Edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske

To Ann Maria Carter Smith

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196.To Ann Maria Carter Smith

MS Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter/ Yonge 1859/11
Otterbourne, Winchester.

April 2d 1859

My dear Miss Smith,

I like it very much, and am exceedingly ready for some more, much wishing to know Johnny’s fate. Mr and Mrs Arnold are both admirable of their kind, and so is Mary. I am sure her like is often found, as I am afraid Frank’s is too - everybody can remember some dreadful boy before the age of chivalry. We delight too in Sir Hector and his daughter. I like large families in stories myself, but I don’t know what those who cry out at mine will say to your two sets. Never mind that though, except that I am not clear whether there were both a Mary and an Agnes Merivale, or whether she is sometimes the one, sometimes the other. One bit I think you might mend, namely the Vicar’s exhortation to Robert - it may be my bad reading, but it seemed to me rather involved, and not quite proportional to the effect it produced. Then - I am almost ashamed to be so minute but such things are taken hold of if not corrected - your verbs to lie and to lay are sometimes in confusion, especially where Robert is concerned, and in your writing you are very apt to leave out the conjunction that in connecting your sentences. I have often had to add it in the proofs in the Monthly Packet. I mention all this, because if you let Parker bring out so good a story as this you put yourself much more in the way of critics, and good English is a thing by which men judge so much. This I think is all I have to observe ust now. I will only thank you for the pleasure we have had in the reading so far. I am inclined to pity Robert the most at present. Johnnie’s illness must have been such a disappointment to him. Medically, did you ever know such a family of spines? I am visiting on you the scolding I got for my treatment of Sophy Kendal’s.2 I think too that your dates require revision, for little Amabel could not have been 4 in 1854- as I won’t pretend not to have seen through your scratch. I never knew of her having a namesake, but Verena had several, a much less convenient name.1 My only doubt in going to Parker would be whether the story would not seem too much for the young to class with the Dorothy set of novelettes.2 If you could have it done up like the Daisy Chain which it much more resembles it might indicate its character

yours sincerely

C M Yonge

197.To Ann Maria Carter Smith

MS Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter/ Yonge 1859/2 3
Otterbourne, Winchester.

April 9th 1859

My dear Miss Smith

The end of Aggesden does not at all disappoint me, I think Frank's gradual self conquest beautifully done, and John not at all less charming than at first. Mary is a very good lesson altogether, and very nicely done. And now for the subject of those two troublesome verbs to lie and to lay. I observe you say 'he lay down his head' and 'I must lay down all my life.[']

Now surely they stand thus-

Verb active Verb passive

present present

I lay my head I lie down

past past

I laid my head I lay down

participle future

My head was laid I will lie down

or lain I must lie down


I shall lay my head
I beg your pardon, but really I think you will find that this is right. I rather hope too that you will not let 'to leave' stand as a neuter verb. I do not think the good English of old Lady Merivale's schoolroom should have allowed it. So much for impertinence. Next after having heard so much of Robert Merivale, one is disappointed at his taking no notice of Johnnie's accident, nor feeling the thwarting of his project. Could not Mr Arnold be really refreshed by having to console him when they met in London, and could not he rejoice in the improvement. Surely too he should be accounted for when the family went abroad. Why could not he go with them, and be wheeled to the sights, or have the German baths recommended. It would keep them away, and make it more probable and less selfish, for when Sir Hector was so devoted to that boy, his long absence seems the more strange, as the poor fellow was not even with Netta.
Lord Duthoyle is just like a good young lord, but I think the reviews will be down upon you if you say quite so much of the rank, and the effect it produced. I think you would find Mr Parker the pleasanter person to deal with, at least I like his ways the best of all my publishers, and I would gladly tell him what I think of your story, if you like me to do so. I think some such title as 'a tale for the young' might obviate the novellette air. It has been a great pleasure to my mother and me, the last chapters we read quite sorry that each page made them fewer. I do wish the M P had space for it at once, the tale is so exactly the thing for it, but it certainly ought not to resemble 'our Margaret' in long lying by. That reading is delightful. But surely you meant St Paul parting with the Ephesians at Miletus.
One thing more, did the Artillery go to India till this last war? John Hughes and his sisters in law are great fun
With many thanks

yours sincerely

C M Yonge

198.To Ann Maria Carter Smith

MS Westcountry Studies Library, Exeter/ Yonge 1859/31

April 12th [1859]

My dear Miss Smith

I hope and trust the tale is safe, I sent it off with the letter on Saturday, in a brown paper cover and a shilling stamp which our post office told me was the sufficient sum. If it be not come, we must write to the General Post Office but I hope to hear it is all right, as I know the book post will sometimes detain a heavy parcel for a day or two. It has been haunting me ever since my letter went that I made lain the participle of the active to lay, instead of of the neuter to lie. I believe one always knows less of English grammar than of any other. By the by, I hope you will not think I wished anything to be said to diminish the inexpediency of cousins marrying. I think old Sir John was very right Thank you about Robert. Those people are very real to me. I enclose a note for Mr Parker which I hope may induce him to consider it favorably, unless he thinks it out of his line. I hope you will let me know if it has safely arrived. I am so glad poor Robert and Sophy will be allowed to be together. In a day or two I hope to send the next division of East London, please to direct it on straight to Messrs Mozley at Derby instead of sending it back to me

yours sincerely

C M Yonge

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