General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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BIANUCCI Piero, Tolomeo sperimentale, ricostruzione del planetario ideato nel 1364 da Giovanni Dondi, La Stampa, 6-5-1987

BIASUZ, G., La meridiana di Campogiorgio, in "El Campanon", Feltre, n. 18, 1974.

Bidlingmaier, F. (1925) Der Doppelkompaß, seine Theorie und Praxis. Dt. Südplarexpedition 1901-1903, B.5, T.1 Berlin

BIEDA, David (Collator), The Seven Dials, Erected 1694, Removed 1773, Reconstructed 1988-9. 55 pages, not paginated, profusely illustrated. Paper covers. London, 1989. 29-5 x 21 cm (A4). A potpourri of the history and events leading up to the restoration of the Seven Dials Monument. Unfortunately the various contributors are not shown at the start of the individual articles, in separate list only without giving credit.

BIEDA, David. Editor of The Seven Dials, Erected 1694, removed 1773, Reconstructed 1988-9. A 48 page booklet, stated to be over 100 pages in one advertisement, containing a gallimaufry of articles by various authors. London 1988.

He also wrote a letter on the subject of the Seven Dials Monument, which was published in Antiquarian Horology, Volume 17, No 5, Page 507, Autumn 1988. See entry under Antiquarian Horology in this Listing. The Editor of Antiquarian Horology repeated the old wives' fable about the mob pulling the column down. The true story is given in The Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser, Number 1279, in the news for Monday 28, Tuesday 29 June and Saturday 10 July 1773; the Paving Commissioners were responsible.

BIERENS DE HAAN, J A. Bibliographie Neerlandaise historique-scientifique des ouvrages important dont les authors sont nés aux 16e, 17e, et 18e siecles sur les sciences mathematiques et physiques, avec leurs applications, Rome, 1883. Reprinted by Nieuwkoop, 1960.

BIERUM, Henric. Korte, klare en Grondige verhandelinge, waer in aen-geweeson wort hoe men door de snijdinge van en Eevenwijdt-Grondt op alle Platte Vlacken sonne-wijsers beschriven kan. (Short, clear instructions ... in which all kinds of sundials are described). Groningen 1676.

Biesta, Jean (1770) Pendule suspendue dans sa boite peut toujours aller bien qu’on l’incline meme considérablement Mem., Paris.

BIESTA, Jean. “Cadran d’equation”. (Equation dial). MÐmoire AcadÐmie des Sciences. Paris, 1770.

Bigalke, Hans-Günther (1984) Kugelgeometrie. Sauerländer,

Bigalke, Hans-Günther und Heinrich Wippermann (1993) Reguläre Parkettierungen mit Anwednungen in Kristallographie, Industrie, Baugewerbe, Design und Kunst. BI Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim Leipzig Wien Zürich.

BIGARDO, Ariele, Quaestiones Novae in Libellum de Sphaera Ioannis de Sacro Bosco, Paris, 1552.

BIGGAR, FJ. "The Sundial at Bangor, County Down". Ulster Journal of Archeology, Volume VII, pages 1901.

BIGGER, Francis Joseph. The Sun-Dial at Bangor, County Down. Ulster Journal of Archeaeology, VII, pp 161-165, 1907.

BIGOURDAN C., Gnomonique ou traité théorique et pratique de la construction des Cadrans Solaires, Ed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1956

BIGOURDAN Guillaume. avec BERTRAND-CHAUVE, La question du calendrier, Paris, 1920

BIGOURDAN Guillaume., Les cadrans solaires, in Ann. Bureau Long., 1920

BIGOURDAN Guillaume, Les cadrans solaires (estratto), in 24, 49 pp. (numerate da 252 a 300), 98 figg. nel testo. 1922

BIGOURDAN, C G. Gnomonique ou traite theorique et pratique de la construction des cadrans solaires suive des tables auxilaires relatives aux cadrans et au calendriers, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1956. A work of 215 pages, this is a new impression of the original book published in 1922. One of the most elegant of 20th century dialling works.

BIJLAGE: Aanmelding voor excursie Rupelmonde, Belgie. Zonnewijzerkring 96.2.

BIJLAGE: Aanmeldingsformulier vor de excursie op 18 Juni 1994. Zonnewijzerkring 94.2.

BIJLAGE: Algemeen/ ledenlijst/ In Memoriam Dr J Houtgast. Zonnewijzerkring 83.1, pp 733-734.

BIJLAGE: Algemene mededelingen. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, p 834.

