Эумк по дисциплине «иностранный язык (английский)»для студентов заочной формы обучения специальностей

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6.1 Требования к промежуточному (текущему) контролю

1. Стартовое тестирование

2. Устные беседы по текстам и темам.

3.Письменный перевод и устная беседа по текстам для индивидуального профессионального чтения объёмом 4000 печатных знаков за семестр.

6.2 Требования к зачету по дисциплине «английский язык»,

I курс, I семестр

1. Письменный перевод и беседа по тексту для внеаудиторного чтения (4000печ. зн. за семестр)

2.Беседа по текстам для внеаудиторного чтения 3,4,5.

3. Темы и вопросы к зачету по дисциплине «английский язык»:

1. Our University

  1. Who may enter higher educational establishments?

  2. Is it easy to study by correspondence? (to be an external student).

  3. Who encouraged you in your desire to enter our University?

  4. Do you think education is in demand in modern world? Why?

  5. Is education of any significance in the village, small settlement, and city?

2. Types of Legal Professions

  1. How many types of lawyers do you know?

  2. What cases can a solicitor represent in a court?

  3. What do barristers engage in?

  4. What kind of judges is unpaid in Britain?

  5. 5What are Coroner’s duties?

  6. What are the duties of the Court Clerk?

  7. What do the jurors decide?

3.Legislative Process in Belarus

  1. What are the major sources of law in Belarus?

  2. Who has the right of legislative initiative in Belarus?

  3. Which House does new legislation usually start in?

  4. When is the draft law approved?

  5. Has the President the right to veto the draft law?

4. Lawmaking Process in the USA

  1. What is the structure of the US congress?

  2. Who may initiate new legislation?

  3. Where is the bill first introduced?

  4. What is the last stage of passing the bill?

  5. Can a bill still become a law if the president vetoes it?

5. Lawmaking Process in Great Britain

  1. Where does a new legislation start in Britain?

  2. How many stages does a bill pass?

  3. Is the royal assent merely a formality?

  4. Could the Queen refuse her consent?

  5. Who has the right of veto in Great Britain?

I курс, II семестр

1. Письменный перевод и беседа по тексту для внеаудиторного чтения (4000печ. зн. за семестр)

2.Беседа по текстам для внеаудиторного чтения 7,8,10.

3. Темы и вопросы к зачету по дисциплине «английский язык»:

1.The Court System of the Republic of Belarus

1. Are Belarusian judges elected or appointed?

2. What stages does the court system have?

3. Which is the highest court in Belarus?

4. What functions does the court of the first instance have?

5. What are the functions of the court of the second instance?

2.The Court System of Great Britain

  1. What are the main kinds of British courts?

  2. What cases does the magistrates’ court deal with?

  3. Which is the highest court of appeal in England?

  4. What cases do coroners’ courts investigate?

  5. What cases do tribunals deal with?

3. The Court System of the USA

  1. How does the American court system function?

  2. What are the duties of the federal courts?

  3. Where can Americans sue or be sued?

  4. How are the federal courts organized?

  5. What are appellate courts in the USA?

4.My Future Profession Is a Lawyer

  1. What subjects do you study?

  2. How can professional skills of a lawyer be used?

  3. What do lawyers do in national economy?

  4. Where can graduates from Law Department work?

  5. Where would you like to work after the graduation?

II курс, III семестр

1. Письменный перевод и беседа по тексту для внеаудиторного чтения (4000печ. зн. за семестр)

2.Беседа по текстам для внеаудиторного чтения 6

3. Темы и вопросы к зачету по дисциплине «английский язык»:

1.Sources of Modern Law

  1. How many traditions of law do you know?

  2. Where has common law taken its name from?

  3. What is the main idea of the doctrine of precedent?

  4. What is the main idea of the Continental systems?

  5. What is the difference between Common law and Continental law?

2.Similarities and Major Differences of English and American Law Systems

  1. Do English and American law systems look similar?

  2. How will the question of guilt or innocence be decided in a serious case?

  3. Can the defence challenge jurors in England?

  4. Is it a criminal offense for jurors to disclose what went on in the jury room both in England and the USA?

  5. Is televising court proceedings a criminal offence in England?

3.Role of Judge in criminal trials in England and the USA

  1. What is the position of the judge in criminal trial in England and the USA?

  2. What experience gave Americans deep and lasting distrust of dominant judges?

  3. Are the judges chosen by election in the United States?

  4. Are English Judges still appointed by the Queen?

  5. What do many English barristers want even more than to get rich?

6.3 Требования к экзамену по дисциплине «английский язык»,

1. Письменный перевод и беседа по тексту для индивидуального профессионального чтения (4000 печ. зн. за семестр)

2.Беседа по текстам для внеаудиторного чтения 9,11

3. Письменный перевод текста с иностранного языка на родной со словарем. Объем – 400 печатных знаков, время выполнения 40 минут

4. Темы и вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «английский язык»:

