7 Entrances (DOT Standards 206, 207)
Label each entrance below (also note on sketch). Also label any exit doors that are not also entrances.
Entrance 1: Entrance 2 Entrance 3:
Entrance 4: Entrance 5 Entrance 6:
Note OK, No, or N/A. Note dimensions if No
At least 60% of all public entrances accessible (206.4.1)
All direct access to facility from parking structure accessible (206.4.2)
At least one accessible entrance for each group of transit routes (
If direct connections to commercial, retail, or residential facilities, each must have an accessible route from point of connection to boarding platforms and accessible transportation elements ( See Checklist Section 8 – Doors.
Signage at Entrances (216.6)
If an entrance is not accessible, signage complying with 703.5 at entrance and along path accessible path of travel directs to nearest accessible entrance
Accessible entrance, when not all entrances are accessible, is designated with ISA
Signage at Exit Doors (216.4)
Doors at exit passageways identified by tactile signs complying with 703.1, 703.2, and 703.5. See Advisory 216.4.1 regarding exit passageways.
Tactile Sign Location
If visual entrance sign (“station name” or “entrance”) is provided at an entrance, then raised letter and braille signs are also provided at all such entrances in uniform location (810.6.1, 703.2, 703.4)
Single door: Tactile sign is provided at latch side of door
Double door two active leafs: Tactile sign is provided at right side of door
Double door one active leaf: Tactile sign is provided on the inactive leaf
Doors with closers and without hold-open devices: Tactile sign as described above, or push side of door
If no wall space at prescribed location, sign on nearest adjacent wall
Signage for Stations with Undefined Entrances (810.6.1)
At least one tactile sign identifying the station is placed in a central location
Mounting height ≥ 48” to base of lowest tactile character and ≤ 60” to base of highest tactile character (703.4.1)
At doors: Signs containing tactile characters located so clear floor space ≥ 18” by ≥ 18” centered on tactile characters, provided beyond arc of door swing between closed position and 45° open position (703.4.2)
Raised Characters
Characters raised 1/32” (703.2.1)
Uppercase sans serif font (703.2.2) (703.2.3)
Characters ≥ 5/8” to ≤ 2” high (703.2.5)
≥ 3/8” separation from borders and decorative elements (703.2.7)
Grade 2 Braille Characters
Below text; if multi-lined, below entire text (703.3.2)
Separated from tactile characters and raised borders ≥ 3/8” (703.3.2)
Braille dots domed or rounded shape (703.3.1)
8 Doors (DOT Standard 404)
Doors that are part of accessible route are required to be accessible (404.1). Identify configuration for each approach to each door (e.g., latch side pull) per Figure 404.2.4.1.
Door 1 Door 4:
Door 2: Door 5:
Door 3:
Identify each door along each accessible route and note OK, No, or N/A. Note dimensions if No
Revolving doors, revolving gates, or turnstiles not part of accessible route (404.2.1)
Clear space needed for manual swinging doors and gates based on approach, parallel or perpendicular to doorway: varies depending on doorway configuration and approach. (See DOT Standards Figure 404.2.4.1)
Configuration (a) – (k)
Minimum parallel clearance
Actual parallel clearance
Minimum perpendicular clearance
Actual perpendicular clearance
Two doors in series: Distance between doors 48” plus width of doors swinging into space between doors (404.2.6)
Thresholds (404.2.5) ≤ ½”; 1/4–1/2” sloped 1:2; ≤1/4” vertical
Existing or altered thresholds ≤ 3/4” with edges beveled ≤ 1:2 slope (404.2.5)
Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors (404.3)
Automatic doors and automatic gates comply with 404.3. Full-powered automatic doors comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.10).
Low-energy and power-assisted doors comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.19 (1997 or 2002 edition)
Door Clear Width (404.2.3)
Measured from door face to stop with door open at 90°
All doors: 32” wide
Door hardware can be operated with one hand and not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting or wrist (404.2.7) (309.4)
Force needed to activate operable part ≤ 5 pounds
Operable parts of door hardware mounted 34” to ≤ 48” above ground (404.2.7)
Interior hinged door opening force ≤ 5 pounds (404.2.9); not applicable to exterior doors
For fire doors, minimum force allowable by appropriate authority per applicable fire code. (404.2.9)
Doors with closers: sweep period of ≥ 5 seconds from 90° open position to point 12° from latch (404.2.8.1)
Double-Leaf Doors and Gates: At least one of the active leaves of doorways with two leaves comply with 404.2.3 and 404.2.4
9 Ramps (DOT Standards 303, 405)
Change in level along accessible route greater than ½” requires ramp (303.4). Identify ramps and locations where ramps are required.
Ramp 1: Ramp 3:
Ramp 2: Ramp 4:
Note OK, No, or N/A. Note dimensions if No
Minimum clear width 36” (between handrails) (405.5)
Grade Slope
Running slope ≤ 1:12 (8.3%) (405.2) (See exception in 405.2 for existing facilities)
Cross slope ≤ 1:48 (2.1%) (405.3)
Vertical rise between landings not to exceed 30” (405.6); therefore, minimum ramp run length 30’ to achieve 1:12 slope, 50’ to achieve 1:20 slope
Landings at top and bottom of each run (405.7)
Landing length ≥ 60” long (405.7.3)
Landing width along straight run ≥ width of ramp (405.7.2)
Landings at a change of direction ≥ 60” x 60” (405.7.4)
See Advisory 405.7 regarding ramps without level landings at changes in direction and potential for compound slopes that will not meet the requirements.
Surface (405.4)
Stable, firm, and slip resistant
No change in level on ramp runs, other than slope and cross slope
Handrails provided on both sides for length of ramp, if ramp rise > 6” (405.8) (505.2)
Handrail continuous (505.3)
Outside rail continuous for length of each run
Inside rail continuous between runs
Handrails extend ≥ 12” horizontally beyond top and bottom of ramp (505.10.1).
End of handrail returned to wall, guard, or floor (505.10.1)
Handrail extension is not a protruding object and does not project more than 4 inches into the circulation path at a height more than 27 inches above finish floor (307.2)
Tops of handrails ≥ 34” to ≤ 38” above ground (505.4)
Clearance ≥ 1 ½” between gripping surface and adjoining surface (505.5)
Circular handrail diameter ≥ 1 ¼” and ≤ 2” (505.7.1)
Non-circular handrail perimeter dimension ≥ 4” and ≤ 6 ¼” and diameter ≤ 2 ¼” (505.7.2)
Handrail protrudes ≤ 4 ½” from wall (307.2)`
Edge Protection
Edge protection (A or B below) provided on each side of ramp runs and landings if ramp rise > 6” (405.9) or drop-off > ½” within 10” of landing area (405.9)
A: Surface of run or landing extends ≥ 12” beyond inside surface of handrail (405.9.1)
B: Curb or barrier that prevents passage of 4” diameter sphere any portion of which is within 4” of floor/ground surface (405.9.2)
Wet Conditions
Ramp landings subject to wet conditions designed to prevent the accumulation of water (405.7)
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