BIJLAGE: Annonce vergadering. Vereniging De Zonnewijzerkring. In Memoriam J. Rietberg. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, p 833.

BIJLAGE: Een nabespreking over de tentoonstellingen. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, pp 836-838.

BIJLAGE: Eerste Lustrum - 1983. Een woord van de voorzitter. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, p 835

BIJLAGE: Financieel overzicht 1983. Zonnewijzerkring 84.1, p 105.

BIJLAGE: Formulier vor het beschrijven van een zonnewijzer. Zonnewijzerkring 85.4.

BIJLAGE: Het eerste lustrum; verslag van de secretaris. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, pp 839-843.

BIJLAGE: Inhoiudsopgave bulletin 90.2-91.3. Zonnewijzerkring 92.3.

BIJLAGE: Inschrijfformulier voor zomerexcursie op zaterdag 21 Juni 1997.

BIJLAGE: Kroniek 1981 bvan de secretaris. Zonnewijzerkring 84.1, pp 106-107.

BIJLAGE: Ledenlijst maart 1983/ Inhoudsopgave bulletins/ kopie van vouwblad over de kring. Zonnewijzerkring 83.2, p 834.

BIJLAGE: Ledenlijst maart 1986. Zonnewijzerkring 86.1.

BIJLAGE: Ledenlijst. Divers Berichtjes op blz 2, 8 en 30. Zonnewijzerkring 96.3.

BIJLAGE: LEHR, André. Mededelingen. Excursie, Ledenlijst, enz. Zonnewijzerkring 82.2, p 551.

BIJLAGE: LEHR, André. Overdruk van “Oosteurpese tijd in West-Europa” (Lit no 423) uit Intermediair Oct 1981. Dr H ten Kate. - prospectus “De Geschiedenis van het Astronomisch Kunstuurwerk” (Lit no 408). Zonnewijzerkring 82.1.

BIJLAGE: LEHR, André. Verslag an de vergadering van 20 Maart 1982. Zonnewijzerkring 82.2, p 552.

BIJLAGE: Nocturnaal, naar ontwerp van F J de Vries, door computer getekend. En weer wat confetti door alles heen ... Zonnewijzerkring 86.3.

BIJLAGE: Openingsrede van Prof Dr F van der Blij. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, pp 844-847.

BIJLAGE: Oplossing van vroegere raadseltjes. Zonnewijzerkring 84.1, p 104.

BIJLAGE: Oproep algemene vergadering 17 March 1984. Diversen. Domburg wandelt.Zonnewijzerkring 84.1, pp 101-103.

BIJLAGE: rose, 3 vel met Verzamelede Inhoud van alle bulletins.

BIJLAGE: Tabel Tijdverseffening en delinatie 1984. Zonnewijzerkring 83.4.

BIJLAGE: Tabel voor tijdvereffening en declinatie voor 1992. Th J De Vries. Museumtijdschrift nummer 9, 1990, uitgave van Goud-, Zilver- en Klokkenmuseum in Schoonhoven, special gewijd aan zonnewijzers.

BIJLAGE: Verslag van de bijeenkomst op 25 September 1982. Zonnewijzerkring 83.1, pp 735-737.

BIJLAGE: Verslag van de excursie naar Brussel op 4 Feb 1984. De Tijdmeting.

BIJLAGE: volledige ledenlijst per 1 April. Zonnewijzerkring 82.2, p 614.

BIJLAGE: Algemeen/ Ledenlijst/ Jaarverslagen. Zonnewijzerkring 83.2, pp 791-792.

BIJLAGE: TabeL van tijdsvereffening en declinatie voor 1981. Zonnewijzerkring 83.1.

BIJLAGEN: Verzamelde inhoud bulletin 84.1 tem 85.2

BIJLAGEN: Algemeen - Agenda - MET en MET* - Ledenlijst - . Zonnewijzerkring 83.4, pp 871-872.

BIJLAGEN: Het kwadrant naar Gunter, naar tekening van F J de Vries. Equatio Temporia, gedrukt voor Bvd Cloesen (±1750) - Bulletin van de Stichting Oude Hollandse Kerken, no 12, met artikel “Zonnewijzers aan Hollandse Kerken” door Hagen. Zonnewijzerkring 81.3.

BIJLAGEN: Het nocturnal. Verzamelde inhoud bulletins 24- 28. Ledenlijst per 20.2.87. Zonnewijzerkring 87.1.

BIJLAGEN: Maandkalendar (blz 118) en Rekenschijf. (Saphaea blz 119).

