Faà di Bruno, Giovanni Matteo [Horatio, Orazio] Fabbri, Anna Maria

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Friant, Charles

(b Paris, 1890; d Paris, 22 April 1947). French tenor. His father was a principal dancer at the Opéra and he himself sang in the chorus and appeared in the première of d’Indy’s L’étranger as a boy. He later trained with Sarah Bernhardt and joined her company as an actor, then going to the Conservatoire to study singing in 1910. His operatic début was in the Paris première of Massenet’s Cléopâtre. From 1920 to 1939 he was a member of the Opéra-Comique, appearing in a wide repertory but enjoying special success in Massenet operas such as Manon, Werther and Le jongleur de Notre Dame. Premières included Le roi Candaule by Bruneau and Le Hulla by Samuel-Rousseau. He also sang at Monte Carlo and La Monnaie, Brussels. His recordings, especially those from Werther, are distinctively stylish and expressive.


Friar of Bristol.

See Tunstede, Simon.

Friars Society Orchestra.

Original name of the New Orleans Rhythm Kings.

Fribec, Krešimir

(b Daruvar, Croatia, 24 May 1908; d Zagreb, 23 Dec 1996). Croatian composer. He studied music privately in Zagreb with Zlatko Grgošević and held the position of music editor of Radio-Televizije Zagreb from 1943 to 1964. Later he was appointed an associate of Zagreb Radio and director of the Croatian Music Society of Zagreb. Fribec was a prolific composer, particularly in the fields of opera and ballet. Most of his early music was based on folksong, but between 1955 and 1964 he used 12-note, serial and aleatory procedures. The ballet Vibracije (‘Vibrations’, 1955) was a crucial work in the change, with its evocation of the multiplicity of vibrations within and around the human body. Despite the high quality of many of his instrumental works of this period, notably Panta rhei, Asonance and the String Quartet no.1, Fribec went back to his more conventional and approachable expressionist idiom. His old fluency returned in a large number of works – operas, ballets, cantatas, orchestral and chamber works – which satisfied his desire to make his music appeal to as large a public as possible.


(selective list)


librettos by the composer

Sluga Jernej [The Servant Jernej] (op-orat, after I. Cankar and F. Delak), Zagreb, 12 Feb 1952

Romeo i Julija (lyrical scenes, after W. Shakespeare), Zagreb, 1955, rev. 1967

Krvava svadba [Blood Wedding] (op, after F. García Lorca), 1958

Maljva, slike s mora [Maljva, Pictures from the Sea] (op, after M. Gorky), 1959

Jerma (op, after García Lorca), 1960

Dolazi revizor! [The Inspector General Arrives!] (op, after N.V. Gogol), 1965

Dunja u kovčega [Quince in the Chest] (op, after M. Begović), 1966

Veliki val [The Great Wave] (op, after M. Matić-Halle), 1966

Djeca sunca [The Children of the Sun] (opera-ballet, after Croatian poets), 1968

Heretik [The Heretic] (musical drama, after I. Supek), 1971

Usamljenost [Loneliness] (musico-scenic meditations, after M. Selimović), 1971

Ujak Vanja [Uncle Vanya] (chbr op, after A.P. Chekhov), 1972

Goran (scenic visions of the poet, opera-ballet, after I. Goran-Kovačić's poem), 1975

Kralj Edip [King Oedipus] (op, after Sophocles), 1975

Medeja (op, after Euripides), 1975


Inc. ops: Prometej, 1960; Čehovljev humoristicon, 1962; Nova Eva, 1963; Juduška Golovjev, 1964; Adagio melancolico, 1965


Ballets: Vibracije [Vibrations], 1955; Crveno i zeleno [Red and Green], 1961; Demon zlatne ulice [Demon of Golden Street], 1962; Vječni ritam [Eternal Rhythm], 1962; Elegija, 1964; Nocturno, 1964; Dies irae, 1965; Grozdanin kikot – Opijeno ljeto [Exhilarating Summer], 1966; Grozdana pjesma [Grozdana’s Song], 1967; Vječna pjesma [Eternal Song], 1967; Žena, 1967; Zov frule [Call of the Flute], 1967; Fantastične igre [Fantastic Dance], 1968; Tjelo žene [Large Woman], 1969; Divlja radost [Untamed Joy], 1969; Grčka trilogija: Edip, Antigiona, Prometej, 1969; Svilene papuče [Silk Slippers], 1969; Hoćemo živjeti [We Want to Live], 1970; Lady Chatterley, 1970; Satirikon 72, 1971; Usamljenost [Loneliness], 1971; Izvan vremena i prostora [Outside time and Space], 1972; Nema uskrsnuća bez smrti [There is no resurrection without death], 1972; Rodin, 1972; Eros (ballet-pantomime), 1982


