For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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KC:  Mm.

BD:  His doctor, one of his doctors, in Iowa contacted me: What can we do to try to help him?

I said: Well, you know he needs serious help. But a lot of the time they give these young people drugs that I think are patently toxic.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  We know for example, when you give somebody that’s manic depressive, SS or I drugs like Luvoc, Prozac, etc., they go over the deep end. Unfortunately, his doctors gave him the wrong drugs.

KC:  OK.

BD:  OK? These drugs came out of Hoffmann-LaRoche. They came out of mind control projects in the Soviet Union and Germany going right back to I.G. Farben. They get right back to G proteins. And he had a real bad reaction from whatever they gave him.

BR:  Yes. Now if I can steer this back now...

KC:  Yes.

BR:  Because that was a beautiful story, and it’s great to have that on record, but how you were in the right place at the right time so many times that most people would never believe it. But backed up from that you’ve been in the right place at the right time for a reason here and that is to give what you would probably call your testimony.

BD:  Well, I’m a witness. I’m almost like Daniel in the lion’s den. I’ve been in places that most people can’t even imagine.

Like in 1977 I was supposed to do research on MS [multiple sclerosis] at the Santa Monica VA Hospital, part of UCLA. And one of the projects was to work on a Ph.D. neurology residency under Dr. Wallace Tourtellotte.

And the other four projects were all classified. Four of them were actually cybernetic projects. One was actually a helmet that would convert thoughts directly to on-flight commands directly to a supercomputer that they already had with command, or symbols, that would be projected onto the canopy of the jet so you could fly the jet by thoughts, fire off ordnances.

And the other three projects were to take prisoners from West Orange and Irvine State Penitentiaries and wet-wire their brains with platinum and palladium micro-wires.

And Dr. Tourtellotte had a custom-made CT implanter that was used with a CT scan that could implant micro-wires in specific nuclei in the brain to actually use supercomputers -- that were classified -- to convert neural-net stochastic firing sequences so they’d get particular images. So you could control their behavior, see what they see, hear what they hear.

And I turned it down. I said: No. You people are crazy!

KC:  OK, to turn them into Manchurian Candidates.

BD:  Yeah, they actually had a thing called the “Rambo-chip,” that they had back in the ’60s and this is part of Delgado’s research at Yale. They had a thing called the Rambo-chip and what the Rambo-chip was, was a rage-control chip that was in the subthalamic nucleus that could actually control rage. You flip the switch and they would kill, and you would turn it off and they’d stop.

So this was one of the things the residents would laugh at: Ha, ha, ha. We can do this stuff. But I think that’s pretty ghoulish.

And people don’t understand that a lot of the people that they give these projects have 180-plus IQs, but they’re twisted. OK? Or if they’re not, they’re compromised. And if they eventually discover it and they try to pull back, they do things like “patch” them. You ever heard of what a patch is?

KC:  I’m not sure.

BD:  OK. A patch is where they give you an intravenous patch. The patch lasts three days. OK? Or a transdermal patch. And if you don’t get the next patch in three days you die a horrific death.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  OK? So they’ve got you on a short string.

BR:  Gotcha. OK. Now, some of this is on record on the Granada Forum Lecture and a lot of people watching this will already be familiar with that material.

BD:  Right.

BR:  We’re nearly two years further on from there. Where are we now? What does this mean for the human race and for the individuals watching this now?

BD:  Well the timeline to watch for is actually the nation of Israel. OK? And the timeline to watch is...

And that’s why my calling is particularly important, because I’m going to re-release my bookClay and Iron, here sometime in the not too distant future. Right?

KC:  OK.

BD:  Yeah. So if you look at the nation of Israel, there’s so much contradiction. All the stuff with Iran is all over Israel. OK?

BR:  Yes.

BD:  Even American foreign policy. The reason why they went into Iraq was Israel. A trillion dollars spent, the collapse of the economy -- it’s all tied back to Israel. OK?

And people say: Well, why is Israel so important? Why was there a first holocaust? Why is there planning to be a second?”

And it’s really pretty simple. Think of it this way: If the Creator of the universe made a people, or a group of people, you could call it a mixed group of people, the ancient tribes of Israel, as an object-lesson to the world, a scapegoat in a sense, a way of explaining to people: If you try to follow The Law you get condemned and destroyed. OK?

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