BIJLAGEN: Mutatie ledenlijst/ bestelformulieer/ Maanblad. Oud-Utrecht met artikle “Utrecht bij de tijd” M J Hagen. Zonnewijzerkring 83.3, p 870.

BIJLAGEN: Verslag van de vergadering van 24 Septemer 1983. Zonnewijzerkring 83.4, p 83-874.

BILBERG, John. A Voiage of the Late King of Sweden and another of the Mathematicians sent by him in which are discovered the Refraction of the Sun, the Variation of the Needle, Latitude of the Places in these Northern Countries. Original text in Swedish, English translator unknown. 1698. The first voyage was in 1695 when King Charles XI of Sweden voyaged to Tornea in Lapland to see for himself the 'midnight sun'. He sent a group of mathematicians on the same voyage the following year, furnishing them with two astrolabes and two pendulum clocks. The king died in 1697 and was succeeded by Charles XII who had to be declared of age to ascend the throne. The refraction effects of the sun had been known for a long time.

BILFINGER, Gustav. Antike Sundenzahlung. Programm des Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasiums in Stuttgartzum Schlusse die Schuljahrs 1882-1883, Stuttgart, not dated.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1883) Antike Stundenzählung. Programm des Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasiums

BILFINGER, Gustav (1884) Stunden bei Plato?. Korrespondenzblatt dür die Gelehrten und Realschüler (NR. 9 u. 10) S.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1886) Die Zeitmesser der antiken Völker. in: Festschrift zur Jubelfeier des Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasiums, Stuttgart.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1888) Der bürgerliche Tag. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1888) Die antiken Stundenangaben. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1888) Die babylonische Doppelstunde. Programm des Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasiums

BILFINGER, Gustav. Die Zeitrechnung der Alten Germanen. Programm des Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasiums in Stuttgart zum Schlusse die Schuljahrs 1898-1899, Stuttgart, not dated.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1892) Die mittelalterlichen Horen und die modernen Stunden. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart.

BILFINGER, Gustav (1900) Hornung. Besondere Beilage des Staatsanzeigers vom 28. August

BILFINGER, Gustav (1901) Untersuchungen über die Zeitrechnung der alten Germanen - Das germanische Jubelfest. Programm des Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasiums

Bill, R. (1983) Vermessungsarbeiten am Horologium Solarium Augusti. AVN (NR. 4) S. 147-154

BILLMEIR, J A. A Catalogue of Scientific Instruments from the 13th to the 19th Centuries. Compiled by C H Josten. 154 items described, with 16 plates. Second edition Oxford, 1955.

BILSON, John. Weaverthorpe Church, Archaeologia, Vol LXXII.

BILT, J van der. Der astronomische hemelverschijnselen. [Dutch text]. Zutphen 1933.

BINER J.M., Cadrans solaires du Valais. Editions du Manoir, Le passe retrouve IV: Sierre, 1974

Binggeser, Ulrich (1975) Beschreibung für Sonnenuhren “St Moritz und “Wappen”.

Binggeser, Ulrich (1976) Einstellehre für den vertikalen Anbau einer Sonnenuhr. Auslegeschrift (NR. 25 00 642) S. 1-2

BINI M, La misura del tempo, Atti dell’Istituto Italiano di Navigazione, gen-mar, 1987

BINI, M. Captain. "Sundials for Navigators". Reprint from Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Vol. 15, n. 4, Ottobre 1962

Binnenkort 70 jaar bij de tijd. Bulletin -iets over uitgave en copy. Zonnewijzerkring 79.1, pp 54.

BION, Nicolas, Traité de la construction et des principaux usages des instruments de mathématique. [Treatise of the construction and principal usages of mathematical instruments]. Paris, 1699. It was translated into English by E. Stone as The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments; published London, 1723 and with a supplement, London, 1758. A copy of the modern version is in the library of C. K. Aked.

BION, Nicolas. L’Usage des Globes Celestes et Terrestres, Paris, 1699.

BION, Nicolas. L’Usage des Astrolabes, Paris, 1702.

BION Nicolas., Traité de la construction et des princpiaux usages des instrumens de mathematique, Paris, J. Boudot, J. Collombat, First edition 1709. Second edition 1752. Third edition 1758, printed in Engliash from Holland Press Ltd. 500 copyes, to London, 1972.

BION Nicolas., Tractatus de constructione et praecipuis usibus instrumentorum Mathematicorum, Francuforti, Lipsiae et Norimbergae, in bibliopolio Hoffmanniano, 1712.

