Faà di Bruno, Giovanni Matteo [Horatio, Orazio] Fabbri, Anna Maria

Fischietto (It.). See Whistle. Fiscorno

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See Whistle.



See Flugelhorn.

Fišer, Luboš

(b Prague, 30 Sept 1935; d Prague, 22 June 1999). Czech composer. He studied at the Prague Conservatory (1952–6) with Bořkovec and at the Prague Academy of Musical Arts (1956–60) with Hlobil and Bořkovec. The first of his works to be publicly performed was Čtyři skladby (‘Four Pieces’) for violin and piano (1954); he took his diploma with the Second Symphony. After graduating he worked with the Vít Nejedlý Military Ensemble and his works were received with increasing approval. He won several Czech prizes as well as a UNESCO award for Patnáct listů podle Dürerovy Apokalypsy (‘15 Prints after Dürer’s Apocalypse’) in 1966 and the 1969 Italia Prize for his score for Peter Weigl’s film Bludiště moci (‘Labyrinth of Power’).

Having adopted a tonal, thematic style at the outset of his career, he began to employ contemporary techniques from the mid-1960s; works from this period display a tendency towards new expressive and compositional means, in particular the use of aleatory techniques. Melody, its repetition and modification, however, remained at the core of his music. In later works Fišer returned to determinate notation. Typical is the concentration on clearly defined contrasts within confined spaces, a principle most apparent in Fišer’s single-movement sonatas. His aesthetic is characterized by a broad range of interests: Nářek nad zkázou města Ur (‘Lament for the Destruction of the City of Ur’) is a setting of Sumerian texts, Písně pro slepého krále Jana Lucemburského (‘Songs for Blind King John of Luxemburg’) takes its inspiration from the Middle Ages, and other works draw on great works of art, or from theorists such as Galileo and Einstein. His works often have an air of celebration or warning.


(selective list)

Dramatic: Lancelot (op, 1, E. Bezděková), 1959–60, Prague, 19 May 1961; Dobrý voják scvejk [The Good Soldier Schweik] (musical), Prague, 1962; Istanu (melodrama), spkr, a fl, 4 perc, 1980; Oslovení hudby [Addressing Music] (melodrama, J. Pilka), spkr, str qt, pf, 1982, arr. str qt, 1982; Večný Faust [The Eternal Faust] (TV op, Bezděková and J. Jireš), 1983–5; c300 film, TV scores

Orch: Chbr Conc., pf, chbr orch, 1965; Patnáct listů podle Dürerovy Apokalypsy [15 Prints after Dürer’s Apocalypse], 1965; Double, 1970; Report, wind, 1971; Lament, chbr orch, 1972; Labyrint, 1977; Serenády pro Salzburg, chbr orch, 1978; Albert Einstein, org, orch, 1979; Meridian, 1980; Pf Conc., 1980; Romance, vn, orch, 1980, pf red.; Centaures, 1983; Conc., 2 pf, orch, 1983; Pastorela per Giuseppe Tartini, gui, chbr orch, 1995; Sonata per Leonardo, gui, chbr orch, 1995; Sonata for Orch, 1997; Vn Conc., 1997

Choral: Caprichos, chorus, ens, 1967; Requiem, S, B, double chorus, orch, 1968; Nářek nad zkázou města Ur [Lament for the Destruction of the City of Ur], S, B, 3 spkrs, children’s chorus, speaking chorus, chorus, 7 timp, 7 bells, 1970; Ave Imperator, male chorus, vc, 4 trbn, perc, 1977; Róže [The Rose], chorus, 1977; Per Vittoria Colona, female chorus, vc, 1979; Znamení [The Sign] (O. Bŕezina), solo vv, chorus, orch, 1981; Sonata (textless), chorus, pf, orch, 1984

Solo vocal: Má lásko [My Love] (V. Šefl), fragments, T, pf, 1980; Zapomenuté písně [Forgotten Songs] (Romany texts), Mez, a fl, va, pf, 1985; Oh cara addio (aria), S, str qt, 1987; Sbohem lásko [Goodbye, my Love] (Šefl, M. Sarcone), S, pf, str qt, 1988; Písně pro slepého krále Jana Lucemburského [Songs for Blind King John of Luxemburg] (medieval texts)

Chbr and solo inst: Ruce [Hands], sonata, vn, pf, 1961; The Relief, org, 1964; Crux, vn, timp, bells, 1970; Sonata, vc, pf, 1975; Variations on an Unknown Theme, str qt, 1976; Pf Trio, 1978; Sonata, 2 vc, pf, 1979; Testis, str qt, 1980; Sonata ‘In memoriam Terezín’, vn, 1981; Str Qt, 1983–4; Sonata, vc, 1986; Impromtu, cl, pf, 1987; A pravila Rut [And Quoth Ruth], str qt, 1988; Sonata, va, str qt, 1988; Hommage à Edgar Allen Poe, fl, perc, 1989; Sonata, va, str qt, 1991; Träumen und Walzer, pf, 1996; Dialog, tpt, org, 1997; 8 pf sonatas


Principal publishers: Panton, Peters, Státní hudební vydavatelství, Supraphon


M. Kuna: ‘Na slovo o hudbě s Lubošem Fišerem’ [On the words and music of Fišer], HRo, xxxi (1980), 418–20


Fiseysky, Aleksandr V.

(b Moscow, 27 Feb 1950). Russian organist and teacher. He was a student at the Moscow State University from 1970 to 1975, studying the organ with Leonid Royzman and the piano with Vera Gornostayeva; he undertook postgraduate studies with Leo Kramer (Germany) and Daniel Roth (France) and took the doctorate in organ performance in 1982 at the Moscow Conservatory. He made his début in 1974 in the Minsk concert hall of the Belarusan State PO, became the orchestra’s organist in 1975 and later played with the Moscow Television and Radio Orchestra. In 1990 he was appointed artistic director of the Soviet Cultural Foundation organ centre and, from 1992, president of the V. Odoyevsky organ centre. Fiseysky is known for his interpretations of Bach, Franck and Glazunov. A regular broadcaster on many international networks, he has made numerous recordings and has given first performances of several contemporary Russian works. He has written articles on the organ history of Russia for MGG and Österreichisches Orgelforum (1992). Fiseysky has performed at many international festivals, including those at Lucerne, Berlin, Vienna, Tokyo, London and Copenhagen, and has sat on the juries of international organ competitions such as Calgary (1994) and St Albans (1995).


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