1. Types of Legal Professions

  1. How many types of lawyers do you know?

  2. What cases can a solicitor represent in a court?

  3. What do barristers engage in?

  4. What kind of judges is unpaid in Britain?

  5. What are Coroner’s duties?

  6. What are the duties of the Court Clerk?

  7. What do the jurors decide?

2.Legislative Process in Belarus

  1. What are the major sources of law in Belarus?

  2. Who has the right of legislative initiative in Belarus?

  3. Which House does new legislation usually start in?

  4. When is the draft law approved?

  5. Has the President the right to veto the draft law?

3. Lawmaking Process in the USA

  1. What is the structure of the US congress?

  2. Who may initiate new legislation?

  3. Where is the bill first introduced?

  4. What is the last stage of passing the bill?

  5. Can a bill still become a law if the president vetoes it?

4. Lawmaking Process in Great Britain

  1. Where does a new legislation start in Britain?

  2. How many stages does a bill pass?

  3. Is the royal assent merely a formality?

  4. Could the Queen refuse her consent?

  5. Who has the right of veto in Great Britain?

5.The Court System of the Republic of Belarus

1. Are Belarusian judges elected or appointed?

2. What stages does the court system have?

3. Which is the highest court in Belarus?

4. What functions does the court of the first instance have?

5. What are the functions of the court of the second instance?

6.The Court System of Great Britain

  1. What are the main kinds of British courts?

  2. What cases does the magistrates’ court deal with?

  3. Which is the highest court of appeal in England?

  4. What cases do coroners’ courts investigate?

  5. What cases do tribunals deal with?

7. The Court System of the USA

  1. How does the American court system function?

  2. What are the duties of the federal courts?

  3. Where can Americans sue or be sued?

  4. How are the federal courts organized?

  5. What are appellate courts in the USA?

8.My Future Profession Is a Lawyer

  1. What subjects do you study?

  2. How can professional skills of a lawyer be used?

  3. What do lawyers do in national economy?

  4. Where can graduates from Law Department work?

  5. Where would you like to work after the graduation?

9.Sourcts of Modern Law

  1. How many traditions of law do you know?

  2. Where has common law taken its name from?

  3. What is the main idea of the doctrine of precedent?

  4. What is the main idea of the Continental systems?

  5. What is the difference between Common law and Continental law?

10.Similarities and Major Differences of English and American Law Systems

  1. Do English and American law systems look similar?

  2. How will the question of guilt or innocence be decided in a serious case?

  3. Can the defence challenge jurors in England?

  4. Is it a criminal offense for jurors to disclose what went on in the jury room both in England and the USA?

  5. Is televising court proceedings a criminal offence in England?

11.Role of Judge in criminal trials in England and the USA

  1. What is the position of the judge in criminal trial in England and the USA?

  2. What experience gave Americans deep and lasting distrust of dominant judges?

  3. Are the judges chosen by election in the United States?

  4. Are English Judges still appointed by the Queen?

  5. What do many English barristers want even more than to get rich?

12.The Civil Law

  1. What rights and liabilities does the Civil law define?

  2. When may the contractor be sued in court?

  3. When does the plaintiff ask the court to order the de­fendant to pay?

  4. How does violation of an injunction change the action?

  5. What is called an out-of-court settlement?

13.The Criminal Law

1. What are the two important elements of a crime which the prosecution must prove?

2. What are three defenses?

3. When is a person found not guilty?

4. What kinds of human behavior are regulated by laws?

5. Why is the Criminal Law one of the fastest growing areas of the law?


  1. What is the problem with unwritten contracts?

  2. What problems of evidence can arise?

  3. What are the basic principles of English contract law?

  4. When is it possible to claim damages for mental distress caused by the breach of contract?

  5. How is it possible to avoid the differences of law and custom between the countries?

6.4 Материалы и рекомендации (памятки) для подготовки к контрольным мероприятиям

6.4.1 Образец текста разговорной тематики для чтения и пересказа на экзамене


The Attorney-General1 is the Government's chief Law Officer and his deputy is the Solicitor-General2. They are primarily concerned with representing the Crown in Courts. The Attorney-General advises the Government on legislative proposals and on criminal proceedings which have a political or public element. He may take advice from his colleagues in the Government but he cannot be instructed by them.

The Attorney-General is a member of Government; he is not actually a member of the Cabinet itself.

The Attorney-General has the power to stop proceedings for any indictable offence. He has certain administrative functions of which the most important is the control of the Director of Public Prosecutions3.

The DPP's office was established under the Prosecution of Offences Act 1879. The Director undertakes about 7,000 prosecutions a year himself and is constantly required to give advice to the police, the main prosecuting agencies, as well as to central government departments and magistrates clerks.

Offences which must be referred to the DPP include murder; buggery; impeding an arrest or prosecution; certain violations of the Fair Trading, firearms, the ill-treatment of mental patients.

Offences which must be referred to the Attorney-General include corruption; possessing explosive substances; hijacking; and breaches of the Official Secrets Act.


  1. Attorney-General — генеральный прокурор (министерский пост)

  2. Solicitor-General — генеральный стряпчий (фактический заместитель гене­рального прокурора, член правительства)

  3. Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) — директор государственного обвинения (главный прокурор, выступает как обвинитель по всем важным делам).


