For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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So what I tell people right now is, it’s not the time to flee, but there’s going to be incredible pain because they’re moving toward the Amero. I have already talked to people who are very reliable they have already seen the Amero notes in Mexico City.

KC:  So you’re here in Oceanside, California. Right?

BD:  Because I was told to be here.

KC:  And why? Could you...

BD:  I know partially why. The way it happened was back in February my wife, who is very intuitive too, she told me, she says: Bill, we’re supposed to move.

I said: Well I don’t want to move. I’m comfortable. See, I didn’t really want to move from Denver to go back home but I was with my mom before she died in October a year ago.

And so I went to sleep that night and I said: God, tell me why.

And he did. He sent me an angel who told me: You’re going to go to Oceanside-Vista.

I said: I don’t want to go there. I don’t even know anybody there. There’s not even any jobs there or anything that I want to do there. Right? And he started laughing at me. Right? And cracking jokes, because...

People need to know that they’re watching us and they know the future that we don’t know. Right? And a lot of times we probably wouldn’t do things we have to do, because some of the stuff we have to do is pretty painful and messy.

BR:  So what’s going down that brings you here?

BD:  Well, part of it is being here now so you could even do this taping.

BR:  OK.

BD:  Because there’s people here that have to wake up. They’re going to have to hear this message to know that I’m called, what’s actually called, “The Sons and Daughters of the Most High God.” I’m one called “The Witnesses.”

Now, I’m going to back this up a bit so you’ll get an understanding of just how important this meeting is tonight.

In the first century, my family were in this 24-family cycle of the Cohanim (also spelled Kohanim) that actually served in the temple at the time of Yeshua. And a prophecy was given directly by Emmanuel, directly to my ancestor, that was written down in the first century and passed on all the way through to my Great-uncle Michael, who died in the ’70s.

That was supposed to be given to me ,because I was the eldest of the eldest. His brother thought he was the one called to give this word, which is to blow the trumpet of Elijah and actually tell people about the coming of the new age, the new world that was going to come, a world of peace, where there wouldn’t be lack or all these things.

And that was passed down for almost 19 centuries. Right? That person is me. OK?

And the reason why I know that is because at [age] eight and a half when I had my tonsil surgery done... I had a French surgeon who was operating on me in Colchester County Hospital. They cut an artery in my neck and I bled to death. OK? There’s a little guillotine-style thing, and they pull the tonsils through with tongs, cut it off. And I had an aberrant artery and I bled to death.

And I went down the tunnel of light. And of course, the way it happened is, all of a sudden I’m floating over the operating room table, I’m looking down, I can see this little boy, and I see blood spurting everywhere. I say: Gee, that looks like me. I didn’t feel any pain.

And all of a sudden I’m standing there and I’m walking around, trying to talk to the nurses and doctors and nobody would pay attention to me. So I’m getting very frustrated. So I walk toward the door and I just went right through it.

So I turned right and I walked down the hall, and I saw the nursery, and I saw these babies all bound up tight on their side, and the nurses were trying to keep them, you know, because if one starts, they all start to cry. And they all had little different colored blankets on them. So one baby started to cry and they all started to cry.

And all of a sudden everything started to fade into an inky black, a black so black you could feel it, and I felt like I was being squenched through a pinhole. Right? And then all of a sudden I cried out, you know: God, where am I? Something terrible’s happening. Right?

And I saw a pinpoint of light and all of a sudden there was these intersecting crimson lines, and I’m going down this tunnel, and I say: It’s too fast, God! It’s too fast.

And then all of a sudden I’m in this place of light, and across in the other side of this space there’s a man standing there, you know, almost glowing light. And he had a broad golden sash with a double-corded belt, and what I call brass-like sandals.

And his forehead almost looked like there were puncture marks, and it was still swollen, and you could see where his beard was plucked out. He had reddish hair just like a... The best way to describe him would be a Norwegian, only he had olive-colored skin. He looked like a big, you know, rock-hard kinda 3-percent body mass, kind of a carpenter with big hands and big knuckles. And he looked like a guy that could, you know, make anything. Right? Only there was a... they fell to the middle part of his arm and leg.

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