For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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KC:  Hm.

BD:  July 10th of the next summer, which was July 10th of 1994, I walked through the same facilities underground and the same satellite-based engineering stations and classified projects as I had with the angel.

KC:  OK.

BD:  OK? That’s just one of hundreds of experiences. OK? So people need to know that we are beingwatched. The reason why the Earth is not an engulfed mass of biological weapons release, even though we had 347 accidents just last year in Class Four installations. That’s not even Fed-Ex Couriers. We have no idea how many times we’ve been saved from cataclysm.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  We have no idea. The number of interventions is just... I say making angels gray-haired. [laughs]

BR:  Yes..

BD:  And if you want to call ’em ETs, angels or whatever you want to do, but we are being watched and we’re being watched over very, very diligently because it’s such a desperately late time.

BR:  But these guys... Are you saying that they’re not going to step in forever, or there’s certain things they can’t do?

BD:  No, they can step in only if there’s a transformation of the heart. You see, it’s not going to be space-based technology to knock out, you know, to shield the Earth from the collapse of the magnetosphere. It’s not going to be space-based particle weapons that can hit an incoming meteor. Or a solar storm.

It’s going to be a change in the heart of mankind that we will not harm any other race. We’ll not invade a country, like what we’ve done in Iraq and kill 1.5 million Iraqis. We will not put poison in vaccines and call it fine.

We will not go to third-world countries like Poland two months ago and do tests on Polish vagrants and kill them. There were 300 tests and 23 died within minutes, and 200 more were very seriously sickened.

And they’ve now imported to America 500 million doses of the Sanofi Pasteur Vaccine made on contract for Homeland Security.

Now it’s not to scare people. It’s to make them understand that the reality that I try to present on the show is both the technical, scientific, public information, you know, in the public domain, as well as classified. But you’ll see an overall picture. But then on this other side there’s the spiritual dimension to that.

And they have to understand that, whether there’s... I get people all the time: Should I leave North America? Should I leave America?

I say: No, now is the time for us to confront this because you can’t go far enough away.

And they say: Well, what do you mean? How far?

And I say: Well, Mars isn’t far enough away for these guys.

KC:  Right.

BD:  I say: You have to understand...

You know, one of the talks that I had back in July of 1994 was, of course... The Senior Commander of the US Space Command comes up, and he’s a very sharp, this-is-the-way-it-is kind of guy.

He says: Docs, I come to Jesus-talk for you.

And I thought: Oh-oh, what’s he going to say to us?

And he has this real serious look. He says: You’re one of our guys now. So you’re gonna hear stuff, because you’re working with these guys who are working on all these weird projects. These guys are the brightest guys in engineering, cybernetics, physics, space-based weapons, everything. And you’re going to get exposed to things.

And so you won’t hear it from somebody else, so I’m going to tell you right now. We control every cubic centimeter of space between here and Mars.

And I said: What? I said: You mean between here and the Moon.

He said: No. Mars. We’ve had a colony on Mars since the early 1980s, and we found evidence of previous civilizations of human life on there going back a long time.

We’ve had an entire city on the Moon for mining operations for Helium-3.

We have entire fleets of space-based vehicles, and we have more advanced sub- and above-light vehicles that are interstellar. OK?

You need to know that. Even though we have entire rings of space-based platforms around Earth, we have collaboration with advanced civilizations. And if you don’t know this stuff, you might as well know it now. And if you have questions about anything, ask me, because otherwise, if you’re not in the loop, you’re gonna freak out.

KC:  OK. When was this? What year?

BD:  July 10th, 1994. OK?

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