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The Charles River study demonstrates that Glutasome is a stand-alone product in today’s marketplace. It offers a one of a kind liposomal synergy with unsurpassed quality control. Its absorption surpasses other ingestible forms and controversial and expensive IVs. Thousands of dollars of nutritional power are delivered in a month supply of Glutasome. The product’s many layers of benefits, in effect, revolutionizes the nutraceutical industry.

Works Cited

Charles River Lab. “An Acute Toxicity Study of Glutasome by Oral Gavage in Rats.” Spencerville: Ohio. 23 Feb. 2012.

Hendler, Sheldon Saul. The Doctor’s Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990.

Todd, RD, Karen. "Ready...Steady...Glutathione." Nutraceutical Business and Technology 6.5 (2010): 18,20. LionSearch. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Article for JimHealthy.com

Electronic Record-Keeping Seeks to Make Managing Diabetes Easier for Patient and Doctor

The digital revolution has changed the lives of almost everyone on this planet. It is always good news when we hear about positive outcomes, yielding results that improve people’s lives in demonstrable ways. In this case, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California (Oakland), a vast HMO health care provider, used an electronic health record-keeping (EHR) system to track nearly 170,000 diabetes patients. The study spanned 17 health care centers, from 2004 to 2009. Additionally, Kaiser created the first commercially available EHR system, EpicCare.

The results provide real encouragement and the possibility of the dissemination of state-of-the-art management strategies for diabetes patients, and the U.S. healthcare system, in general.

Dr. Mary Reed, of Kaiser Permanente, reported study results in The Annals of Internal Medicine in October of 2012. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases funded the study, the most comprehensive of its kind, to date. EHR allows health care providers using the software instantaneous and integrated access of patient records spanning time and sites, as well as providers of treatment. In essence, the system can take what is otherwise a chaotic puzzle of disease management history, including tests that may or may not need to be repeated, and create a logical, up-to-date report. For many patients, this amounts to taking records that read like mud —with obscure, uncertain facts and gaps — and turning them to crystal.

When physicians have this type of information at their digital fingertips, the ability to treat patients more effectively becomes apparent, leading to superior treatment — and potentially saving many lives.

Patients also end up feeling more in control of managing their disease — and this is no mere comforting illusion. A clear record promotes sharing and understanding between doctor and patient. The new system may help patients to experience their disease maintenance program via an ordered timeline of treatment strategies and measured outcomes. It is no wonder that the Federal Government, through The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, is very interested in EHR as a fundamental system to revolutionize national health care — and lower costs. Thus, the government is offering incentives for the development of the best EHR systems, many of which are still in the development process and will, no doubt, continue evolving.

In the meantime, the Kaiser study trail-blazes.

The study reports unique statistical outcomes for the entire test group, and sub-groups, of patient participants.

EHR demonstrated improvements of a statistically significant nature in treatment intensification, where HbA1cvalues (Glycated hemoglobin– tested to ascertain average plasma glucose levels over a given period of time) of 9% or greater were present. The most dramatic statistical change was demonstrated after one-year retesting of the entire test group, with the most potentially life-saving outcomes appearing in the sub-group of patients who had experienced the worst disease control, as available through previous documentation.

Thus, the patients who were failing fastest and needed the most precise intervention appeared to be helped the most. Since the EHR was the only new element added to the treatment spectrum, results strongly suggest that having clear and ordered information available in a quick and easy way impacts overall success in treatment, at least in this study.

EHR technology beckons a new age in health care, one as inevitable as it is beautiful in its precision. Given the advancement of digital technology — computational power is doubling nearly every two years — it also makes common sense. In the past, if doctors could have achieved this clear, fast synthesis of data manually, they would have. However, they would have required armies of support staff, constantly gathering and updating information, to achieve even a semblance of the informational power that EHR provides. This task simply demolished any model of practical medicine. And patients require no techy inclinations themselves to benefit from the process.

Diabetes patients want a better quality of life. They require the best possible evaluation of drug treatment intensification, modification, and monitoring. Those diagnosed as “pre-diabetic” need better risk management.

