Birdwing and swallowtail butterflies
Atrophaneura jophon (II)
Sri Lankan rose
Atrophaneura palu
Palu swallowtail butterfly
Atrophaneura pandiyana (II)
Malabar rose
Bhutanitis spp. (II)
Swallowtail butterflies
Graphium sandawanum
Apo swallowtail butterfly
Graphium stresemanni
Seram swallowtail
Ornithoptera spp. (II) (except for the species included in Annex A)
Birdwing butterflies
Ornithoptera alexandrae (I)
Queen Alexandra's birdwing
Papilio benguetanus
Papilio chikae (I)
Luzon peacock swallowtail
Papilio esperanza
Papilio homerus (I)
Homerus swallowtail
Papilio hospiton (I)
Corsican swallowtail
Papilio morondavana
Madagascan emperor swallowtail
Papilio neumoegeni
Parides ascanius
Fluminense swallowtail butterfly
Parides hahneli
Hahnel's amazonian swallowtail butterfly
Parnassius apollo (II)
Mountain apollo
Teinopalpus spp. (II)
Kaiser-I-Hind butterflies
Trogonoptera spp. (II)
Birdwing butterflies
Troides spp. (II)
Birdwing butterflies
Freshwater mussels, pearly mussels
Conradilla caelata (I)
Birdwing pearly mussel
Cyprogenia aberti (II)
Western fanshell mussel
Dromus dromas (I)
Dromedary pearly mussel
Epioblasma curtisii (I)
Curtis' pearly mussel
Epioblasma florentina (I)
Yellow-blossom pearly mussel
Epioblasma sampsonii (I)
Wabash riffleshell
Epioblasma sulcata perobliqua (I)
White catspaw mussel
Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum (I)
Green-blossom pearly mussel
Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (II)
Northern riffleshell
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (I)
Turbercled-blossom pearly mussel
Epioblasma turgidula (I)
Turgid-blossom pearly mussel
Epioblasma walkeri (I)
Tan riffleshell
Fusconaia cuneolus (I)
Fine-rayed pigtoe pearly mussel
Fusconaia edgariana (I)
Shiny pigtoe pearly mussel
Lampsilis higginsii (I)
Higgins' eye pearly mussel
Lampsilis orbiculata orbiculata (I)
Pink mucket pearly mussel
Lampsilis satur (I)
Sandback pocketbook mussel
Lampsilis virescens (I)
Alabama lamp pearly mussel
Plethobasus cicatricosus (I)
White warty-back pearly mussel
Plethobasus cooperianus (I)
Orange-footed pimpleback mussel
Pleurobema clava (II)
Clubshell pearly mussel
Pleurobema plenum (I)
Rough pigtoe pearly mussel
Potamilus capax (I)
Fat pocketbook pearly mussel
Quadrula intermedia (I)
Cumberland monkey-face pearly mussel
Quadrula sparsa (I)
Appalachian monkey-face pearly mussel
Toxolasma cylindrella (I)
Pale lilliput pearly mussel
Unio nickliniana (I)
Nicklin's pearly mussel
Unio tampicoensis tecomatensis (I)
Tampico pearly mussel
Villosa trabalis (I)
Cumberland bean pearly mussel