Faà di Bruno, Giovanni Matteo [Horatio, Orazio] Fabbri, Anna Maria

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Fryklöf, Harald (Leonard)

(b Uppsala, 14 Sept 1882; d Stockholm, 11 March 1919). Swedish composer, organist and teacher. He studied the organ, counterpoint and composition with Lindegren at the Swedish Royal Academy of Music, the piano with Andersson (1904–10) and orchestration with Scharwenka in Berlin (1905). In 1908 he was appointed organist of the Stockholm Storkyrka and teacher of harmony at the conservatory. A self-critical composer, he was particularly concerned with form; his music frequently has a Regerian richness of harmony. The most imaginative of his compositions is the Sonata alla leggenda for violin and piano. He published a study, Harmonisering av koraler i dur och moll jämte kyrkotonarterna (Stockholm, 1916).


(selective list)

Orch: Konsertuvertyr, op.1, 1908

Vocal: 2 sånger, op.4, 1v, orch, 1911; Lovsång, chorus; Ps lxxxix, chorus

Inst: Fuga, op.3, org, 1909; Doppel-Canon, org, 1910; Symfoniskt stycke, org; Passacaglia, org; [8] Mindre pianostycken; Fuga, c, pf; Impromptu, A, pf; Sonata alla leggenda, vn, pf, 1919

Songs for 1v, pf: [3] Sånger, pt 1 (E.A Karlfeldt, J.L. Runeberg, V. Krag), 1905–6; [2] Digte (T. Lange), op.2; Idag vill jag tacka dig [Today I will thank you] (S. Lidman); [3] Sånger, pt 2 (Runeberg, S. Lidman, V. Ekelund), 1910–11

Ed., with H. Palm, O. Sandberg and A. Hellerström: Musica sacra: körsånger för kyrkan och skolan (Stockholm, 1915)

Principal publishers: Hansen, Nordiska Musikförlaget


G. Brundin: Ord vid Harald Fryklöfs jordfästning i St Nicolai kyrka den 15 mars 1919 [Address given at Fryklöf’s funeral in St Nicholas on 15 March 1919] (Stockholm, 1919)

W. Seymer: ‘Fyra nyromantiker’, STMf, xxiii (1941), 56–72

A. Tykesson: ‘Pianolyrik’, Musica Sveciae (1993) [disc notes]


Fryklund, (Lars Axel) Daniel

(b Västerås, 4 May 1879; d Hälsingborg, 25 Aug 1965). Swedish musicologist and collector. He studied Romance languages at Uppsala University, where he took the doctorate in 1907, and was a music pupil of I.E. Hedenblad and L.J. Zetterqvist. Subsequently he taught French in schools in Sundsvall (1910–21) and Hälsingborg (1921–44). He devoted himself to a scrupulous study of the history and etymology of various instruments, but is best known for his unique music collection, the largest private collection of its kind in Sweden, now housed in the Musikmuseet and Statens Musikbibliotek (Stockholm) and the Helsingborg Stadsmuseum. It includes 900 instruments, books, posters and music editions, and 10,000 music manuscripts, autographs and letters. Of special interest are the Marseillaise collection of 3000 items, the correspondence of Fétis and the August Bournonville collection. A catalogue of this collection can be found in Collection Fryklund 1949 (Hälsingborg, 1949). Fryklund was elected an associate of the Swedish Royal Academy of Music in 1932.


Vergleichende Studien über deutsche Ausdrücke mit der Bedeutung Musikinstrument (Uppsala, 1910)

Afrikanska musikinstrument i Sundvalls läroverks etnografiska samlingar (Sundsvall, 1915)

‘Etymologische Studien über Geige-Gigiue-Jig’, Studier i modern språkvetenskap, vi (1917), 99–110

Studien über die Pochette (Sundsvall, 1917)

‘Studier över marintrumpeten’, STMf, i (1919), 40–57

‘Bidrag till kännerdomen om viola d’amore’, STMf, iii (1921), 1–36

‘Viola di bardone’, STMf, iv (1922), 129–52

‘Studier över lyragitarren’, STMf, ix (1927), 117–48

‘Musikbibliografiska antekningar’, STMf, x (1928), 158–203

August Bournonville (Hälsingborg, 1929)

Henriette Nissen: Siegfried Salomon (Hälsingborg, 1929)

‘Contribution à la connaissance de la correspondance de Fétis’, STMf, xii (1930), 85–154; see also IMSCR I: Liège 1930, 113–17

