For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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And what would happen is that... The original books of the Bible spoke about a God you could not see that was the Creator that created you in his image. OK? And, even if they didn’t understand it, they tried to adhere to it. They kept every jot and tittle. Right?

And so the “People of the Book,” which is what they used to be called -- they weren’t called the Jews or the Israelites -- they had to be wiped out because they would tell people. Even if they went off and they went through a reformation or they learned from other religious groups, whether it’s Buddhists, or Hopi, or natives, they’d eventually start getting beyond religion.

As I said in my talk on The Granada Forum, 10,000 years from now will there be anything called “religion”? Of course not. It won’t exist because we’ll have a full knowledge of the Creator Gods and what they are. Because we can’t exist and transcend beyond the technology unless we do that. We won’t survive.

KC:  Right, but people...

BD:  In other words, the two are mutually exclusive.

KC:  But to get back to what the role is of Israel.

BD:  The role of Israel is a timepiece. It’s actually a detonator. It’s a transformative event. It’s like the ultimate, if you want to call it, death trap for civilization.

So what’s happened? For example, I’ve had on my show numerous times, Barry Chamish. A good example is, the nation of Israel arose, and the holocaust... The greatest lies in modern history have been about the holocaust. Yes, they killed almost 7 million Jews. Yes they killed probably, of others, up to maybe 23 million.

But the real goal was not only a ritual sacrifice to the transdimensional demonic realm. Right? But the real goal transcends that. It was to wipe out the idea of a Creator God and that we’re an incarnation of the Creator.

Because eventually if the reformation and all these other things were to continue to proceed... Since the breakup of the control of the Roman Catholic Church, and all the spinoffs and everybody trying to get into the New Age, and all the other religious things, where there’s a return to spirituality...

The big move right now is not toward religion, it’s toward spirituality, whether they’re coming from a Christian viewpoint, a Jewish viewpoint, a Buddhist viewpoint. And they’re all starting to kind of compare notes and realize that, even though they use different terms, they’re starting to understand there’s a commonality there.

KC:  Sure.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Right.

KC:  But still, to steer you back. So the role of Israel at this time...

BD:  Well, the role of Israel is primarily to act on the, if you want to call it, on the Luciferian serpentine side, is to act as a detonator for the final annihilation of mankind.

BR:  So, in practical terms...

BD:  They use it as a final focal point.

KC:  You mean they’re going to attack Iran, and in return...

BD:  Yeah, or the threat of an attack will set in motion the peace treaty that’ll partition the State of Israel. Just think of it this way.Logically, if you’re from another world and you were to see a nation that’s the size of, you know, a little tiny strip of land anywhere from 10 to 16 miles long -- the third nuclear power... Probably the most advanced in terms of biological weapons on the planet is the State of Israel.

KC:  Yes.

BD:  They’re number one.

BR:  OK.

BD:  They have their own space-based imaging systems, ImageSat. They’ve got all kinds of weapons, when they were kind of on the outs, that they developed with the South Africans. They even, a lot of the time, buy their own jets and just stack ’em right up. They have the number one air force on the planet in terms of rapid response, and killing capacity. Number one, not number two or three.

What happens is, you divide that nation and they have no boundary zone where they can protect themselves. And the only thing they can do is to pull a “Samson Option” and hit a button. They have space-base platforms. Because Israel has them. Israel has space-based weapons platforms, imaging systems, terrible stuff. They could wipe out every city within 10,000 miles of them. They can just “bam.” They’re gone. OK?

BR:  But they. . .

KC:  What is the plan?

BD:  The plan is. . . It’s all being set up because, you see, the leaders of Israel are Satanic Luciferian. The entire State of Israel was set up, as Barry Chamish has said, so they could cleanse themselves of any who is a “Torah Jew,” anyone who understands the nature of the Creator God.

Even if they didn’t understand the depths of it, they didn’t want anybody to understand that they were created in the image of a God and they’re a spirit having a physical existence on this plane of existence.

They wanted to then replace them with a Luciferic idea, an agnostic idea, a communist idea. So the State of Israel was originally sponsored with the Soviet, the actual Communist Soviet. OK?

BR:  Mm hm.

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