Economic Evaluation of an Investment in Medical Websites and Medical Web-Based Services

Concluding Remarks from the Extant Literature Examination

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10 Concluding Remarks from the Extant Literature Examination

Extant literature showed that until now evaluation methods like Cost-Benefit Analysis and Return on Investment have been used in healthcare with the main purpose to evaluate medical treatments, treatment processes and to enhance medical education, rather than focusing on evaluating processes and technological changes and interventions in healthcare, and further interest to apply in healthcare sector what was successfully used in other economic sectors such as business and manufacturing. Evaluation methods can be a powerful tool in the hands of managers/analysts/decision makers who more and more these days need to focus on methods that can support strategic decisions and enhance the viability and efficiency of healthcare investments. Furthermore, past studies regarding the evaluation and assessment of medical websites and medical web-based services have been focusing on subjective matters referring to the accuracy of the medical content that the sites contain and the readability and the comprehensiveness of information. The aim of this research is to form a comprehensive sample as a good representation of the population of the medical websites and based not only on subjective but also on objective data to assess the factors of success and the factor that can enhance the survivability/sustainability of the medical websites and access their broader value for the individual/ healthcare policy makers that will invest on them as well as their perceived value from the point of view of the patients. The conclusions were interesting and the knowledge that was gained for the population of the medical websites under examination is considered significant.

Delving into the past studies, Cost-Benefit Analysis is considered to be a comprehensive method of economic evaluation presenting many benefits as well as some drawbacks. To enhance its effectiveness CBA will be used in this research in the context described by Robert Brent (2003), as a general method that will include also Cost-Efficiency Analysis, Cost-Minimisation and Cost-Utility Analysis as its special cases. Problems such as valuing human life, identifying costs and future benefits and the issue of discounting costs and benefits, are issues that emerged from background knowledge and should be taken under consideration. From the analysis of the past literature, the value of human life in finite values can be assessed from the monetary compensation that an individual would ask φορ in order to work and live in a completely unsafe environment (Sugden and Williams, 1978). Benefits and cost are considered to be both discounted as literature shows that this is a way to produce correct outcomes from the evaluation process avoiding problems like the Postponing Paradox (Brent, 2003; Smith and Gravelle, 2000b; Keller and Cretin, 1983).

In order to obtain a monetary value of the benefits concerning the use of the medical websites that offer medical web-based services to the users/patients, the Willingness to Pay approach will be followed rather than the QALY approach, because as it was stated from the literature, the QALY approach focuses on transforming the outcomes of the improvement in the healthcare interventions into a specific duration and quality of life (Bala et al., 1998; Hammit, 2002). In addition to this, QALY approach and Cost Effectiveness analysis are mainly used of clinical outcomes while WTP can be used on assessing value from the health process itself rather than only from its outcomes (Ryan et al., 1997). Moreover, WTP transforms the outcomes of the improvement in the healthcare interventions into a universal monetary value, which is much easier to be used by the evaluation actors. The application of Willingness To Pay, contingent analysis, or in general “Stated Choice Experiment” methods have gained ground in the attempts to evaluate the behavioural responses of the public in general or a specific target group towards a specific scenario, product, service or attribute (Rose et al., 2009).

Finally, in addition to CBA, Return on Investment is considered a necessity to enhance decision making process in healthcare investments (Stone, 2005; Endogmus et al., 2004) offers accurate measurement on programmes results taking into account or excluding external influences as well as it offers a benchmark to the decision makers and analysts to organize better and set clear priorities as to which program to invest in between various alternatives (Phillips P. & J., 2008). By the estimation of the Return on Investment, which is the ratio of net benefits that a programme produces to the costs that it needs in order to operate and achieve the aforementioned benefits (Endogmus et al., 2004), we can offer a clear view of the evaluation results of the medical websites that offer medical web-based services.

Chapter 3: Methodology

11 Introduction

Following the analysis of the extant literature concerning the evaluation methods and techniques applied in the healthcare sector, and more specifically, on the healthcare IT interventions field, this Chapter provides an overview of the research methodology that was adopted in order to fulfil the aims and objectives of the research.

First, the dominating philosophy, ontology and epistemology that this research is based on will be described, followed by a comprehensive analysis of the methods that are chosen for the purpose of this research and the justification of their selection.

    1. Research Philosophies within the Information Systems (IS) Discipline

Galliers (1991) suggests that there is one fundamental classification of research methods for IS: a) the empirical research – which is based on the dogma that a valid research solution should be repeatable and open to refutation- and b) the interpretative research- which is based on more qualitative observations. Moreover, according to Given (2008) “….quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena”.

Positivism is a philosophy of science that assumes the existence of an objective world in which every piece of information is derived from logical and mathematical treatments and reports of sensory experience. Positivists attempts to “capture approximations of real world entities, many of which are intellectual (or social) constructions to be sure” (Straub et al. 2004) and assume that the human behaviour is governed by rationality and intentional actions.

On the other hand, interpretative research considers the reality to be subjective and dependent on the researcher’s personal beliefs which interact with and are validated through scientific methodological studies with human participants (Walsham, 1995). Moreover, critical research challenges taken-for-granted norms supporting the belief that that social systems are under constant change and trying to investigate mainly who (concerning the societal perspective) or what (concerning the norms and structures) is harmed or privileged from this continuous flow of changes (Cannella, 2009).

For the purposes of this research and according to its nature the empirical position was considered the most appropriate approach to be followed. This research is considered a positivist research using quantitative approach since is the product of an objective empirical observation of the phenomenon of the medical websites and the medical web-based services that can affect healthcare system efficiency and thus society.

This research follows the inductive since it makes broad generalizations regarding the success and failure factors of the medical websites as well as their value from specific observations (Hayes et al, 2010. Other form of reasoning are the deductive and abductive but there are not followed because they don’t align with the aims of the current research. In deductive reasoning the researcher starts out with a general statement, or hypothesis, and examines the possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion (Goel, 2007) and abductive reasoning usually starts with an incomplete set of observations and proceeds to the likeliest possible explanation for the group of observations (Walton, 2006)

Finally, this research will use popular and valid statistical methods as well as it will apply well-established models, tools and techniques in order to investigate the area under research, identify the existing problems and provide a solution or insight about the current situation by answering the research questions.

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