For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

BD:  And the idea was to create an agnostic Luciferian society where they follow the highest tenants of Babylonian Kabbalah, which means that they themselves are Gods. OK?

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BD:  And the idea was to create an agnostic Luciferian society where they follow the highest tenants of Babylonian Kabbalah, which means that they themselves are Gods. OK?

In other words, they replaced God because therefore they are the energetic intelligent force that’s willing to use good or evil, following this Shabbatai Tzvi, you know the false anti-Messiah, 1666, and Jacob Frank, to actually create a world order where “these Luciferic cabalists would control the world.”

And that’s what happening now. You can see it with the financial system. You can see it with the political system. You can see it with everything, that these Luciferic Satanists...

The two groups at the very top are Teutonic Knights, who think they’re bloodline descendants through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Jesus and King David. That’s one group, which are all the Royals of Europe. And the other group are the Sabbatian Luciferic Satanists -- Satanic Jews.

KC:  OK.

BD:  Those people run the world.

KC:  Led by the Pope. Right?

BD:  Led by the Pope and the Black Pope and the Knights of Malta, and they’re totally controlling it. And they’re interacting at such a level that they literally have physical presence of these demonic reptilian beings right even in the Vatican...

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Right in, you know, and people need to understand.

When you get these deepest underground bases... I had one Canadian engineer who actually controls and engineers and takes care of the Aurora Space Fleet, that fly out of our underground bases in central Germany and the Black Forest and fly to our Moon bases and on to Mars.

And he’s terrified to come on the show. And I’ve been talking to him for the last couple of years. But he’s showed me enough technical information and facts and sent me stuff that I know that his story is real. Right? So I’m going to repeat it.

After 10 months of psychological testing, they finally said: Well, now you’re in the deepest of the D.U.M.B One Bases and we’re going to bring you down to the final level. And he gets down there and all of these beings are right there in the flesh. OK?

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  Just like out of Star Wars. OK? It’s really crazy, but he says it’s real.

And I said: Why won’t you come on and tell us?

Because, he said, I don’t want to shatter people’s religious beliefs.

And I said: Well, I do want to shatter them, because it’s a sacred cow, and in fact their religion, whether they’re this group of Christians, or this group of Jews, or this group of Buddhists, they’re all wrong. They’re all wrong.

In other words, I call it [religion] “real lies going on.” It doesn’t mean you throw out the baby with the bathwater, like Bill Marr in his movie that’s coming out this week called Religious, you know, when he says anybody who’s religious is a fool; they’re an idiot...

KC:  Mm hm.

BD:  ...because of all the foolishness that religions are doing – like, I call them the “Armageddonites” -- that are supposedly Christians that believe that they have to bathe the world in blood and fire.

KC:  Right.

BD:  Or the Sabbatians who think: Well, we’ll just pull the Samson Option and go down to our underground bases. Because they have a ton of ’em down there.

BR:  Hm.

BD:  Or the Illuminists who think: Well, who cares if we blow up the world? We’ll just go to our underground bases and we’ll survive and then we’ll come back up in a decade or century. Like the Morlocks, you know, of H.G. Wells’ Time Machine.

And it’s insanity. Because they’re not going to survive what’s going to come. They’re not going to survive it. OK?

And they need to grasp that what we’re heading for here is, unless they take up the scepter of what they are and the power that they have to decide for life -- just like Moses when he took the six tribes in Mount Ibal and Mount Garizin and put between [them] an amount of cursings and an amount of blessings and he said: Today, choose life.

In other words, you’re not taking away their choice. You’re saying: You need to grow up and you need to stop talking about easy-be-livism, prosperity gospel, all this other foolishness, and you need to start talking about relating to other humans.

You can’t fund a country on a credit note to go and kill a million and a half Iraqis. You cannot decide to invade Iran, when we know that they hit the Bashear reactor and 450 targets.

I’ve got my military contacts inside there, and experts have told me in the last 4 to 6 weeks, that it’ll kill between 1.5 to 15 million in the first two weeks, and it could be as high as 32 billion plus. And the radiation cloud will go downwind and will move directly through Yemen, all the way through to Saudi Arabia, and heading down toward China and Japan.

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