In order for physicians to provide this, improved diagnostic and treatment tools need to appear with concentrated rapidity. It is difficult to find any downside to electronic records for diabetes patients, or any patient interested in quality care, for that matter. Electronic records are not perfect. Electricity can go out at the worst possible time; however, generators and batteries can also provide emergency back-up. Primary digital records can, and should be, backed up. Paper records are cumbersome to store and access. They demand huge natural resources for their creation, and significant storage space to hold. Also, paper gets lost — or burns, quite easily.

Moreover, because of EHR, it will now be feasible for patients in rural areas to receive advanced mobile health care. Doctors all over the planet can, in theory, consult, share information, and diagnose in real time. In this way, patients who may have found themselves marginalized in the past will now have a better chance of receiving the best treatments available. EHR will not eliminate their poverty, but it can help level the healthcare playing field, at least in theory.

Cutting costs through eliminating the duplication of tests — only one type of redundancy possible in the old health records system, frees up resources for more research into the causes of disease. Additional research paradigms are required. For example, the Kaiser research did not comprise “downstream” event testing, as in, measuring the impact and outcomes of emergency room visits for diabetic patients. Other scenarios for testing will emerge as research continues. In the meantime, research into the basic science needs to continue without interruption, something that may one day cure diabetes at its very roots.

This is sweet news for diabetics, sure to promote spikes in joy, rather than blood sugar.

Works Cited

McNamara, Damian. "Theheart.org: Trusted Cardiology News and Opinions." Theheart.org: Trusted Cardiology News and Opinions. Heartwire.com, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .

Moukheiber, Zina. "Largest Study Ever Links Electronic Health Records With Improved Patient Outcome." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 01 Oct. 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. .

Reed, Mary, PHD. "Outpatient Electronic Health Records and the Clinical Care and Outcomes of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus." Annals of Internal Medicine 1571 (2012): 482-89. Print.

If You Need a Miracle Today – Call on Your Higher Self!

How is that a few special people have experienced joy, prosperity, and the fulfillment of their hearts’ desires during some of the bleakest periods of human history?

What did they know? What were their secrets?

Quite simply, they knew how to call on their Higher Selves for the right help just when it was needed.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his new audiobook, Wishes Fulfilled, reveals long- hidden knowledge – techniques enabling you to merge and work with the Higher Self.

For centuries, these methods remained “hush-hush” – and available only to a select, extremely fortunate minority.

However, Dr. Dyer has chosen to liberate these teachings for the potential benefit of millions.

What would make your life sparkle with greater satisfaction today? Explore seemingly “impossible dreams” and learn how to:

  • Toss out society’s “memes,” mind viruses that hold you back from achieving what you know you want and deserve

  • Empower yourself and those you love to reach beyond ordinary expectations and soar into self-actualization

  • Heal yourself – and others! Learn to toss away the garbage that makes us sick – and tired

  • Break through the concrete ceiling of ho-hum employment and land your ideal job – or learn how to create it

  • Green up the world and all your positive wishes with the help of your Higher Self, that part of your being your mind and heart have longed to merge with for so long…

Imagine the joy of tapping into the treasures that are already yours.

Dr. Wayne Dyer knows it is the right time for this awakening.

And I AM sure you are ready for it, too!

You Don’t Really Know Yourself… Until You’ve Met Your

Wish-Fulfilling Higher Self

Dr. Wayne Dyer delivers techniques for you to make contact with a long hidden part of your consciousness – your Higher Self – the manufacturer of your fondest dreams… and miracles…

Unique treasures await you. They have always glimmered within, yet for most of us… remained just out of reach.

You lacked the keys to access them!

Through synthesizing long-guarded, ancient teachings, Dr. Dyer shows you how to:

  • Turn a lump-of-coal job into a diamond career

  • Heal the sources of illness and fractured relationships

  • Manifest true prosperity – on all its levels – in sunny or stormy economic times

  • Co-create with your Higher Self to improve any aspect of your life – and the planet

It is your right to live a wish-fulfilled life.

This is your moment to take hold of the keys!

