Events Date and Location

Innotrends conference and exhibition 2014

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Innotrends conference and exhibition 2014 - The goal of this 2-day conference is to cover the entire spectrum of the Hungarian RDI life and to give an outlook of the European RDI sector, creating the perfect opportunity to represent the remarkable results of research, development and innovation, as well as to outline and discuss future goals and their conditions.

Summer 2014, Hungary

young people, enterprise, Policy makers

2000 SMEs and students

eSkills Competition for the development of mobile applications in groups

October 2014, Hungary

young people, enterprise, ICT practicioners

2000 participants

Promotion of eSkills and engineering careers for young girls - In the frame of this activity/campaign the above two organisation implement different activities in Hungary which bring the girls closer to the typical “boys jobs”. The objective is to bring natural sciences closer to young girls and raise their awareness of these job opportunities.

2014, Hungary

young people

1000 participants + communication campaign recipients

Communication campaign and preparation of printed communication materials

2014, Hungary

young people, enterprise, Policy makers, ICT practitioners, the unemployeddthe first tablex channels5-1-4 Communication kit for stakeholdersor DIgital ing journalists to attend.boeam for

Communication campaign impact is expected to be 1 000 000

SME road show in the countryside - IVSZ plans to organise events together with the local chamber of commerce and industry in the bigger Hungarian cities where the SMEs (typically not ICT events) will be informed on how could eSkills make their business more effective, how they could use the social communication platforms and the tools of online marketing being more successful in their businesses.

2014, Hungary

Enterprise, in particular SMEs

200 participants


e-Skills (ICT) Index - Conducting a survey among TOP 200 IT companies in Poland related to e-Skills. What kind of e-Skills competences will be most desired in the next few years, how education system in Poland answers those needs, is my organization committed to co-operation with education sector. The report will be used as communication tool to leverage e-Skills key messages in media and direct communication. PR activities included.

June 2014, Poland


1,000,000 including media coverage

e-Skills events – Open Doors at IT Universities, Open Doors at IT companies, webinars: A series of initiatives organized during e-Skill Week time. This includes:
1. Open Doors on IT Universities – opportunity for young people to learn about IT education, to meet students, graduates and university teachers. We plan 4 events in different cities.
2. Open Doors in IT companies – opportunity for young people to see IT company environment, to meet with business
3. A series of webinars – extension of Open Doors initiatives. Online meetings with university and company representatives. Presentations including information and hints useful for young people eg. how a day of IT specialist looks like, what are the expectations, why it is worth investing in e-Skills development. Webinars will be recorded and leveraged through online media.

March - April 2014, In Universities, companies and online

Young people

2,000,000 partiticpants and media coverage


ICT career days in Latvia - Special events to promote the ICT profession among students aged 13-19. (7th to 12th grade) and provide them with opportunity to discover the secrets of the ICT industry professions through attending ICT oriented companies and organizations.

March - October 2014, Riga and other cities

young people


ICT training sessions for SMEs - Special 1-2 days seminar type ICT trainings for small and micro enterprises, in order to stimulate their use of ICT technologies and increase the e-skills competence level for SMEs employees. Trainings will be combined with practical demonstrations of latest ICT solutions for SMEs.

February - November 2014, 5 major cities in Latvia

Enterprise, in particular SMEs


Competition “Best e-Facilitator” - Special yearly competition organized to find the best e-facilitator - person who facilitate digital competences for adults or young people. 2 categories will be selected : 1) teachers of informatics at secondary schools , 2) e-Facilitators at adult education centres, libraries, NGOs

October 2014, Latvia

ICT practitioners, Eskills Teachers, Policy Makers


Promotion of ICT skills certification - A nationwide awareness raising campaign explaining the benefits of approved ICT skills with Pan- European certification scheme. Special activities will target Policy makers (round table discussion), young people (social media) and employees of SMEs and public sector (regional seminars).

