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Foreign languages
Tashkent is a beautiful city. It is the capital of Uzbekistan. It takes up an area of 220 square kilometres and its population is more than 2 million people. Tashkent is a city of gardens and flowers, a city of numerous shady parks and artificial lakes. The climatye of Tashkent is continyental with a dry, long summer and a short winter. Tashkent is an industrial city. There are lots of mills and factories there.
The capital of Uzbekistan is often called a town of peace and friendship. The whole country remembers the earthquake of April, 1966, that struck Tashkent. The people of different nationalities took part in the reconstruction of the city. That is why the capital of Uzbekistan today is a sort of museum of the architecture of the peoples from different republics. The Tashkent metro is the pride of the city. All the stations look like underground palaces. Besides that, it is an educational centre. There are lots of universities, institutes, colleges, liceeys and secondary schools. Thousands of young people are taught in these educational institutions. After the independence Tashkent has changed a lot. Many beautiful buildings, parks were
built. Temurids’ museum which has 14 doors attracts everybody’s attention.

E x e r c i s e 1, Make up sentences using the following words and expressions.

mills and factories, gardens and flowers, peace and friendship, numerous, remember, shady parks, earthquake, artificial lakes, reconstruction, climate,

architecture, continental, pride, dry, station, long, look like, short, underground palaces, industrial city, attract, attention.

E x e r c i s e 2. Answer the following questions according to the text «My capital».
1. What kind of city is Tashkent? 2. What area does Tashkent take up? 3. What is the climate of Tashkent? 4. How is the capital of Uzbekistan often called? 5. What
can you say about the earthquake of April, 1966 and the reconstruction of the city? 6. How does Tashkent metro look like? 7. How has Tashkent changed after the
Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Uzbek.

1. I can’t speak English. 2. Can she take your book? - Yes, she can. 3. Karim cannopt translate this text. 4. He can repair his tape-recorder himself. 5. We can do this work in time. 6. Can I take your pen? — Yes, you can. 7. Lola can help her mother. 8. It may rain today.


Lesson 14

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