General assembly thirty-sixth regular session santo domingo, dominican republic


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AG/DEC. 47 (XXXVI-O/06)


(Adopted at the second plenary session, held on June 5, 2006)

HAVING LEARNED of the widespread and peaceful turnout of the Peruvian people for their general elections; and
CONSIDERING that one of the essential elements of representative democracy in accessing and exercising power in accordance with the rule of law is the holding of free and impartial periodic elections by secret ballot and universal suffrage, as an expression of the people’s sovereignty and in accordance with the provisions of the Inter-American Democratic Charter,

  1. Its congratulations to the Peruvian people for the electoral process, which was conducted with full respect for the will of the people and in accordance with Peru’s Constitution and laws.

  1. Its appreciation for the work of the electoral observation mission of the Organization of American States, headed by Lloyd Axworthy and Rafael Bielsa.

  1. Its gratitude to the states that contributed to this electoral observation mission.

AG/DEC. 48 (XXXVI-O/06)


(Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 6, 2006)

CONSIDERING its repeated statements that the Question of the Malvinas Islands is a matter of enduring hemispheric concern;
RECALLING its resolution AG/RES. 928 (XVIII-O/88), adopted by consensus on November 19, 1988, in which it requested the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to resume negotiations in order to find, as soon as possible, a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute;
BEARING IN MIND that, in its resolution AG/RES. 1049 (XX-O/90), it expressed its satisfaction over the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries and that, in its declaration AG/DEC. 5 (XXIII-O/93), it emphasized the excellent state achieved in their bilateral relations;
RECOGNIZING that the accreditation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, under resolution CP/RES. 655 (1041/95), as a permanent observer to the Organization of American States reflects principles and values shared by that country and OAS member states, which facilitate greater mutual understanding;
NOTING with satisfaction that the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland continue to reinforce political, trade, and cultural ties, and are also engaging in close cooperation, both bilaterally and in international forums; and
HAVING HEARD the presentation by the head of delegation of the Argentine Republic,
WELCOMES the reaffirmation of the will of the Argentine Government to continue exploring all possible avenues towards a peaceful settlement of the dispute and its constructive approach towards the inhabitants of the Malvinas Islands.
REAFFIRMS the need for the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to begin, as soon as possible, negotiations on the sovereignty dispute, in order to find a peaceful solution to this protracted controversy.
DECIDES to continue to examine the Question of the Malvinas Islands at its subsequent sessions until a definitive settlement has been reached thereon.

AG/DEC. 49 (XXXVI-O/06)


(Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 6, 2006)

The General Assembly,
That the origins of the Inter-American Juridical Committee go back to the Third International Conference of American States, which, on August 23, 1906, established the International Commission of Jurists; that body was replaced by the Inter-American Neutrality Committee, made up of the First Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, held in September and October 1939, and, by a resolution of the Third Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, held in 1942, became known as the Inter-American Juridical Committee; it was thus included in the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1948 as the permanent committee of the Inter-American Council of Jurists and later, under the 1967 Buenos Aires Protocol, as a main body of the OAS;
That, pursuant to its mandates, the Inter-American Juridical Committee and its predecessors, in consultative bodies of the inter-American system on legal affairs, have done important work on the codification and progressive development of international law in the Hemisphere, thereby contributing to the unique legal tradition that distinguishes the Americas in the international community;
That the unique legal tradition of the Americas is reflected in the Declaration of Panama on the Inter-American Contribution to the Development and Codification of International Law, adopted by the OAS General Assembly on June 5, 1996; and
That, for the same reason, the centennial commemoration of the work of the Inter-American Juridical Committee is an opportunity to highlight the leading role it has played in international law,
1. That 2006 is the year for commemoration of the centennial of the Inter-American Juridical Committee.
2. Its satisfaction with the efforts carried out by the Inter-American Juridical Committee in the sphere of private international law, which, through the codification of international juridical norms and the harmonization of legislation, have culminated in the signing of treaties and the adoption of model laws on a wide variety of topics.
3. Its satisfaction with the valuable contribution of the Inter-American Juridical Committee to the progressive development and codification of international law in fields such as the right to asylum, human rights, indigenous peoples, the peaceful settlement of disputes, collective security, the law of the sea, the struggle against terrorism, corruption, and the illicit traffic in narcotics and drugs.
4. Its recognition of the century of work of the Inter-American Juridical Committee as a consultative organ of the Organization of American States (OAS) in preparing draft conventions and proposing model laws, which are reflected in resolutions, legal opinions, reports and other documents, including its annual reports and, in particular, the Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee to the General Assembly (CP/doc.4080/06 corr. 1).
5. That it invites the Inter-American Juridical Committee to present to the OAS Permanent Council its points of view on the general principles of law that form the legal basis of the inter-American system.

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