translated. The Help file is only available in English.


You can set to import data either in SI (Standard International) units or in US (US Customary or Imperial) units. This will have effect when data are imported from the LWD raw data files (*.kdb). If data are imported from Excel files, this setting has no effect, as LWDmod assumes data already are in the correct units. The same project database can hold files in different unit systems.

5.5Sort Points by

This will define the sorting order of the points (locations) in the data file, when importing new raw data. After import the sorting order cannot be changed, unless the raw file is re-imported.
If the locations are entered as a numeric type format, then the file can be sorted according to the numerical value of the location. Like for instance if chainages are used, then it will ensure that 2.100 comes before 10.100. If instead Location was chosen, then 10.100 would come before 2.100. Sorting by Time of Measurement means the order in the imported data file, will be same as in the raw data file.
Test drops within a location, will always be sorted according to the time of measurement.

5.6Import Load/Deflection History

This defines if the single drop’s time history should be imported when importing new raw data. This makes it possible to generate the full load and deflections curves over time of the load impact. In the PLOT features these curves can be studied and often they give valuable information about the pavement and/or possible disturbing factors that could have influenced the results. For more details see: Plots

5.7Time History

The disadvantage by importing these data is that they make the project database bigger.

6A project (project database)

This is a physical collection of imported data files in Microsoft Access format. When using LWDmod all import and export goes from and to this database. Before you can do anything else, you have to create a new project database or open and existing project. Next step is then to either import new data files, or to open already imported files from the project database.
The idea is to collect all data files belonging to a project into one physical location. A reasonable number of files in one project database would be from 1 to 50 or 100, but there is no upper limit, except that the size of the database could grow to an unmanageable size or the performance would slow down at some stage.

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