Location (206.3)
Elevator located on an accessible route that coincides or is located in the same area as general circulation paths? (206.3)
Hoistway Signage (407.2.3)
Raised and Braille floor designations on both jambs (407.2.3.1)
Mounting height ≥ 48” from ground to base of lowest tactile character and ≤ 60” to base of highest tactile character (703.4.1)
At main entry level, tactile star on both jambs (407.2.3.1)
Uppercase sans serif font (703.2.2) (703.2.3)
Characters ≥ 2” high (407.2.3.1)
Characters raised 1/32” (703.2.1)
Accompanied by Grade 2 Braille (703.2)
Hall Call Buttons (All Levels) (407.2.1)
Clear floor area at call buttons ≥ 48” deep by ≥ 60” wide by ≥ 80” high (407.2.1.3) (305)
Up button above the down button (407.2.1.4)
Visible signals light up when call registered and extinguish when call answered (407.2.1.5)
Exception: existing elevators not required to comply with 407.2.1.5
Centerline of lowest call button ≥ 15” above the floor (407.2.1.1) (308)
Centerline of highest call button ≤ 48” above the floor (407.2.1.1) (308)
Button ≥ 3/4” in smallest dimension (407.2.1.2)
Exception: in existing elevators, buttons not required to comply with 407.2.1.2
Buttons raised or flush (407.2.1)
Exception: existing elevators may have recessed buttons
Hall Signals (All Levels) (407.2.2)
Visible and audible signal at each hoistway entrance (407.2.2.1)
Signal visible from area adjacent to the hall call button (407.2.2.1)
Hall lantern fixtures > 72” above the floor at centerline (407.2.2.2)
Visible signal ≥ 2 ½” high measured at centerline of signal (407.2.2.2)
Audible signal one for “up” and two for “down” or verbal annunciators (407.2.2.3)
Door Operations
Time from notification that car is answering a call until doors begin to close ≥ 5 seconds (407.3.4)
Door remains fully open ≥ 3 seconds (407.3.5)
Horizontal gap between car and hall floors ≤ 1 ¼” at all levels (407.4.3)
Vertical gap between car and hall floors ≤ ½” at all levels (407.4.4)
Reopening devices effective at heights of 5” and 29” above floor (407.3.3.1)
Reopening devices do not require physical contact to be activated (407.3.3.2)
Door reopening devices to remain effective for 20 seconds minimum (407.3.3.3)
Car Controls (407.4.6)
Emergency control buttons grouped at bottom of panel (407.
Lowest button centerline ≥ 35” from floor (407.
If > 16 buttons, highest button centerline ≤ 54” from floor (407.4.6.1)
If ≤ 16 buttons, highest button centerline ≤ 48” from floor (407.4.6.1) (308.2)
Control buttons ≥ 3/4” in smallest dimension (407.
Control buttons raised or flush (407.4.6.2)
Exception: existing elevators may have recessed buttons
Raised character and braille designations immediately to the left of all buttons (407.
Raised Characters (703.2) - Car Controls
Uppercase sans serif font (703.2.2) (703.2.3)
Characters raised ≥ 1/32” (703.2.1)
Characters ≥ 5/8” to ≤ 2” high (703.2.5)
≥ 3/8” separation from borders and decorative elements (703.2.7)
Tactile symbols identify main floor, emergency stop, alarm, door open and close, and phone (407.
Floor buttons have visual signals that light when call is registered and extinguish when call answered (407.
Car Position Indicators (407.4.8)
Audible car position indicator provided
Visual car position indicator provided above car control panel or door
Visual indicator over door or over control panel, (407.
Floor number on indicators ≥ ½” high (407.
Visual and audible signal as car passes/stops at floor (407.
Elevator Car Requirements
Floor covering stable, firm, slip resistant, and no vertical changes (407.4.2) (302) (303)
Illumination ≥ 5 foot-candles (54 lux) (407.4.5)
Inside dimensions of elevator cars and clear width of elevator doors comply with Table 407.4.1 (below)
Exception: Existing elevator car configurations that provide a clear floor area of 16 square feet (1.5 square meters) minimum and also provide an inside clear depth of 54” (1,370 mm) minimum and a clear width of 36” (915 mm) minimum are permitted
Width of elevator door complies with Table 407.4.1
Emergency Communication
Identified by tactile symbol and characters adjacent to device (407.4.9) and comply with 7.03.2 (see above)
Highest operable part ≤ 48” above floor (407.4.9, 308)
Lowest operable part ≥ 15” above floor (407.4.9, 308)