For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

BR:  When was that, Bill, that you encountered that?

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BR:  When was that, Bill, that you encountered that?

BD:  That was in 1997.

BR:  But that’s all still in force.

BD:  Oh yes, all those things. Their COG [Continuity of Government] which was set up by George Bush, Sr., made it even more serious. So that COG plan, and all those things, have been done going back, like over grades, going back since Eisenhower.

BR:  OK.

BD:  They’ve been doing this for a long time. And it’s not just in America. You have to understand, these plans are replicated in one form or another in Canada, in Britain, in Australia, in African nations, in China. They have policies.

There’s over 4,000 underground facilities around the world alone. And in America, two giant facilities besides the little ones, that are a mile-and-a-half to four miles down.

I mean, they’ve been going crazy. And most of the illegal money is drug money coming from the illegal sale of heroine and cocaine, OxyContin, Ecstasy, etc., three-quarters of a trillion dollars into weird projects.

BR:  Yeah.

BD:  And again, they’re addicted to this. They’re addicted to money that isn’t under the scrutiny of the Congress or Senate. And I don’t think, if either party is elected, they’re going to steer us away from this.

We have to get away from thinking the political system is going to solve this. It’s not. Or the religious, you know. A lot of people think if they just go pray a whole lot in church, whatever church they belong to? They’re crazy.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  They need to start taking action. We mean action to the street, to their neighbors and they need to say: Hey, I don’t want to participate in the winding down of civilization.

BR:  Yep.

BD:  Because they need to see that this is the first stage here. This is the devolution of the economy. And the next stage after the devolution of the economy and a release of a pandemic or martial law -- and it won’t just be in America -- is the hard-chipping of the population, forced vaccination, pandemic, and the hard kill’s going to start.

BR:  Mm hm.

BD:  And I’m talking about hard kill, where they’re going to try to kill 90% of human beings on the planet with either pandemics, injected viruses, lethal weapons systems or whatever, or starvation just because of economic chaos. And people say: Oh no. They wouldn’t do that.

I have contacts inside the Canadian and U.S. government that have said, if there is a total breakdown of society for 30 days, half the population in Canada and the same in the States would be dead.

BR:  Yep. From violence.

BD:  Not from a pandemic. From violence.

BR:  Yeah. Yep. People will do it themselves. Yeah.

BD:  The violence will be... Just take a city, like, let’s say you had a city like Los Angeles and you took out 20 blocks with a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon, with a population kill of let’s say 200,000. And California devolved into a state where there’s no trucks going anywhere with any food. And this is a place where it’s a breadbasket.

This state would be a seething caldron of death, and half the population would probably be dead within 30 days. Just because of the roving gangs shooting each other up, and trying to grab food that was left and getting trucks and whatever.

KC:  Right.

BR:  Yes.

BD:  It would be insane. It would make Road Warrior look like a party. And people say: Oh no, it couldn’t get that bad. I said: The guys who told me were special forces that worked at the Federal Center that told me this. And they shocked me back in ’97 when they told me this stuff.

BR:  Yeah. And all of this is being modeled as well.

BD:  Yeah. So I tell people they’ve got to start preparing for disaster. And then we’ll come back out of that. Because when they bring it out, the next thing is: Oh, that wasn’t too bad. It was only two weeks of martial law. Or six weeks.

BR:  Yes. That’s just to get people acclimatized to the idea.

BD:  Just like Katrina, you know. We let the people in Katrina now live in trailers that would ruin their health or they have homes that are still loaded with mold that are killing them. Right?

Or, we let them federalize parts of the country. That’s totally against the Constitution. Right? They’re still federalizing. The city of Detroit’s federalized, the city of New Orleans. This is a violation of Federal and State law. What are they doing?

They’re eventually going to federalize the whole country because they’ve been, grade by grade, running martial law and admiralty law parallel with the Constitution.

And eventually they’re just going to get rid of that, in George Bush, Jr.’s terms: That GD piece of paper.

They’re just going to throw it away and say: Guess what guys. We’ve got enough executive orders; we’ve got enough Blackwater Security worldwide -- which are the Rothschilds private army. Right? --And we’re going to take you on.

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