Bion, Nicolas (1712) Neueröffnete Mathematische Werck-Schule oder gründliche Anweisung wie die mathematischen Instrumente / nicht allein schicklich und recht zu gebrauchen / sondern auf die beste und accurateste Manier zu verfertigen / zu probieren / und alle Zeit in gutem Stand zu erhalten. Peter Conrad Monath, Nürnberg.

BION, Nicolas. Description et usage du planisphÍre nouvellement construit par le sieur Bion. (Description and use of the Planisphere newly constructed by Mr Bion). Paris, 1717

BION, Nicolas. Traité de la Construction et des Principaux Usages de Instrumens des Mathematique, The Hague, 1723.

BION, Nicolas. L’usage des Globes et des Spheres. (Use of the Globes and Spheres). Paris, 1727.

BION Nicolas., Usages des globes, Paris, 1751

BION, Nicolas. Traité de la Construction et des Principaux Usages de Instrumens des Mathematique, Paris, 1752.

Bion, Nicolas. (1758) The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments - Translated from the French by Edmund Stone.,.

BION, Nicolas. Grundliche Anweisung wie die Mathematische Instrumenten, Nuremburg, 1765.

BION Noicola., The construction and principal uses of mathematical instruments, Reprinted by The Holland Press Ltd, in 500 copies, London, 1972

BIONDO Michelangelo, Tabulae... Con l’esposition delle hore del Palladio..., 1545

BIOT, J B. Traité Elementaire d’Astronomique Physique. Date and place not known. (3 volumes).

BIOUL, de. L’Architecture de Vitruve traduite en français avec des remarques. (The architecture of Vitruvious translated into French, with remarks). Chapter VIII is on sundials. Bruxelles, 1816.

BIRD, John. The Method of Constructing Mural Quadrants, London, 1768.

BIRD, John. The method of dividing astronomical instruments. Illustrated with plates. London 1767.

BIRKENMAJER, A. Alexius Sylvius Polonius (1593-circa 1653), a little known maker of Astronomical Instruments, Vistas in Astronomy, 9: pp 11-12, Oxford, London and New York, 1967.

Birmann, Dieter (1985) Die Blutenburger Sonnenuhr. Veröff. zur Bayrischen Geschichte und Kultur; 1

Birmann, Dieter (1986) Sonnenuhren an Schlössern - Restaurierung und Rekonstruktion alter Zeitmesser. ARX S. 135-138

Birmann, Dieter (1990) Die Sonnenuhr über dem Südportal der St Wolfang-Kirche zu Pipping (München). Adolf Thurner Verlag (NR. 1) S. 80-81

Birmashofer, Reinhard (1994) Österreichs Sonnenuhren - Heitere Stunden. Die ganze Woche (NR. 31) S. 34-35

BISAYA, Guillermo de. In Cuadernos de Relogeria is mention of Guillermo de Bisaya, a silversmith of Valencia who received payment from Pedro IV for a new arrangement in an astrolabe. 1954/1961.

BISE’ Tell, (articolo sugli orologi solari del V secolo d.C.), in Syria, n° 9. Pagina 80, del 1928.

BITS, W G A. ‘t Moet uit de lengte of uit de breedte. Zonnewijzerkring 83.1, p 742.

BITS, W G A. Azimutale Vizier-zonnewijzer. Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 706-710.

BITS, W G A. Een apparaat om azimut en hoogte te meten. Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 711-714.

BITS, W G A. Polaire Zonnewijzer met recht evenwijdige datumlijnen en lineaire schaal. Zonnewijzerkring 82.4, pp 698-705.

BITS. Een motto van Philips van Lansbergen. Zonnewijzerkring 81.1, pp 327-328.

BITS. Maximum declinatie en helling van de ecliptica naar Jean Meeus. Zonnewijzerkring 81.1, pp 329-330.

BITS. Polaire zonnewijzers met lineaire schaal. Zonnewijzerkring 81.1, pp 321-326.

BLACK, W Marshall. Sun Dial, Modeltec, pp 8-16, July 1990. Mainly dealing with the making of Equatorial Dials, using etched copper scales.

Bladvulling met zonnewijzer. Oplossing vraag blz 872, Zonnewijzerkring 83.4, p 920.

BLAEU Willem, Institutio Astronomica De usu Globorum et Sphaerarum Caelestium ac Terrestrium. Amstelaedamii, 1655.

BLAEU, Guillaume. Institution Astronomique de l’Usage des Globes et Spheres, Amsterdam, 1642.