Dear Friend on the Path,

Dr. Wayne Dyer has done it again! For decades, he has been showing us how to change our thoughts to change our lives -- and improve the world. In this daring new work, he accelerates the thought revolution on both practical – and spiritual levels.

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Boldest Work Yet

I can’t tell you how excited I am about Wishes Fulfilled! It synthesizes much of his earlier work – and reveals missing pieces of the greater manifestation puzzle.

Did you know that your imagination works either for or against you when it comes to creating your heart’s desires? There is real “magic” in imagination – and it comes from harnessing its power to bring into solid reality your good dreams – rather than fears – or nightmares!

Your imagination has a trash bin -- and you can learn to send what you don’t want into it – automatically!

Your Mind’s Factory – the Imagination

Everything that you have today has come from that supreme manufacturing plant – the imagination. Yet most of us allow it to take in any old thing and produce random -- and often not very positive results.

Through the ages, self-actualized people – we often refer to them as “masters” – have taken control of the gift of imagination – to create their own versions of heaven on Earth.

And it is your destiny to do the same thing!

In this program, Wayne Dyer brings together the secrets of such masters as Jesus, Moses, Saint Germain, Neville, Lao Tzu, and Carlos Castaneda to reveal ageless secrets for awakening the divine power slumbering within us all.

Just imagine the possibilities of this power switched on in you!

CEO of the Imagination -- Meet Your Higher Self!

Can you imagine a great company without the right CEO steering it ahead? You don’t have to be a tycoon or hold an MBA to understand how disastrous that would be. At best, the company would drift into mediocrity. Outright failure might lurk just around the next jagged corner. It is no wonder that CEOS command such opulent salaries – good ones are worth their weight in gold!

And so it is with the imagination – but with one far-reaching difference. While there may exist a pool of great CEOS for any given company, the imagination has just one right chief – the Higher Self.

Not Just for Mystery School Initiates Anymore

Knowledge of the Higher Self is not new. In fact, it is quite ancient. However, in the past, the ways to connect to this knowledge never came anywhere close to the mainstream.

This power remained guarded, in the hands of relatively few mystery school initiates.

Through accessing St. Germain’s “I AM” Discourses and other sacred texts, Dr. Wayne Dyer reveals these methods for anyone – and I mean anyone – to forge a forgotten link with divine energy – every human’s quantum birthright.

Clearly, Dr. Dyer unveils these teachings in concert with the Ascended Masters, known collectively as The Great White Brotherhood. (This is a term reflecting the light that the group of masters wields.)

We can all speculate about why this information did not reach the masses centuries ago. But every possible answer boils down to -- the time was not right.

And now it is!

Even Dr. Dyer had to wait many decades for these teachings to come to him!

Already he has shared this boon with vast, enthusiastic audiences on PBS.

And now it is right hour to get this information into the hands and minds of as many of the seven billion people on this globe as possible.

Yes, Divine Mind has a plan, revealed through Dr. Dyer – and it is nothing less than creating dream realization in one person at a time, leading to a collective healing of Earth!

2012 Is Absolutely the Right Time!

Our current days are fraught with predictions of impending apocalypse – and shared anxiety. Yet, Wishes Fulfilled illuminates the folly of buying into such devolutionary notions. Dr. Dyer and other great minds see this era as a time of a great spiritual shift in how we use our concentrated awareness.

He demonstrates how thoughts create the reality we currently experience. And so it will create what is to come… We have the power to make our days love, healing, and abundance centered.

Indeed, he gives us a manual to make 2012 the best year humanity has ever experienced – with each year to come, seeded with the potential of creating a planetary golden age.

Let the Miracles Begin

Divine Mind wants all of us to work miracles – big ones, small ones, wonders of all sizes. Through abandoning rigid outcomes, practicing radical humility, and connecting dreams to the greater good, everyone can align with the God Spark and become a part of this revolution.

It is time to contact a part of you that has remained silent, watching and waiting for you to ask for help.

Help to improve your finances and career…

Help to heal your health and relationships…

Help to bring your unique dreams into the material world now!

Legends and fairy tales abound with lucky people who find a jinni –

Or maybe a fairy godmother appears and grants them their heart’s desire.

