A serious public concern Control of your mind is a classified military capabilityExcerpts from CAHRA now Mind Justice website military journals and government document quotes "to control the will and perception of adversaries by applying a regime of shock and awe...It is about effecting behavior" "A decoy and deception concept using microwaves to "create intelligible speech ' in the head, 'raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction" "tools that could...make
potential enemies see, hear and believe things that don't exist."
"...crowd control and urban warfare devices that temporarily could paralyze an entire village."
ConclusionsThe Soviet government's admission to mind control programs comparable to the atomic bomb and to a lesser extent, the US government's
admission, became public knowledge because of the breakup of the Soviet Union. In addition, the US government declassified some of their 40 year old classified emr nonlethal weapons and began to promote them to the public. This information coupled with the fifty year history of the East/West scientific dispute over nonthermal
bioeffects is evidence of anEast/West mind control arms race. The US and Russian governments admit that mind control technology is classified. The Russian and US victims of illegal mind control programs have clear proof of government involvement and motive. The growing and already massive program of alleged, illegal experimentation and the use of mind control on the unsuspecting public is a serious human rights issue in need of a thorough and impartial investigation.
For further documentation on this serious and extensive issue,refer to CAHRA now Mind Justice mindjustice.org] website.Citizens
Against Human Rights Abuse, CAHRA now Mind Justice]
IRS approved nonprofit c) Cheryl Welsh, president click to email) 758-1626 915 Zaragoza St.
Davis, CA USA. 95616
now Mind Justice, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse was formed by a group of victims of alleged nonconsensual human experimentation involving electromagnetic and neurological weapons, in order to stop the abuse. Your donations have made the preliminary Dr. Bertell study possible.
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