BLAEU, Guillaume. Institution Astronomique de l’Usage des Globes et Spheres, Amsterdam, 1668.

BLAEU, W J. Van de noodwendigheyt en nutticheyt der Sonnenwysers. Zonnewijzerkring, 88.3, p 329.

BLAEU, Willem Janszoon. Guilielmi Blaeu Institutio astronomica de usu globorum et sphaerarum caelestium ac terrestrium. (Willem Jansoon Blaeu's astronomical instructions for the use of the globes and celestial and terrestial spheres). Latin edition by M. Hortensio. Amstelaedami 1668.

BLAEU, Willem Janszoon. Tweevoudigh onderwijs van de Hemelsche en Aerdsche Globen, het een na de meyning van Ptolemeus met een vasten aerdkloot, het ander na de natuerlijcke stelling van N. Copernicus met een loopenden aerdkloot/beschreven door Willem J. Blaeu en gevoeght na de globen en sphaeren by hem uytgegeven. (This was a three-day discussion on the solar system as defined by Ptolemy and Copernicus). [Dutch text]. Pages 124-154 in the first section discusses sundials according to the Ptolemaic system; pages 71-88 in the second section according to the Copernican system. Amsterdam 1633. Another edition was published under the same title in 1666.

BLAGDON PHILLIPS, N D. Canadian Sundial, BSS Bulletin 94.1, February 1994, p. 37.

BLAGRAVE, John. Baculum Familiare Catholicio sive Generale, London, 1590.

BLAGRAVE, John. The Art of Dyalling in two parts.

Blagave's works are the earliest published in English and his explanations are clear and practical. He describes how to determine the meridian accurately with the aid of simple instruments. He pours scorn on the elaborate sundials showing planetary hours and aspects, ie against astrology. He suggests a multiple sundial to show the time in the principal cities of the world so, for example, should a dissenting Puritan in Reading wish to bid the Devil to choke the Pope in the midst of his meal, he would know the hour he was dining; or it would serve the purpose just as well if some silly Papist wished for a blessing. Blagrave was a mathematical teacher but was often called upon to design sundials for churches, mansions and gardens. London 1609.

BLAGRAVE, John. The Art of Dyalling in two parts.

A facsimile edition of Blagrave's work of 1609 was produced in New York. New York 1968. John Blagrave (circa 1558-1612) lived at Southcote Lodge, Swallowfield, Reading. As a young boy he was alllowed to read the mathematical books in the library of Sir William Parry. Amongst his later work he would accept commissions for the design, erection and repair of sundials. On his death-bed he gave his papers and instruments to Edward Pound. Blagrave left the text of a little pamphlet he had written a long time previously, called the "Traveller's Tablet", intended to show the uses of a pocket equinoctial dial of his devising, no copy of this has been located.

BLAGRAVE, John. The Mathematical Jewel, London, 1584.

BLAGRAVE, John. The Mathematical Jewel, London, 1613. (Bound with Blundeville’s Exercises)

BLAGRAVE, John. The Mathematicall Jewell. Shewing the making and most excellent use of a singular Instrument so called: in that it performeth with wonderful dexteritie, whatsoever is to be done either by Quadrant, Ship, Circle, Cylinder, Ring, Dyall, Horoscope, Astrolabe, Sphere, Globe, or any such like heretofore devised: yea or by most Tables commonly extant: and that generally to all Places from Pole to Pole. The 'Jewell' was a new kind of astrolabe for which Blagrave himself engraved the plates in 1584. A copy of this work may be found in the British Library, annotated by Gabriel Harvey. 1585.

BLAIR, Claude. "A Royal Compass-Dial". The Connoisseur, Pages 246-248, December 1964. This describes a portable dial made by Elias Allen. London 1964.

BLAISE J., La Gnomonique, ou Science des Cadrans, 1744

BLAISE J., La Gnomonique ou la Science des Cadrans, 2a edizione, paris, 1746

BLANCANUS, Josephus. Constructio Instrumenti ad Horologia Solaria Describenda, Mutinae, 1614.

BLANCANUS, Josephus. Constructio Instrumenti ad Horologia Solaria Describenda, Mutinae, 1654.

BLANCANUS, Josephus. Sphaeri Mundi, Mutinae, 1635.

BLANCHARD Raphael, Cadrans solaires du Brianconnais, estratto dal “Bulletin de la Societé d’etudes del hautesalpes, 1895

BLANCHARD, Raphael. L’Art Populaire dans les Brianconnais: Les Cadrans Solaires, N P, 1901.

