From the NRP we can learn that close co-operation structures (in the French speaking part) supplemented by industry agreements and job coaching pathways (in the Flemish speaking part created through the VDAB are introduced to strengthen the alignment of education and employment.
Going back to the following two main indicators a statistical overview is given for the Flemish speaking part of Belgium (NRP, page 67).
Early school leavers
30-34y olds with higher ed. diploma
As we have seen in 2.3.1, alternative data, we get an insight into the proportion of students in special secondary school included in these ESL statistics.
As we have learned in 2.3.2., alternative data we still miss concrete statistics about students with disabilities in Higher Education.
We learn that the Flemish Community is organizing a very successful Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO). This Centre works for all institutions and combines a well-established expertise about reasonable accommodations with an international renewed expertise on Universal Design for Learning. In this sense they combine the expertise for individual and structural support for inclusive education on the Higher Educational Level.
1.10Poverty and social inclusion
From the NRP we learn that the transfer of competences and budgets concerning elderly and long-term care to the regions can be seen as key decisions in the fight against social exclusion.
In poverty reduction and social inclusion efforts Belgium and the authorities on different levels start from following global statistic overview linked to the indicator ‘social inclusion’ (NRP, page 31)
Indicator social inclusion
(x 1000)
On different regional levels we can observe a parallel policy development. So we can observe in the NRP (page 33 and 108) that efforts are been undertaken in order to diversify housing solutions, in line with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. In terms of reception of seniors and persons with disabilities, the Government will focus its future actions on the systems that further encourage autonomy, while residential services are reserved for the most dependent persons.
- E.g. Walloon decree of May 15, 2014 relating to available housing, adaptable housing and special needs housing, projects, the "Logement encadré novateur - LEN" which aims to support independent housing for people with intellectual disabilities.
- E.g. the new plan at Flemish Government level proposing a ‘personal basic budget’ for those living in society and making use of accessible/available support and a ‘personal budget’ that will follow a person with voucher system to make use of specialised centres or as a personal budget to buy their own support services.
1.11Synergies between developments in the different areas
Synergies between different areas are clear. From that point of view we can only be hopeful with the policy letter of the Federal Secretary of State22 when she introduced an inclusive and transversal policy document based on the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (ratified by Belgium in 2009). This policy document starts from the recommendations of the Committee of the UN. The Secretary of State installs what she calls the ‘Handistreaming Methodology’. With this methodology the Secretary of State asks responsible authorities for every policy domain to start with at least two lines of action concerning persons with disabilities within their policy domain. Such a line of action will be based on: statistical information, measurable indicators, analyses of barriers to participation, actions to overcome these barriers, information about strategies to orient subsidies to the above mentioned actions. This methodology will receive a follow up every year in the month of March. In its analyses of this plan the Federal High Council for Persons with Disabilities gives a critical but positive advice (Advice 2015/19).
1.12Progress on disability-specific Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs)
In the ANED 2014 report about Belgium there were no Country Specific Recommendations for Belgium with direct relation to disability issues.
1.13Progress on other CSRs from a disability perspective
In its recommendations, the Council of the European Union urges Belgium to take action in 2015 and 2016 in four areas. Of these the most relevant is:
3. Improve the functioning of the labour market by reducing financial disincentives to work, increasing labour market access for specific target groups and addressing skills shortages and mismatches.
This offers a lot of opportunities to build policy upon for the next years. We have seen in 3.1 and 4.1 that Belgium is confronted with a large distance to the labour market for persons with a disability. We can also notice that persons with disabilities get a lot of attention and support and are taken seriously as a ‘target group’.
