**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) Table 6: Hierarchical logistic regression models with company status (active, inactive) used as dependant
*benchmark: Yorkshire and the Humberside; **identified by SIC: 62.01/1
1 The identification of developers within samples was possible as the UK SIC 2007 code system provides a fifth digit to differentiate video-game developers from other software developers. Companies describing their economic activities as both ‘publishing’ and ‘developing’ (and so indicating two SIC codes) were identified as publishers as it is common for publishers to own development studios to support their IP portfolios.
2Initially, variables identifying both global video-game market size and hardware market size were included into the analysis. However, a very strong positive correlation between these two variables and the variable describing the UK software market deemed them unnecessary within the model construction.