BLANCHARD, Raphael. L'art populaire dans le Brinconnais: Les cadrans solaires. Paris, 1895. (Popular Art in the Briancon area: The Sundials). A second edition is in Revue d'Europe, Vol V, pp 401-445, also as a separate book. Paris, 1901.

Blätter für Technikgeschichte. (NR. 16) S. 16-43 Bobinger, Maximilian (1954) Christoph Schißler der Ältere und der Jüngere. in: Schwäbische Geschichtsquellen und Forschungen, Basel und Augsburg.

BLEKER, G den. Analemmatische Zonnewijzer bij school De Triangel. Zonnewijzerkring 94.3, pp 10-13.

BLEKER, G den. Bijzondere, dubbele hybride. Zonnewijzerkring, 95.2. p 15

BLEKER, G den. Het zonnewijzer ABC. Zonnewijzerkring 93.3, pp 26-27.

BLEKER, G den. Het zonnewijzer ABC. Zonnewijzerkring 94.1, pp 30-31.

BLEKER, G den. Het Zonnewijzer ABC. Zonnewijzerkring 94.3, pp 14-15.

BLEKER, G den. Het zonnewijzer ABC. Zonnewijzerkring 94.4, pp 31-33.

BLEKER, G den. Kubus met 5 analemmatische zonnewijzers. Zonnewijzerkring, 95.2. p 19.

BLEKER, G den. Universeel zonnewijzer model. Zonnewijzerkring, 95.1. pp 29-31.

BLEKER, G den. Van niets tot iets. Zonnewijzerkring 92.1, pp 14-17.

BLOME, R. The Gentleman’s Recreations, London, 1710.

BLOME, Richard. “Dyalling”. An article reprinted from The Gentleman’s Recreations. It consists of eight pages, 1 plate, and 12 figures. London, c. 1690.

BLOME, Richard. Horology or Dialling. London 1690. Richard Blome employed various impecunious writers to produce texts for him and placed his own name on the books, some of his publications being of very poor quality. Anthony _ Wood was very scathing in his remarks on Blome.

BLONDEL F., La storia del Calendario Romano. Rovereto, 1747

BLONDO, Michael Angelo. Tabulae Annuae de Anticipatione Stellarum Fixarum, Rome, 1544.

BLOU(D) Gabriel, Usage de l’horloge ou cadran azimutal, Dieppe, 1667

BLOXHAM, J M. Patent Meridian Instrument, British Patent No 1793 of 1843, the forerunner of the Dipleidoscope made by E J Dent. Bloxham sold the patent to Dent as he was a practis-ing lawyer and was not expected to be in trade. See the Dent entries for further information, also BSS Bulletin, High Noon, pp 21-24, giving a full account of the Dipleidoscope, together with the history of its evolution.

BLUNDEVILLE, Thomas. Mr Blundeville His Exercises, London, 1613.

BO G.C., Bussola, sestante e voglia di avventura, La Stampa, 26 - 8 1987

BOAD, Henry. Artium principium: or the knowledge of the first principles of mathematics made easy. Colchester 1733. Henry Boad was a mathematical teacher who included the use of mathematical instruments and dialling in his courses and book. The only reference to him is in Grave's Library Catalogue.

BOARI, Gastono D. Sistema di scanavacca ... Bariceila 1832.

BOBIN M., Le cadran solaire équatorial de precision Helios, Annales francaises de Chronométrie 9, p. 69-74.

BOBINGER, Maximilian, Alt-Augsburger Kompassmacher. (Old Augsburg Compass Makers). This was the term for the sundial makers who incorporated a magnetic compass into the dials for orientation. Augsburg, 1966.

BOBINGER, Maximilian, Christoph Schissler der Altere und der Jungere. (Christopher Schissler the Elder and the Younger). Augsburg 1954.

BOBINGER, Maximilian. "Equinoctial Sun-Dials from Augsburg". Sefunim, Volume II, Pages 63-69, 1967-8.

BOBYNET Pierre, L’Orographie Curieuse. Contenant diverses methodes nouvelles et Generales: pour faire promptement, justement et facilement toutes sortes d’Horloges et Cadrans..., Le Flèche, 1644 (riedito nel 1647, 1665, 1680, 1688, 1690).

BOBYNET Pierre, Le Cadran des Cadrans Universel et tres commode. Pour faire par tout, les Heures du Jour et de la Nuit et pou faire sur les plans toutes sortes de Cadrans, Paris, 1649 (riedito nel 1654, 1655, 1664, 1677).

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