2014 US RAND RR750 Enhancing performance under stress - stress innocuation training in battlefield airmen
Interview Guide for Subject Matter Experts • How is training currently designed to help CCTs/PJs to better perform under stressful conditions How has the training of CCTs/PJs changed overtime What are the most stressful parts of the current training program At what point in the training cycle do the most stressful parts occur What do trainees do to meet the demands of these stressors? ◦ How well do they meet the demands of these stressors? – Are there any specific training modules designed to help trainees meet stressful demands (e.g., cognitive skills training In what specific ways is stress induced to better prepare CCTs/PJs? o Type of stress? o Frequency, duration, and intensity of stress Has there been any evaluation on the effectiveness of inducing stress in training CCTs/ PJs? • What types of stressors do CCTs/PJs face in the operational environment How do you think training of CCTs/PJs could incorporate additional exposure to stressful conditions At what time in the training cycle What factors would affect the implementation of additional training to stressful conditions