However, what really happened?

They learned to connect with – and expand the “God Spark” within, that is, their Higher Selves.

Find Your Place in the Divine Mosaic of Life

Each of incarnates into this world with a special mission, but sometimes despite our best efforts, this purpose remains in the shadows –

And we remain searching, frustrated, and maybe even “lost.”

In Dreams Fulfilled, Dr. Wayne Dyer shows us how to re-establish a cord of energy between our material selves, the Lower Self -- and the part of us that is part of the great fabric of God.

Once you use your imagination to create that cord, and re-connect with your God-self, the road to manufacturing dreams with the right thought technology, opens up before you.

You Get The Audio Book Version of This New York Times Bestseller!

The hard cover version of Wishes Fulfilled reached the dazzling #3 spot on the New York Times Bestseller list for “advice” books.

Now you can listen to this gem as often as you desire – and I know that will be many times –

  • While you are exercising

  • Doing housework

  • Driving

  • Or just plain relaxing…into your dreams

There is no wrong time to tune in!

Experience the Gift of Every Transformational Moment

While computers run on hardware and software, scientists often refer to the brain as “wetware.” Beyond the brain, in spirit, the greatest programmer waits for your commands.

This enlightened programmer, aka your Higher Self, will lead you to enfold these life enhancing techniques:

  • Meditate to meet your actual higher self and create an alliance for co-creating what you really want -- with God

  • Shed old, dysfunctional beliefs about yourself and take on empowering new truths

  • Does what you want feel natural? Often our dreams seem distant or farfetched. Learn Dr. Dyer’s method to make your greatest dreams feel completely normal and organic

  • Think the art of manifestation is all about replacing nonproductive thoughts with better ones? Well, yes, that is a key part of the plan. But you also need to passionately feel the realization of dreams – as joy – in your body. You must embody the good sensations before what you want can materialize!

  • Learn why going to bed with a head full of worries and assorted, habitual negative thoughts creates undesirable and maybe even disastrous consequences when you wake up. Indeed, experience why the last five minutes before you enter sleep are critical in bringing yearning to fruition.

Enter Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Personal Healing Journey

Over the decades, Wayne Dyer has shared the many difficulties he has had to overcome during an amazing life. Yet, he confide that life never ceases to send us challenges, which if handled properly, lead to accelerated spiritual growth.

In 2001, a year of unprecedented upheaval for America, he experienced the end of his long marriage to Marceline Dyer, mother of seven of his eight children. He worked through the grief and depression of this break-up without antidepressants, using the pain as a vehicle of transcendence to understand his own part in the marriage’s failure.

Today, he and Marceline share a healed friendship.

Later in the decade, Dr. Dyer was diagnosed with a chronic form of leukemia that has led him to alternative methods of healing such as:

  • Using “I AM” commands from Saint Germain to heal his body. (Two of the six markers for his type of leukemia are no longer present, and others are showing steady diminishment)

  • Finding the right nutrition for his specific gene profile. Each of a us has a unique one – a simple blood test can reveal our numbers and the right foods we need to eat to avoid and / or treat cancer

As his healing journey evolved, he:

  • Experienced psychic surgery from a distance with John of God, a sacred healer, who lives and practices in Brazil

  • Discovered the meaning healing “orbs,” and examine the many orbs that are now visible in many of his photos

  • Relived critical moments of one of his past/ parallel lives through regression

  • Cultivated synchronicity – the way to walk with the angels and receive their manifold energies

Manifest a Bundle

Also included is the six 6-CD PBS lecture series, Secrets of Manifesting,

A Spiritual Guide to Getting What You Want

Bundle up your dreams with this complementary series. In addition to Wishes Fulfilled, you will receive a half dozen CDs of Dr. Dyer’s PBS lectures on creating the life you have longed for – and deserve.

A $45 dollar value, these lectures form a synergy with Wishes Fulfilled, providing hours of harmonizing material to help you make your wishes-in-embryo come alive.

You will experience the reality of claiming your own power in this world and the realization that we are all precious pieces of Divine Intelligence.