  1. Can the Attorney-General be instructed by the Government?

  2. What power does the Attorney-General have?

  3. Which offences must be referred to the Attorney-General?

6.4.2 Образец текста разговорной тематики для письменного зачетного, экзаменационного перевода

The Sources of English Law

Under the influence of the Code Napoleon many continental countries have codified their law, public and private. On the Continent, therefore, the volume of written law is more than the volume of unwritten. In England in accordance with the tradition writings of the laws had comparatively little respect in the past and for the most part have never been enacted. So in England where more of the laws derive from judicial precedents, unwritten law is predominant. This does not, of course, mean that none of English law is codified. Many parts of it are codified: such as the law on the sale of goods (Sale of Goods Act 1979) and the law on partnership (Partnership Act 1890). All that means that although Parliament may and does make any laws it pleases, there is no whole system of codification which prevails in many continental countries.

Two principal and two subsidiary sources of English law must be mentioned. These principal sources are Legislation, and Judicial Precedent, the subsidiary sources are Custom and Books of Authority which carry a weight of authority almost equal to that of precedents.

6.4.3 Образец плана пересказа текста разговорной тематики

The Headline/Title of the Article/text

The article/text is headlined…

The article/text goes under the headline…

The article/text under the headline…has the subhead…

The Place of Origin

The article/text is printed/ published in

The article/text is from a newspaper under the nameplate…

The Time of Origin

The publication date of the article/text is…

The article/text is dated by the first of October 2007

The article/text is printed on the second of October in 2007

The Author

The article/text is written by…/The author of the article is…

The article/text is written by a group of authors

The Theme/Topic

The article/text deals with the topic…

The basic subject matter of the script is…

The article/text touches upon the topic of…

The headline of the article/text corresponds to the topic.

The Main Idea/Aim of the Article/Text

The purpose of the article/text/author is to give the reader some information on…; to inform with…; to compare/determine…; to provide the reader with some material/data on…

The Contents of the Article/Text

important facts,



The article/text can be divided into some parts (The first part deals with…, the second covers the events, the third touches upon the problem of…, the fourth part includes some interviews, dialogues, pictures, reviews, references, quotations, figures.

The article/text is written in the form of the monologue, from the first/third person narration.

In the article/text we come across an interview, historical facts, a speech of…, the picture from the place of events .

-The author starts by telling the reader…(writes, states, stresses, depicts, says, informs, underlines, confirms, emphasizes, puts an accent on, accepts/denies the fact, reports, resorts to, hints on, inclines to and so on)

-The article/text describes, goes on to say…

-In conclusion/the author comes to the conclusion/concludes

The key sentence/words of the article/text…the following…

The Vocabulary of the Article/Text

-the topical voc.

-the author’s voc.

While reading I’ve come across some topical words and expressions like…/A great number of words belong to the topic:

The author’s vocabulary is rather vivid, poor, rich

The author resorts to colorful general phrases/ clichés/stable statements/understatements/exaggerations/words with negative/positive connotation/fine words/descriptive adjectives/comparisons (to create a vivid picture, a humorous effect/to enforce the influence the reader)

We see the author’s mastery in conveying the main idea to the reader with the help of the phrases/parenthesis/sayings/proverbs

Personal Opinion/Impression of the Article/text

I found the article/text interesting/important/hard to understand (Why?)

I appreciate the author’s word-painting as/superb/ordinary/


Personal View on the Topic/Idea/Problem

The message of the writer is clear to understand… I share the author’s view…I see the problem in different way… I don’t quite agree with the fact…

6.5 Тесты контроля усвоения знаний

Стартовый тест для определения уровня знаний (Starting Test)

1. There … money on the table.

A is

B are

2. There were a lot of … in the field.

A sheeps

B sheep

3. There is … in American agriculture.

A crises

B crisis

4. The team … tomorrow morning.

A is playing

B are playing

5. There are many … in our schools.

A women-teachers

B woman-teachers

6. Don’t make noise, the children … to sleep.

A are trying

B try

C will try

7. Have you ever visited other countries? – Yes, I … to Poland and Italy.

A was

B have been

C had been

8. Can you help me? I … for a railway station.

A look

B am looking

C was looking

9. When you … in Minsk again, you must come and see us.

A will be

B are going

C are

10.… you … much fruit today?

A Have … eaten

B Did … eat

C Are … eating

11. The day before yesterday we … to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

A are invited

B were invited

C invite

12.Look! The bridge … .

A is being repaired

B is been repaired

C has being repaired

13.The letter and the parcel … tomorrow.

A will be post

B will have been posted

C will be posted

14.Margaret … to be a very industrious person.

A has been known

B is known

C is been known

15.In Greece the Olympic Games … once in four years.

A were held

B are being held

C are held

16.You may … us, if you wish.

A to join

B joining

C join

17.Let her … what she wants … .

A do … to do

B to do … do

C doing … to do

18.The company can … cement in July.

A supply

B to supply

C supplied

19.Welcome home. – Thanks a lot. It’s so wonderful … back.

A be

B to be

C to being

20.I say she’d better … or she’ll be late for her classes.

A to hurry

B hurrying

C hurry

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