Where has the time gone? It is already November and the first quarter just flew by! Before we know it Christmas will be here!
I am very proud of the students and all of the awards that were given out during the First Quarter Awards Assembly. There were several students on the Principal’s Honor Roll, Honor Roll, and with perfect attendance. WAY TO GO!!! During the first quarter assembly, there was a drawing for students with these honors. These students received a certificate for a free personal pizza, pop, ice cream cone, and free movie rental compliments of Don’s Place. A special “Thank You” goes out to Don’s Place for the certificates.
A huge “THANK YOU” also goes to the following businesses for the donations that have been made for class t-shirts so far: McCormack, People’s Community Bank and Ernie Sales. All of the students have been excited to wear the t-shirts to our assemblies!
Have a safe and productive deer hunting season!!!
If I can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to stop by the school or call the elementary.
7:00 Booster Club Mtg Nov. 7: 5th Grade Field Trip Nov. 11: 1:00 Veteran’s Day Assembly Nov. 14-15: Fall Break – NO SCHOOL Nov. 23-25: NO SCHOOL– Thanksgiving Break
Looking ahead: Dec. 1: Family Reading Night Dec. 2: Christmas with Santa (old gym) Dec. 6-8: PTO Christmas Store Dec. 8: 6:00 Elementary Christmas Concert
Dec. 16: Winter Parties 12:30 Early Dismissal Dec. 19-30: No School-Christmas Break Jan.3:School resumes