March - June 2014, September - October 2014, Riga and 10 regional center in Latvia

Enterprise, in particular SMEs, Young people, Policy Makers


Makash (ISRAEL)

Session dedicated to e-Skills at the Israel Internet Society annual conference

February/March 2014, Tel Aviv

SMEs, policy makers, ICT practitioners


Opening conference of the Administration for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education

Between the 24 and 28 March 2014, Tel Aviv

Young people, Policy makers, ICT practitioners


ICT Career Day - opportunity to discover the secrets of ICT industry professions. Live internet broadcast

Between the 24 and 28 of March 2014

Young people


Education and training opportunities in ICT in Israel. Live internet broadcast where the Open University, technological education networks, colleges offering education opportunities related to ICT, Universities present their program. The broadcast will be preceded by a campaign and establishment of a web page with relevant pointers.

February/March 2014, online

Young people, ICT practitioners

thousands, tbc

National Day of Science. The anniversaty of Albert Einstein is the Israel National Day of Science with activities all over the country at University camp and cultural centers.

March 16th 2014, Israel

Young people, ICT practitioners

thousands, tbc


Start-up Weekend - A start-up weekend will be held together with the Business Incubator at the University of Malta, which will be aimed at people with IT backgrounds with entrepreneurship aspirations. Held at the incubator, the fun, 'experiential', collaborative learning program will be designed to help IT professionals transform their innovative ideas into start-up business opportunities.

2014, Malta

ICT practitioners, Young people

20 +

Job Fair -The aim of the job fair is to provide general information and guidance to jobseekers who are looking for employment in particular those seeking to obtain knowledge in relation to careers in the digital industry.

Q2 / Q3 2014, Malta

ICT practitioners, Young people, the unemployed


Business Seminar - A business seminar bringing together SMEs, ICT practitioners, and policy makers to discuss current ICT topics and share their experiences about the specialisations needed to help Malta differentiate itself in the ICT industry.

Date TBD, Malta

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, Policy makers


Information Session - An information session will be held for the general public with special attention to ICT users, where the importance of eskills for taking-up a digital career will be addressed.

Q1 / Q2, Malta

ICT practitioners


SME Week - Showcasing the importance of e-skills in every aspect of business activities and business processes to address the ICT skills gap problem in the Maltese economy.

Q3 / Q4, Malta Business Bureau

Enterprises, SMEs



e-Skills for Jobs 2014 Press workshop - SEPE will organize a workshop with local journalists in order to promote the aims of the campaign and SEPE’s activities. The journalists will cover a wide range of media including TV, Radio, Journals and Internet. The event will take place in February 2014.

February, Athens



Cisco Connect 2014 - aims at sharing its vision of the future and the new possibilities towards innovation, holds the “Cisco Connect”, which is designed to highlight and promote innovations in ΙΤ technology and emerging business practices. The conference offers a combination of technical knowledge and business solutions from Cisco and its partners, closely aligned to the needs and dynamics of the Greek market.

April 2014, Athens


1 600

Tech Open 2014 - The Tech Open event aims to become as one of the biggest technological events in Greece. It takes place in “The Mall Athens” which is one of the most popular shopping malls in Athens.

October 2014, Athens

Enterprises, SMEs, Young people, the unemployed


Tech forum: Skills for New Jobs” event - The “Tech forum: Skills for New Jobs”, as a follow-up of the e-Skills Week 2010 and e-Skills Week 2012 similar Tech forum event, is planning to be an one-day policy advice and dissemination conference that will take place in collaboration with relevant authorities during November 2014 in Athens.

November 2014, Athens



e-Skills and the role of SNE - the local perspective - A full day event with EU and national participants on Special Need Education (SNE) organized by, Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs – Institute for Educational Policy and local stakeholders will take place in Athens

January - October 2014, Athens

ICT practitioners, Young people, Policy makers


Ennovation 2014 - Ennovation is an international student competition on Digital Entrepreneurship, Innovation and e-Business. The competition will be co-organised by SEPE, the Athens University of Economics and Business (ELTRUN, the eBusiness Centre), the International Hellenic University and the University of Nicosia.

January - October 2014, Athens

Enterprises, SMEs, Young people


e-Skills Days: In collaboration with Microsoft Hellas - Motivation seminars, coaching advice, exchanges between target groups and enterprises and ICT practitioners, starter kits, online tests, competitions, road shows, job fairs, round tables, etc. A school competition promoting e-Skills on secondary education is predicted.

