For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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KC:  OK.

BD:  And that’s one of the reasons why I do my show. And that’s one of the reasons I believe I was told to call you. I kind of come from the perspective... I want people to get rid of “religion” and get, in every moment, into spirituality. In other words, don’t go to church on Sunday and think you’re safe all week, or whatever other day you like. Don’t go into your prayer room and think that you’re...

KC:  OK. But as a prophet... I mean, this is all good but that’s like the A, B, C’s and we’re, like, way beyond that with our audience.

BD:  I’m sure you are.

KC:  Let’s give them some credit.

BD:  I’m just telling you what’s not on my show, because a lot of times they won’t get this on the show because I only present certain portions of it. Now here’s the next step.

KC:  OK.

BD:  The next step is, one year ago I was taken by the Grand Council, to the Eschaton.

KC:  OK.

BD:  The Eschaton is beyond time/space. OK? Now this may seem very bizarre to people. I’ve been there three times. This last time was one year ago. And it’s not an hallucination. It was a courtroom, if you want to call it, beyond time and space, with 24 witnesses through human history. OK?

KC:  OK.

BD:  And we were brought before the Council because they’re making a decision, either thumbs-up or thumbs-down, for our civilization. OK?

KC:  OK.

BD:  And we’re at the knife’s edge of a bad decision.

KC:  OK. And I believe you.

BR:  Right.

BD:  Mankind as a corporate being has to make decisions to get on the right timeline.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  And if they don’t make the right decisions, we’re going to get on the wrong one and we’re going to become a dead cinder.

In a sense this planet, and if you want to think of the Earth as a living being, it’s like a giant womb of these spirit-beings called human beings on Earth, or mankind, that are about to be birthed to become – I call homo luminous or homo galacticus, or you know, an advanced mankind that can interact with advanced civilizations across the cosmos -- that doesn’t have to have a matrix of billions of laws; that doesn’t have to have a chip in us to track us to make sure we’re good; and do all these things.

Because where we’re at... We’re at this nexus or crossroads where we either are going to have the law as Jesus Christ said himself, which was one of the great teachers, Yeshua Ha Masaich, which meansThe Father in the Flesh. OK? And we are the father in the flesh. So are you! As we wake people up, it manifests what’s always been there. It’s the manifestation that counts. We’re not greater than God. We’re just...

KC:  OK. So you’re in front of this council and you’re witnessing... What?

BD:  The consciousness of all of these people down through human history.

KC:  OK.

BD:  To the council and all these different beings in the courtroom, and they basically came up with a judgment.

And they said: Now we’re sending you back, and you have... The time is very short before judgment is going to fall. And mankind as a corporate being must get this message. And if they don’t get the message correctly, which transcends religion, politics, national borders or their version of a new world order or world government...

Because they’ve got a world government that’s absolutely noxious. You see, a world government can be world government with national boundaries and nations. It can be with people who keep their recipe cards and control of their civilization. It can be with a world that has some degree of order without knocking all boundaries down and creating regional trade zones.

Because the world is not based on economy. It’s based on, if you want to call it, identity. OK? And what they’re doing is, they’re homogenizing the identity so they can control the population and turn people into cybernetic robots, is what they want to do.

KC:  Absolutely.

BD:  And they’re already moving us step by grade into a matrix. Now, the future that they’re talking about is where people, citizens, can even have the option of having a brain-interface chip and be loaded into a rack. And they won’t even have to exist in the physical world. Their bodies would be put into life extension technology, loaded into a rack for centuries or thousands of years. That’s where we’re headed.

People say: Oh no, that won’t happen.

I say: Well, I’m sorry, but that hellish world is right around the corner.

But it’s dependent on humankind. And whether we’ll even get to that, or most of this civilization will die... These people are feverishly building underground bases at the rate here in America, for example, of two bases per year, anywhere from 18 to 26 billion dollars.

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