‘Bidrag till gitarristiken’, STMf, xiii (1931), 73–129

Förteckning över Edward Lights musikaliska verk (Hälsingborg, 1931)

Blåseninstrument av glas (Hälsingborg, 1934)

Editions anglaises de la Marseillaise (Hälsingborg, 1936)

La Marseillaise dans les pays scandinaves (Hälsingborg, 1936)

La Marseillaise en Allemagne (Hälsingborg, 1936)

Rouget de Lisle och Marseljäsen i en svensk samling (Hälsingborg, 1936)

Att samla musikinstrument (Hälsingborg, 1937)

Le galoubet provençal (Hälsingborg, 1939)

Samlingen av musikinstrument i Hälsingborgs museum (Hälsingborg, 1939; Ger. trans., 1939)

Studier över geloubetn (Hälsingborg, 1939)

Marseljäsen (Hälsingborg, 1942)

‘Bidrag till kännedomen om Kristina Nilsson’, STMf, xxiv (1943), 183–94

‘Anteckningar om Jenny Lind’, STMf, xxvi (1944), 150–87

‘Några brev från Bernard Crusell’, STMf, xxx (1949), 169–81

Une lyre-guitarre d'Ory (Hälsingborg, 1957)


Fubini, Enrico

(b Turin, 1 Nov 1935). Italian musicologist, aesthetician and historian of ideas. He studied both philosophy and music at Turin University, where he graduated in philosophy in 1959. He later became professor of musical aesthetics, and has taught the history of modern and contemporary music at the university. He was appointed to the editorial boards of International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music (1970), Musica/Realtà (1980) and Revista Italiana di Musicologia (1992); in 1998 he became editor of Revista Italiana di Musicologia.

Fubini discusses music in a broad cultural context. He does not restrict himself to a narrow range of explicitly philosophical texts, but includes in his compilations and histories any documents which have a bearing upon the discussion of musical values at a given time. These synoptic writings give a perspective of continuity to the debates held in different periods of European musical history. His disciplinary approach, as a historian of ideas, is distinct both from that of a historical musicologist, who is most interested in whether a given debate influences the course of music history, and from that of an analytical philosopher, for whom questions about the identity and expressive qualities of music can be abstracted from any historical context and treated in general terms. His historicism is consistent with that of Benedetto Croce, who viewed all philosophical problems as historically situated, and in his aesthetic thought he accordingly places importance on detailed descriptions of the historical circumstances in which ideas arose.


‘Notazione musicale e interpretazione’, RaM, xxxi (1961), 27–36

L‘estetica musicale dal Settecento ad oggi (Turin, 1964, 3/1987)

Empirismo e classicismo (Turin, 1965)

Gli illuministi e la musica (Milan, 1969)

Gli enciclopedisti e la musica (Turin, 1971, 2/1991)

Musica e linguaggio nell’estetica contemporanea (Turin, 1972/R)

‘Il mito della musica italiana nel pensiero di Rousseau e di Diderot’, Chigiana, new ser., xii (1975), 45–56

L’estetica contemporanea (Turin, 1976)

L’estetica musicale dall’antichità al Settecento (Turin, 1976, 3/1987; Eng. trans., 1990)

‘Haydn, l’Illuminismo e la forma sonata’, Chigiana, new ser., xvi (1979), 21–30

Viaggio musicale in Italia (Turin, 1979) [trans. of part of C. Burney: The Present State of Music in France and Italy (London, 1770)]

ed.: W.H. Wackenroder: Fantasie sulla musica (Florence, 1981)

‘La cultura musicale dall’unità a oggi’, Il Pensiero e la cultura nell’Italia unita, ed. M. de Micheli and others (Milan, 1982)

‘Malipiero e l’estetica della musica in Italia fra le due guerre’, G.F. Malipiero e le nuove forme della musica europeo: Reggio nell’Emilia 1982, 164–74

ed.: Heinrich Heine: Scritti musicali (Florence, 1983)

Musica e pubblico dal Rinascimento al Barocco (Turin, 1984)

‘Storicità della musica: storia della musica e Storia dell’arte’, Didattica della storia della musica: Florence 1985, 23–31

Viaggio musicale in Germania e Paesi Bassi (Turin, 1986) [trans. of C. Burney: The Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces (London, 1773)]

‘Schoenberg, la dodecafonia e la tradizione ebraica’, Musica senza aggettivi: studi per Fedele d’Amico, ed. A. Ziino (Florence, 1991), 583–601

La musica nella tradizione ebraica (Turin, 1994)

Estetica della musica (Bologna, 1995)


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