And you will acquire the creative habit of proclaiming St. Germain’s mantra of liberation, “I AM master of my world,” as you experience Dr. Dyer’s personal success stories.

And there is more!

We will complete this bundle with Inspire Your Divine Purpose, a two DVD lecture on manifesting your unique destiny.

These lectures present earlier, core, foundational teachings on manifestation

Do you meditate? Do you know how to meditate? Think it’s a waste of time?

If daily meditation does not form an integral, twice day part of your life, you will discover how it can recharge your physical and mental bodies, while encouraging spirit to ensoul -- and then embody your fondest aspirations.

Wayne Dyer is one of the outstanding healer-storytellers of our era. Get ready for a great breakthrough, for he will move you from laughter to therapeutic tears, while empowering you to banish the blockages that have been holding you back from your highest potential.

This $55 dollar lecture set is included, bringing the value of the entire package to over, $120 dollars. Yet you can have it all today for 69.95! (Plus shipping and handling)

Give Your Wishes Wings, Today!

Are you ready to have your wishes fulfilled? The time is truly ripe for your harvest of good things. You feel this is true as you read this letter, for the power is awakening within you. Experience this bundle of wisdom with no risk. (I am unsure as to how I should frame the guarantee. What type of guarantee, ordering instructions, and testimonials should I include?)

Works Cited

Adams, James B., PHD. "Summary of Biomedical Treatments for Autism."Autism Society -.Autism Society, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

DeNoon, Daniel. “Autism Hits 1 in 88 Kids, 1 in 54 Boys.” http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20120329/autism-rates-cdc-2012

“Developmental Milestones. “Centers for Disease Control. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/

"Healing Autism & ADHD."Healing Autism & ADHD. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

Udell, Brian, M.D. "Results." Glutathione and Autism « The Autism Doctor.com. The Autism Doctor, 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. .

Shaw, Jean. "What Are Phospholipid Deficiencies In Autism?" What Are Phospholipid Deficiencies In Autism? N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .

What Is the Theory behind It? | Healing Thresholds | Page 3." What Is the Theory behind It? | Healing Thresholds | Page 3. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2012. .


You and the Second Person Point-of -View in College Writing

Dec. 2, 2010

There is something very comfortable about using the second person point -of- view in writing. It seems to fit like an old, buttery-soft pair of boots, a classic torn-to-smithereens pair of jeans, or an old tee shirt, vintage of another era. Yet composition using the point of view of "you," is much too comfortable for academic and professional writing. Good writing teachers are downright allergic to the second person point- of- view.

Decades of Fighting "You," the Second Person Point- of -View

I have been teaching writing for over two decades, and I've been fighting "you."

Writers are diverse and come to class with myriad goals. Some want to become famous writers; others write for self-discovery; however, most write to survive college or an employment scenario. For the largest group, writing for a professor can be chilling; it implies starched phoniness that will change their composition styles, thus potentially attacking person-hood. Writing, after all, is as personal as one's breath and blood.

Some writing instructors try to clone writers, which is both counterproductive and deeply unfortunate. Our job, in fact, is to set writers free, to liberate their voices. At the same time, we must acknowledge that there is a dress code for professional essay writing. In high school, many writers are told that they cannot use the first person point- of- view, yet great essayists do this all the time. Employment of the first person is not new; we have enjoyed it for centuries. On the other hand, it is a professor's choice to forbid first person essays in his or her class. Given this, the third person point- of- view can never fail a college writer.

Writing instructors are just as diverse as students. Therefore, it is important to prepare writers to face the most conservative audiences. I like to explain this approach as, " dressing up the essay." All of us have the capacity to enhance appearance without becoming someone else. Few of us would wear those torn- to -smithereens- jeans to get married; the vintage tee shirt, faded and plucked from a drawer of honeysuckle sachet, probably would not fit a job interview. In fact, common sense tells us that we can change slightly to adapt to our circumstances to survive and ultimately thrive in particular situations.

