Figure 2: South Pacific RFMO covered area
The initiative to establish a new RFMO for the management and conservation of non tuna resources in the international waters of the South Pacific was launched by Australia, New Zealand and Chile in 2006. The text of the SPRFMO Convention was agreed at the 8th International Consultations for the Establishment of South Pacific RFMO held in November 2009. The text is open for signature since 1 February 2010. The EU is expected to sign at the end of March 2010.
The Parties participating in the RFMO are the following: Australia, Belize, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Cook Islands, Cuba, the EU, Ecuador, Faroe Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, France (on behalf of its overseas territories), Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Russian Federation, Tonga, Ukraine, USA, Vanuatu, Venezuela. Special observer: Chinese Taipei Fishing Entity.
The main players from a fishing activity perspective in the area are:
for pelagic fisheries: China, EU, Chile, Faroe Islands and Cook Islands.
for demersal fisheries: Australia and New Zealand.
Catch reporting obligations, enshrined in the revised Interim Measures (transposed into Art 25 TQR 2010):
There is obligation on “monthly catch reporting” – a catch report for the previous month is due to be submitted by the EU to the Interim Secretariat of South Pacific RFMO at the end of the following month using the template attached (deadline for the submission to the Commission: 15th day of the following month).
RCM LDF is not sure if this is possible at the moment as data from long distance fishery are delivered with a time lag to the control agencies which needs some time to be processed. The situation could be improved by implementing electronic logbooks.
The other problem is a confidentiality problem which could be observed for the EU MS being active in this area, as most of the MS fishing in the South Pacific involves only 2-3 vessels in this fishery, sometimes owned by 1 or 2 companies.
Some other data reporting obligations are to be submitted each 30 June for the previous calendar year according to already established forms.
In accordance with the revised Interim Measures, EU has to ensure a minimum of 10% effort observer coverage of trips for vessels flying EU flag,
TOR 1: Allocation of fishing grounds
EU vessels are mostly operating in the South-Eastern Pacific, i. e. in the FAO area 87, subareas 2.6 and 3.3 as specified by the arrows in the figure below.
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