While giving a lot of attention and budget to this topic it will be interesting to organise a thorough follow up of the group of workers that were working in the old style ‘sheltered workshops’, most of them now reorganised in ‘maatwerk’-companies. Within the Flemish speaking part of the country e.g. this group is composed of more than 17.000 workers (Report (only in Dutch!) Socio en financieel-economische analyse VLAB 2013)
1.14Assessment of disability issues in the Country Report (CR)
Within the country report we can observe four specific elements with direct impact for persons with disabilities. All of these elements are linked to the labour market position of persons with disabilities:
(page 46): Belgium has decided to leave persons with disabilities out of the reform of the unemployment benefits (giving unemployed benefits for a shorter period)
(page 49): announcement of extra incentives to particular target groups with distance to the labour market due to the transfer of responsibilities and budgets from the Federal to the Regional levels
(page 49): Flanders announces a labour cost reduction for specific groups with distance to the labour market e.g. persons with disabilities
(page 69) in a response to country specific recommendations regional levels are working to simplify existing systems to guide unemployed to the labour market with new incentives e.g. specific guidance for persons with disabilities
Beside these elements we would recommend a follow up of:
The organisation of clear statistics about tertiary education. Every College or University is collecting data, it has to be possible to bring these together
The specific position of youngsters in special school within the phenomenon of Early School Leaving and within the reality of NEET (persons not into education, employment or training)
The plan of regional levels to make housing options very flexible; in such a way it becomes clear that persons with severe support needs get priority for more ‘residential support’. This policy does not excuse these facilities not to give support for participation to their residents
The combatting poverty actions. We know that poverty reduction plans everywhere in the world do not adequately include persons with disabilities
Assessment of the structural funds ESIF 2014-2020 or other relevant funds in relation to disability challenges
Under the European Social Fund’s programme 2014-2020, the Governments of the Walloon Region and of the French Community have approved in February 2015 the projects in the first call. Within this framework, 250 million € has been allocated to the improved accessibility of measures which aim at inclusion, at guiding job seekers or at combat-ting discrimination in the labour market. Among the projects supported are: accompanying services for migrants towards socio-professional integration, training of persons with disabilities, (pre)training of job seekers, literacy,...(NRP, page 32 and page 108)
Within the ESF 2014-2020 Operational Program Report for the Flemish Region and Brussels (see pages: 2, 88, 183, 202, 204, 205, 207, 219) following important elements can to be noticed:23
The UNCRPD is used to make sure that (concerning information and direct entrance) maximal accessibility is guaranteed for persons with disabilities
The programs that will get funds should get their evaluation based on anti-discrimination rules
Programs targeting at better/more employment of persons with disabilities (and other target groups) are seen as one of the priorities
While targeting on persons with disabilities on the labour market the Government points at a clear synergy between employment and combatting social exclusion and poverty
Connected to the information we could collect about tertiary education we would recommend – besides building stable statistics - to base policy and actions on a combination of ‘reasonable accommodations’ at one hand and ‘Universal Design for Learning’ at the other hand.
Belgium is known for its history and culture of segregated special education. (see: Report on children’s rights for specific groups in Flanders, August 20th 2015, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe) It is clear that students from this system are confronted with huge barriers to enter tertiary education. The Flemish speaking part of Belgium just organised a new decree.24 This M-decree seeks to make sure more children with disabilities can follow courses in regular schools (at the same time within this decree a new type of special schools – for children with autism – is organised). It is very important to organise a follow up of this Decree (first signs – no official statistics yet available – show a decrease with 2000 children in special schools / but also show 2000 new students in schools for children with autism).
It is necessary to organise a follow up of the share of children from special schools in the group of Early School Leavers.
It is important to give extra attention to persons with mental health problems in the education sector.
We could observe a lot of goodwill and idea’s to give extra-support to persons with disabilities. A thorough follow up is necessary (extra focus on quota is important to make sure Governments act as role models).
It is important to give extra attention to persons with mental health problems in the employment sector.
1.17Poverty and Social inclusion
It is necessary to organise the follow up of fighting poverty programs with focus on persons with disabilities and their families.
It is necessary to organise a follow up about the flexible offer of housing opportunities. Are residential facilities the specific option for persons with severe support needs? AND do these residential facilities block the participation of persons with severe needs?
Belgium is urged to reorganise the system for prisoners with complex diagnosis (mental health problems, intellectual disability etc.). A new law is announced on 22 October 2015, a follow up of this planned law is important.
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