Consider the Chameleon

The chameleon is a wondrous reptile. It changes the hues of its hide to blend with surroundings, enhancing self-bioengineered potential for adaptation, and ultimately survival. At the same time, the chameleon always remains itself; it does not become another animal. Maybe the most successful writers on Earth have chameleons as totem animals, for they are able to able to conform to task requirements without losing themselves. These writers find that the challenge of such minor adaptation helps to uncover hidden talents of the greater, if not infinite self.

So, it is clear that any writer can remain true to his or her own voice, while dropping the use of "you." I suggest working with the third person point-of-view whenever possible, since it gives the writer great creative and logical distance from the subject matter. Also, the first person point -of -view can have drawbacks and requires a subtle touch. The constant repetition of "I, I, I" can drive a reader mad, much like the sloppy repetition of "you" or "yours."

A penchant for "you" gives an otherwise professional-sounding essay a slovenly edge. College essayists are not writing letters, and their professors are not their buddies. This writing relationship becomes apparent through choosing the right point-of-view, first. Indeed, it sets an appropriate tone.

"You" also reflects back on the reader, which in most cases proves to be untrue and illogical. While this makes crystalline sense in a letter, it can make the reader of the essay feel uncomfortable. For example, "You know you are in love when you feel it!" Hey, grammatically, the writer is talking to me and no doubt making great assumptions. It is sad that the writer was trained not to say, "I know when I am in love; I can feel it."

Students may end up paying for bad grammar into their middle years. College has never been more expensive. The burden that this phenomenon has placed on today's students is palpable. If students today seem more grade-hungry than in the past, it is for good reason. Most are paying approximately two thousand dollars for each undergraduate course, making failure a cause for possible financial devastation.

The Second Person Point- of -View Sabotages Grades

When students use the second person point of view from composition, they sabotage their grades, turning what might be a gleaming A or B into a C, or even an F. Formalizing the essay through the use of the third person point- of- view saves money and defeats academic stress.

Letters of Recommendation


I am writing in my capacity as a freelance writer, editor, and legal assistant, as well as a professional associate and personal friend of Wayne Funk, MSW and Dr. Maria Jacketti, the principals of Mountain Laurel Consultants.
In this regard, I am most pleased to provide you with some first-hand observations of their mission, their vision, and their overall business practices.
I can state unequivocally that Mr. Funk and Dr. Jacketti approach every project they undertake with vigor and enthusiasm, and a deep commitment to providing the best client service possible. Because of their many years of experience in both the academic and creative arenas, they offer a unique combination of innovation and insight that can be most beneficial to your company. They are able to devote as much time as is necessary to meet your particular needs, bringing to bear their expert writing/copyediting skills, and doing so within your guidelines, time frame, and budget. They always give their clients individualized attention; are always available to answer questions, both large and small; and they listen, and seriously consider, your suggestions. Having worked with them, I can attest to their ethical standards and superior work product. In addition, and importantly, they are fine people, whose solid personal values extend to their professional work.
In light of the above, it is my utmost pleasure to recommend them.
Very truly yours,

Cindy S. Hochman

To Whom It May Concern,

It gives me tremendous pleasure to write this letter on behalf of Dr. Maria Jacketti, Instructor of English at Penn State Hazleton. Dr. Jacketti has served the Hazleton campus for several years teaching undergraduate English composition courses at a variety of student levels. My students and advisees have frequently commented on Dr. Jacketti’s willingness to help them with writing projects, emphasizing her knowledge and, more importantly, her encouragement and guidance with course projects. Dr. Jacketti is a talented, articulate, enthusiastic, and dedicated instructor who is extremely passionate about her own writing and passing on the love of writing to her students.

Outside of the classroom, Dr. Jacketti has served the community as the poet laureate of the City of Hazleton and has delivered a public lecture to Hazleton students and local residents emphasizing her translation and poetic works. I am extremely pleased to recommend her as an outstanding writer and teacher and would welcome the opportunity to discuss Dr. Jacketti’s background in greater detail. Feel free to contact me at jan13@psu.edu or by phone at (570) 450-3037 if you have any questions.


Justin Nordstrom, PhD

Assistant Director of Academic Affairs/ Associate Professor of History

Penn State Hazleton

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