Povratak [Return] (D. Cesarić), Bar, str, 1952; Bijele noći [White Nights] (song cycle), 1v, str, 1953; Salute et fratelite (cant.), 1963; Usamljenost [Loneliness], 1v, ens, 1965; Teškoto, chorus, orch, 1965; Stojanka, majka knežpoljka, chorus, 1967; Kestanj (F. Galović), B, ens, 1967; Japanska Lirika, 1v, pf, 1968; Tamne Vode [Dark Waters] (D. Tadijanović), 1v, str qt, 1969; Srce Svijeta [The Heart of the World] (cant.), reciter, S, Bar, chorus, orch, 1969; Baščanska Ploča [The Plague of Baška] (cant.), solo vv, chorus, chbr orch, 1970; Poesia, S, str, 1971; Zvezdane Mreže [A Net of Stars] (song cycle), T, vib, va, vc, 1971; Noć tamna je moja [Dark Night is Mine], S, Bar, vib, str, 1977; Tko sam? [Who am I?], 1v, pf, 1980; Za vječan prvi maj [For the Eternal First of May], reciter, speaking chorus, 2 tpt, 5 timp, 1982


Ritmi drammatici, chbr orch, 1960; Accenti tragici, 1961; Kosmička kretanja [Cosmic Movements], 1961; Mouvement cosmique, 1961; Pf Conc., 1964; Canto, str, 1965; Ekstaza, sym. suite, 1965; Galiotova pesan [The Galley-Slav’s Fist], rhapsody, 1965; Simfonija, 1965; Sunčani ditiramb [Sun Dithyramb], 1967; Lamento, str, 1967; Vn Conc., 1968; Crvena zastava [Red Flag], sym. poem, 1969; Heliofonija, 1969; Koncertantna muzika, vn, orch, 1970; Oceanija, 1970; Vc Conc., 1971; Ad astras, 1971; Čovjek, sym. after M. Gorki, 1972; Harmonija sfera [Harmonic Sphere], 1981; Metamorfoze, str, 1982; Ozvučeni Baudelaire, suite, 1984; Prometej, rhapsody, 1984; Revolucije, sym. poem, 1984

other instrumental

Panta rhei, 12 insts, 1961; Asonance, pf, 1961; Musica aleatorica, fl, vc, vib, pf, 1961; Tamtam, hp, pf, vib, perc, 1961; Str Qt no.1, 1962; Toccata variata, pf, 1962; Adagio i presto, pf, 1963; Str Qt no.2, 1964; 4 Dithyrambs, hp, pf, 1964; Improvisations, vn, pf, 1964

Suglasja [Concordances], hp, ens, 1966; Str Qt no.3, 1966; Sonata, vc, 1966; Jambi i troheji [Iambs and Trochees], fl, b cl, vib, pf, perc, 1967; Sonata, va, pf, 1967; Str Qt no.4, 1967; Poezija, 6 miniatures, vc, pf, 1967; Muzika za imaginarni balet, inst ens, 1968; Str Qt no.5, 1968; Str Qt no.6, 1969; Divertimento, va, perc, 1970; Malinconia, va, fl, eng hn, sax, vib, gui, 1970; Alterations, pf trio, 1971; Miniatures, ob, cl, bn, 1971; Tin, pf, 1971; Str Qt no.7, 1972; Folklorni clusteri, pf, 1983; Nemiri [Nemiri], wind trio, 1983

Principal publisher: Društvo Hrvatskih skladatelja (Zagreb)


K. Kovačević: The History of Croatian Music in the Twentieth Century (Zagreb, 1967)

J. Andreis: Music in Croatia (Zagreb, 1974, 2/1982)

K. Kovačević: Hrvatski kompozitori i njihova djela [Croatian composers and their works] (Zagreb, 1960), 156–63

T. Reich: Susreti sa suvremenim kompozitorima Jugoslavije [Meetings with contemporary Yugoslav composers] (Zagreb, 1972), 74–8

A. Koci and others: Jugoslovanska glasbena dela [Yugoslav musical works] (Ljubljana, 1980), 129–31


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