January - October 2014, All over Greece

Young people, the unemployed


Cluster Event (Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece) - This Cluster event will be a collaboration of BAIT, CITEA and SEPE. They will deliver a joint event for the winners of the completion that will run in each country on 2-3 predefined thematic areas through the use of ICT platforms.

January - December 2014, Athens

Young people, Policy makers


Ypsilon Institute (SI)

Simbioza Faculty. A project that offers computer workshops for youth – pupils and students as well as unemployed youth. The project provides the possibility of gaining skills and competences on the area of e-literacy and with that enables them easier access to labour market. The workshops are divided on several different topics and include various computer knowledge, which depends on previous knowledge the participants already poses

January - October 2014, Ljubljana, Maribor

Young people


Simbioza on-line education. Simbioza will provide young people with on-line education to gain skills over the internet. With on-line education we are planning to attract more youth as they will have the possibility to learn basic computer skills over the internet on a safe and friendly way- via Video on different channel (YouTube) and website ( . These programs will include skills with Microsoft Office package: Word for beginner, Excel for beginner and also workshops on employability, CV.

May - October 2014, online

Enterprises, SMEs, policy-makers, young people


Simbioza Career Days. A a new project that will be implemented through workshops, speed dates with future employers, round tables, and other interactive activities, where participants will be able to hear first-hand information and direct contact with employers. They will have the possibility to network and practice job interviews. Youth will also visit the companies and learn about the job types in the ICT industry and enabling industries. Main topic focus will be on education and e-skills, where the employers and other distinguished guests will share their experiences on related field and how they coped with following the fast progress of the digital era.

6 edition in 2014

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, policy-makers, young people, the unemployed



Application mobile du site web - Make the website available on all devices (Smartphones, notebooks…) thanks to a dynamic web application. This site is dedicated to the promotion of digital jobs and courses.
The secondary aim is to put all of our promotional documentations on digital occupations/professions, ie to make available our “Officiel des metiers du Numérique” and the newspaper “Numeripass”.

January - October 2014, France

Young people

Currently 50 000 visitors a year. Objective is to attain 150 000

Journée des Entreprises et des Métiers du Numérique à l’Université (JEM’NUM) 2014: Yearly event in collaboration with French Universities for organizing job fairs (IT enterprises exhibition stands with documentation and educational supports), and job datings with enterprises and students, in order to present them ICT jobs and career paths. We also organize conferences and meetings between ICT professionals and University teachers.


Enterprises, SMEs, Young people, Policy makers



PR campaign targeting e-skills for jobs activities in the Netherlands. We will develop and execute a PR campaign to raise awareness on the topic and highlight existing activities in the Netherlands.

on the internet (knowledge database, websites, e-zines), in newsletters, on billboards at events. Q 1 2014

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, young people, Policy makers, the unemployed

10.000 persons targeted/reached/active

Track on e-skills for jobs during year congress . In 2014 the annual ECP conference takes place. In a special track we will address e-skills for jobs to communicate the results of the 2014 Control Alt Delete research, communicate the results of all e-skills campaign activities (page views, visitor at events, main success stories and so on) again also to keeping on raising awareness for the e-skills for jobs and the image of ICT themes.

Circustheather, Scheveningen, Q4 2014

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, young people, Policy makers


Dutch version of movie. In 2014 we are planning to make a Dutch version of the movie of We want to put subtitles on the original movie and let the movie be introduced by famous Dutch persons who are working in ICT like Neelie Kroes, Willem Vermeend, Ben Woldering. Activating Dutch stakeholders to sign the petition.

closing of e-Skills campaign in Q4

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, young people, Policy makers


Knowledge Database. Online Knowledge Database containing up to date relevant research reports, publications and back ground information on the topic of e-skills targeting Dutch managers in Small, Medium and Large enterprises. Also linking to the above mentioned online map of the Netherland containing the e-skills activities in the Netherlands. An E-zine will be based on/attached to this database and will be distributed to a list of 500 Dutch subscribers (e-skills stakeholders) 4 times in 2014

online, Q1-Q4 2014

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, young people, Policy makers

page views database 10.000 and e-zine distribution list 500 persons

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