Sept/Oct 2013 Aff: Emphasis on Democratic Procedure Page 24 of 104 CV upholds democratic ideals, e.g. more clean and equitable campaigning, DAT “The Case for Compulsory Voting in the United States Harvard Law Review, Vol. 121:591. 2007. Web. In addition to the direct effect of
compulsory voting on turnout, there are also several indirect benefits. First, compulsory voting would reduce the role of money in politics. Political parties would not spend as much money on their get-out-the-vote efforts since high turnout would already be ensured and would be fairly inelastic Some of the get-out-the-vote money could be shifted to other
forms of campaign spending, but not all of it.
A significant amount of spending on getting out the vote comes from groups known ass (a reference to the tax code) and nonpartisan groups that are not subject to campaign finance laws. These groups are Share with your friends: